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great soundtrack.
dude star wars has been BTFO ever since vader said luke was his son or what ever shit was a one hit wonder
this, that franchise was a lame duck which is why Lucas sold it. If it had any potential remaining he would have held onto it and milked that.
Its only potential was to become exactly what Disney turned it into; shovel flicks for retards. It has no merit as a genuine franchise anymore and hasnt for decades.
>tfw BR2049 still won't get all the awards it deserves
Dunkirk was good though.
Wait what, they actually acknowledged a serious science fiction film that was faithful to its 80s prequel without being derivative and didnt push any obvious diversity agenda?
I'm actually shocked, Blade Runner 2049 was a genuinely good movie... Except where Robot man loses his holographic robot waifu ;_;
If you give a shit about the Oscars and actually saw this gay movie you need to kill yourself, pozzed manchild
Wins what?
that was just a dream sequence
I think it helped push the obvious wiafu agenda.
Honestly they deserve it
This overrated piece of shit won an Oscar? Goddanmit, fuck reddit, Sup Forums, and their shit taste.
It was a good franchise when all they had was the Expanded Universe with the books and X-wing vs TIE fighter games.
Now it's just money shoveling trash
honestly, you're a tasteless retard
2049 at best is an insult to Blade Runner
rly, at least consider a vasectomy
You mean rewarded a movie where robot jesus is literally a woman?
>reeeee stop liking what I don't like
No you are just a faggot
>that one nigger in that one scene standing in line
Almost ruined the whole movie
through and through, 2049 aims at soiling Blade Runner, same as what ballbusters aimed at doing to Ghostbusters
if you enjoyed that utter niggery, rather go to Sup Forums with the other tasteless fuckwits
>bollywood streetshitter enjoyed that 2049 niggery
makes sense
another oscar for blade runner
As far as sequels go, it wasn't too bad. At least we didn't have someone willingly breach containment, and fuck over everyone else, like in the new Alien movie.
i agree
star wars the og soyboy toy collector shit
Wish Ridley Scott would've directed it.
It's arguably better than the first one. The first one had shit pacing and wasn't well-structured at all. It's only remembered for its interesting setting and Hauer's extremely overrated monologue at the end.
>muh nostalgia
I literally watched them back-to-back less than three days ago and the second is significantly better in terms of plot, pacing, and characters.
>It's arguably better than the first one
kill yourself
I mean yeah Deckards child with a replicant turns out to be a daughter and not K like you think all along but I never really got any gender politics vibes like I do from Current Year movies
Why care about mainstream satanist meeting?
>taste less
You're a faggot it was one of the best movie in the last few years
Whats wrong with it exactly? Gosling is good as the lead, his holographic girlfriend storyline is both sad and bittersweet, the plot makes sense, it brings back Harrison for a role that isn't just an insulting extended cameo like it was for Star Wars, the VFX are fantastic.
If anything my only complaint is I was really hoping to get a glimpse of what the off world colonies look like
Explain why it is better, Achmed. It's a B-grade 80s movie at best.
compared to your streetshitter production, possibly
compared to such actually great things as Union Furnace or Night Crawler, lol no
Mark hamill hates the new star wars
What did it win?
relax frog.
shat in photoshop
Really now, come on, there's no comparison with Ghostbusters, that was "rebooting" a franchise while gender bending solely for the sake of stickin it to those fuckin white men, it had shit humor and didn't ever understand the tight rope the original walked between comedy and horror genres. Not to mention the piss awful insulting intentionally politicized advertisement.
Blade Runner 2049 has direct continuity with the original, has some of the original cast back in their aged original roles, and has an original story that ties in somewhat tangentially with the first movie
>Metal Hurlant
>young Ridley Scott
>better cinematography
>better acting all round
>better art design
everybody does
>holographic girlfriend storyline
the only redeeming thing
all the rest is worse than worthless
incredibly stupid and bland story, all males being sore betas, horrible direction (that niggering fucktard isn't even able to make a dump look messy), flailing arm tard leto side story, etc
great ambience, great direction, great story, great themes
it pretty much is perfect (not with the merry lard ending, of course)
better writing
better sound design
better vfx
>his, that franchise was a lame duck which is why Lucas sold it. If it had any potential remaining he would have held onto it and milked that.
That's bullshit, all he had to do was give the writing to Timothy Zahn
The EU is 2349823407239582340598123472304982349072340923 times better than canon. It's Lucas' own kikery that ruined his accidental masterpiece by gripping his turds so tightly.
Well not better than the first one
We are talking about English cinema frog you probably watch mainstream Bollywood trash think what Bollywood is about, one of our director got the highest civilian honour of France for his movies
>solely for the sake of stickin it to those fuckin white men
if you don't see 2049 is all about that, you're an idiot
I mean post prequels you're right, but the prequels never should have been either ofc.
>you probably watch mainstream Bollywood
oh, I have standards
I don't watch bollywood at all
Unironically kill yourselves. First one was perfect, there wasn't any reason to make another, hollyjew needs to make original shit for a change instead of just ruining classics
Kek look at this bitter tryhard. Holy shit, you are trying as hard as you can all over this thread. Embarrassing!
