Protest the SJW Oscars by Watching me Take a Bubble Bath
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amusing. have a bump
confirmed better than oscars
OP you're a faggot but tonight it's OK. Smoke a joint why don't you?
Needs more bubbles.
The dripping water, the soothing music, the candles, while protesting the oscar cucks at the same time.
Looks quite comfy indeed.
wtf, the dude fell asleep and is slowy drowing now? Whats happening?
The best thread we've had in a while
Never mind. He resurfaced. But the lights literally turned off just moments ago... a caugh could be heard in the darkness after that.
Literally better then all that hollywood crap and i ain't kidding.
Awesome but post a thread on /bant/ and then link it here in case this thread gets pruned
We lost visuals and he's making whale noises. Best op
this is getting spoopy....
Will this become a full download when it's done?
I wanna see this in full, bath boy
g- guys... whats happening in the darkness? I'm getting anxious
Ops dead
Were a bunch of grown autists watch an autist take a bath and make noise...........
this is more riveting than any movie i've seen in ten years i'm a writer and i literally can't predict his character arc
Is the water even warm anymore?
Nah bro, the light just went on again! OP is still alive... i wonder if he himself heard the spooky wolves and ghosts? What does it mean? What does OP have in store for us?
This stuff is what really deserves an oscar.
life is just a dream you know its never ending
Bump. Get this trending.
kek, it's funny cus its true.
how bout not watching either. until now i knew either was taking place.
Really comfy user
Did you fucking see that h
oh shit why didnt he finish his post? was he abducted midpost?
HOLY FUCK! A beautiful piece of angelic music starts playing and and a hand reaches down and hands him a glass of wine. There is so much depth to this story... the atmosphere is just amazing.
>those beady eyes
This is beautiful.
Sure did, the hand reached down again just moments ago. Might it be the hand of that ghost we heard earlier when the lights went off?
Absolute state of western male
It's almost like Very Normal Activity!
creepy as fuck
is he watching the camera?
bump bump
This man is a TRUE ALPHA, so i want you to do something better before you insult him you MONKEY!
>angelic music
>soft candle light
>peace and contemplation
>black gloved hand enters scene
>gives wine (intoxication, excess)
>makes man extinguish candle
>takes penitent's only possession
what does it all mean?
Guys he is gonna get hypothermia...
this is deeper than the JQ
literally hitler
this is pretty relaxing
Calm down, mutt.
this is pretty good
This is really an incredible work of art... i think the protagonist in the tub represents consciousness that seeks to actualize itself. It's sparked into action by his surroundings.
Notice how the hand keeps popping up whenever he's been laying around in statis for a while. It's like it is pushim him to actualize.
The spooky noises we heard about an hour ago were a strong indication of that imho.
>tfw he isn't using product from Lush for his bath
>tfw I bought a chick stuff from Lush and she never sucked my dick
feels bad man
Honest advertisement;
Product is bathing
See this leftists? How does it feel to see we have art too now?
I never thought I'd be sitting in my room watching a man take a bubble bath on a sunday night, yet here I am.
Better than my night. Called my ex, because we hadn't chatted in 5 months.
>can't really talk right now driving back from fun trip with someone else.
She's your Ex for a reason, m8. Don't fucking call that THOT. You fucking dolt.
An allready lit candle being also lit from the bottom... might it stand representative of the snake eating itself, i.e. infinity... creation, subtraction, creation?
Deep, deep stuff
Yea dud don't call her. Move on. Don't let your mind wander. If she was having a great time she's wouldn't have responded to you.
It was a looooonnnnnggg time ago, we spent more time as actually friends after we dated than dating. Still fucking sucks. Also she was a bit of a loon.
This is a pretty good time. Will Sup Forums meme this after it's over?
big if true
Lmao the banana
There's better things I could be doing right now.
I don't want to stop watching though.
>A fucking wig
OP came prepared with a bath time kit
No there aren't
Me neither
it's not just a wig... it's him trying to self-actualize while the void keeps calling out to him... to rejoin its warm bubbly waters.
And the light shineth in the darkness and the darkness comprehended it not.
nice finale but that Sopranos ending sucked
The shape of water. What a fitting ending.
Good night, sweet prince.
Greatest thread I have witnessed in a long time
its over now, why
Two candles were extinguished in the water, then re-lit with the other candles.
Perhaps the candles represent white nations, in their glowing beauty, being drawn in by the deceptively warm lies of the jews, and being made dark as a result. But with the help of the surviving white nations, the dark ones are re-ignited.
interesting concept. What would the black hand symbolize in your scenario?
Didn't really think of that, I was fixated on him playing with the candles. What might you make of it?
OP is a legend
Keep in mind that the mysterious black hand tried to intoxicate the protagonist on several occasions, offering him wine. If the water stands representative for the enemy within, could we then say they the hand stands for external influences, working in conjuncture with the water? The hand might very well symbolize multiculturalism, ultra-egalitarianism, etc.
It seems to me that water and hand share a symbiotic relationship.
So the hand could be seen as the jews, and the water as islam?
Op saved the full stream!
Lol, you know what i just realised... this is exactly what liberals do with their precious modern art; just do something and generate a lot of hot verbal air around it.
How do these folks take themselves serious?
I think that's the lesson we can all draw from this tread.
No, wait, that's wrong. The water isn't Islam, it's the left wing.