Italy Sup Forums Death to Naples edition
are we going to win?
Can somebody brief me?
We are winning.
Just have to strike a bit more.
Victory is near
>OP fucked up
What is this shit
I cant wait to go salt mining when/if PD drops below 20%
Shit thread, how can you have /italy/pol without the pasta?
Choke on glass Amerimutt
>blank op
Post your province results faggots
press d to DUCE! DUCE!
Who are we shilling for?
A few years ago, there was this Italian guy who came into a bar in my town. He was running his mouth about how Italy are "the greatest country in the world" and just disparaging the U.S. in general. Nobody was paying attention to him, but he got really drunk and literally started saying "Fuck America, this place is a shithole". The beating he got was so bad...I didn't take part in it and actually left right after because I knew the police were on the way...but it was really bad. He wasn't getting up.
shit thread, fuck off kid sage
> near
12.281 / 61.401
You can do it!
Why is op blank?
Nice 22
Why Naples? The whole Southern Italy voted M5S. I wonder who is behind this post ...
Centrodestra. View results here:
Refresh periodically.
>look up the local results
>lega is below M5S
should I kill myself lads
So the winning party only needs 40% of the votes
who won?
moreeee ghesboro tiocà da dove sito
Cool story bro
looks like m5s
>risk of being run by comedians
>just had to throw in a star wars reference
been a lot of shills trying to cause disunity among italians on here today. i know the south and north dont get along but something seems off a bout the constant "death to naples" spamming
Join server fags
>visit venice with the gf
>most beautiful place i have ever seen
>ride canals past god-tier cathedrals
>settlle in
>decide to grab some food
>walking through streets
>south asians everywhere trying to sell me shit
>literally have to stop being polite and tell them to fuck off
>hammer and sickle graffiti everywhere
>stickers everywhere reading 'tourists out, refugees in'
is this a recent thing? i was pretty heartbroken tbqh
Calabria voted 5 star and then Lega. I am surprised by that.
Snowflake parties.
If there was ever a grill who made me want to betray my race, it would be Anchovy. For the love of God every fiber of my being wants to protecc her.
Yes, it became a dysneyland of sorts and some of the old residents can't even afford rent anymore, most houses are empty through most of the year and some of the natives are even resorting to squatting so they don't have to move to the mainland.
imagine a throbbing BBC going in and out of her tight little pussy
let's see how cucked is italy with pic related:
> sud tirol voted PD - the eternal kraut
> bologna/florence voted PD - typical leftist dystopia
> rest of center-north voted Lega/destra
> south and cucked sardinia voted m5s completely, just because voting for salvini makes them feel cucked. r
eally pathetic south, unbelievable.
>just because voting for salvini makes them feel cucked
while not agreeing, it makes perfect sense for them to feel that way
no it doesnt, enemy of my enemy is my friend.
but they are just too narrow minded to see that
>enemy of my enemy is my friend.
you have to convince them that enemy is not also still their enemy though
>but they are just too narrow minded to see that
Dude, half the Lega is still brimmed with separatists who consider southerners subhuman. Hopefully this electoral success helps Salvini clean them out from the party, but you can't blame southerners of being diffident
>you have to convince them that enemy is not also still their enemy though
i think lega didnt do enough work to clear their name indeed. many people didnt even hear they rebranded and changed their mission.
He didn't need to, the plan was Berlusconi securing the South as he had before. He failed at doing that and that's why the M5S grew there, since Forza Italia thought they had the election in their pocket since the Sicilian victory.
sicily is completely m5s even now.
both sicilia 1 and sicilia 2
Yeah, everybody thinks MS5 achieved something great, but the truth is they had literally no competition, Renzi and Berlusconi have done their time and have killed themselves politically.
If Lega can becoma a national party M5S will get absolutely BTFO next time.
We basically won already.
Statistically speaking, there is almost no difference between 10k and 60k samples. Screencap the percentages now and compare them to the final percentages, and I guarantee you big parties will be at most 1% off.
Southern leeches voted m5s for universal basic income.
So there will be millions of boatloads more of niggers and other "refugees". Oh well, good night europe.
Why are they voting some parties that represent "Italians in South America"
Why not just vote some real, likely to win party?
And what is even the need for not one, but two parties like these in the first place?
also as soon as the centre-left get their shit together M5S will be done for (although I wouldn't count on that ever happening because the centre-left is retarded)
Because they ignore Italian nationals abroad and think those are easy constituents, so they just ignore it and only return during elections.
I love how they say that m5s is nothing, but it just steamrolled any other individual party by at least 10 points
>muh literally no competition
get the fuck outta here
The only competition was a decrepit Berlusconi and a cucked Renzi. So yeah.
nice lack of arguments cuck
Lack of arguments? Your arguments are complete bullshit, m5s is in a steady rise since a decade, beaten an entire coalition alone but I'll just ignore it because it was a bunch of useless parties and it came five point of distance of that vote grabbing patchwork that was the center right coalition, and it was running alone; left and right stated that m5s gonna decline at least four times in the past and they were always wrong and you still believe thay all those votes they get are just against the other parties? Gimme a fuckin break
If M5 and Lega are both supposed to be anti establishment why are people hating on M5
Right-wing coalition is winning with 37% but the south is a bunch of cucks who voted M5S so getting 40% will be hard.
>beaten an entire coalition alone
in the north it got BTFO so no, they didn't beat shit, they only beat Forza Italia and PD
> left and right stated that m5s gonna decline at least four times in the past and they were always wrong and you still believe thay all those votes they get are just against the other parties?
They got their votes because PD cucked us against Brussels and Berlusconi is a senile old man that can barely function. How you think winning against those parties is some kind of accomplishment just shows how fucking retarded you are, cuckboi
How long left?
>B-b-but muh nord, cuckboy
Then tell me, how far is lega alone from m5s in the whole goddamn country?
didn't expect that
>Steso coegio
Ndo stało?
MS5 doesn't stand for anything. It only exists because Italians like to virtue signal about how they hate the government. Kinda like the US Libertarian party
You don't get it, do you? In the North where Lega was the competition for M5S they got annihilated. The only reason they didn't get annihilated in the south is because Lega didn't have a foothold there, it was Berlusconi's and Renzi's failure that gave you those votes. This perfect storm will never happen again, next time either Lega (they already got a shitload of votes for being the first time they showed up) or another centrist party with time to re-organize will BTFO you. Enjoy it while it lasts
I think Italy likes them.
C-can I post hometown's province?
Ashamed of Belgium expats results
>leftists journalists already saying we should give the government to the 5 Soros because "they are not against Europe anymore, they are good goys now"
My fuckin god, these guys, it's like watching leftist yanks being salty about trump and whining that he won just because muh bernie/third parties/russia were in the way and all the votes he got were just against hillary
>hurr durr muh hackers is totally the same as the self-evident facts you presented to me so I'll just call you a leftist
pathetic brainlet
Regarding the most important factor of the Italian elections:
Where the hell is that famed picture of Ruby Hearthstealer over Berlusconi's desk?
the absolute state of cucked south italy/islands
>you brainlet
Are you fuckin serious? I'm not calling you a leftist you moron, I'm saying that you're just searching for excuses and completely ignoring the fuckin behemoth that m5s became, got it?
Fucking Terroni Traitors