>Blade Runner 2049 has direct continuity with the original, has some of the original cast back in their aged original roles, and has an original story that ties in somewhat tangentially with the first movie
Fucking this, don't bother responding to a toothpaste troll about it.
They're too dumb to appreciate actual science fiction anyway. It's a miracle the Oscars awards people were through all the propaganda pressure.
>great soundtrack
The movie depicts materialism and feminism in the dirty light it is. Here, women are sex objects, femme fatale or barren corporate bosses.
Child rearing has become a soulless factory to produce workers devoid role models. The hero, rejecting this, has turned to fiction. Seeking the feminine love he never had, he loses himself in an idea made to please, but devoid a soul. Society, depicted as the villain-replicant destroys this ideal, forcing him to recognize it's emptiness through the advertisement, and confront society head on.
He sacrifices himself to give others like himself, the replicants, the moral people, the chance to live free, rejecting this evil society.
Their morality is symbolized with the depiction of the father and daughter, and their declaration of humanity through giving birth.
>great ambience, great direction, great story, great themes
2049 had all of that lmao. The first Blade Runner had shit direction. It consisted of Deckard basically just stumbling around and bumping into replicants.
>it pretty much is perfect
Objectively not. It had many flaws. Pacing in particular was a problem as well as cliche shit like slow motion shooting, 80s saxophone music, and inexplicable love development.
Ford is literally a Jew whereas Gosling is a White man. You're literally saying you prefer a Jewish lead instead of a White male.
>all males being sore betas
>the fertile womyn will save Mankind
>being a Nexus isn't about being more Human than Humans anymore, it's just about being a tale waving dog
>are you my daddy? I have issues, I wanna daddy
etc, you shortsighted cuck
>Gosling is a White man
I'm pretty sure he an jennifer lawrence actually just are migrating birds
as to your "tastes", they're revulsing
>Blade Runner 2049 has direct continuity with the original, has some of the original cast back in their aged original roles, and has an original story that ties in somewhat tangentially with the first movie
Even though sequels bear the burden of being ultimately derivative it broke a lot of interesting new ground and did Ridley Scott a lot of credit, both in sci fi transhumanism concepts and exploring the characters motivations. If I had one criticism it is that the villains could have been more fleshed out.
I'm not disagreeing with the award but that's just an overlay with a green screen. Nothing particularly groundbreaking.
Goslings "perfomance" is the worst acting I've ever had to sit through.
>he literally enjoys watching Jewish actors making out with White actresses
Basically a cuck.
Look how hard it projects! All of its insecurities- on display for all to see! Seems it has let that chip on its shoulder drag it so low, the persecution complex and self loathing have pervaded even the most skin-deep of pastimes. Wow!
>enjoys an apery of a great movie, just aimed at soiling all that was great in said great movie
>calls others cucks
you're one to talk
He's a toothpaste and probably here to troll right wingers. It is to be expected.
The original Blade Runner is widely recognized as one of the greatest Sci-Fi films ever made and the inspiration for many other authors and designers over the past 30 years.
Nobody will remember 2049 in a year.
Blade Runner 2049 was spectacular, everything one desires in a sci-fi movie. Visually spectacular, everything looked beautiful and futuristic.
I really don't see what there is to project
I just described that niggerwits "movie" as it is, nothing more
>2049 is right winged
the absolute state of merry lards
>Harrison for a role that isn't just an insulting extended cameo like it was for Star Wars
Yes it is
If you didn't watch bladerunner2049 and don't care about the Oscars then you are a manchild
Dunkirk was shit and won one
>Nobody will remember 2049 in a year.
people would have had to see it in the first place to forget it
Blade runner was shit you tasteless retard. Only bladerunner2049 is good. Please tell me you have cancer
First one was shit Pls tell me you have cancer
Everyone but me gotta learn this
Stop trolling right wingers
Star Wars made Lucas a multibillionaire before he ever even sold the rights
The first one was decent, but the second one was the greatest movie I have ever seen.
This is an 18+ board
>be kekistani
>tries to banter about cancer
also, s-s-s-stuttering much?
We're starting to get some serious leftist troll salt in here. Post Blade Runner salt.
>oy vey it's not right wing, why didn't you nominate Diversity Wars instead
Leftists will never into sci fi because it looks to the future and the stars instead of the diverse mud under their feet.
>greatest movie I have ever seen
Don't take this the wrong way, but are you actually watching that Oscars shit?
Rigged as fuck if blade runner 2049 didn't win, any minutes of scene can be paused and use as a wallpaper, really good looking
Let's play spot the feminism in this sc...
they even stopped being subtle and started beating you over the head with the subtext of the state of femininity in modern society when the guy with the robot eyes stabs the replicant woman in the womb
Ever think Ridley looks at someone like Joss Whedon and regrets the ground he broke in Aliens?
caring about the oscars is pretty manchild tho, seeing blade runner2049 is not manchild you're right there
watched up until about an hour ago. god damn is my blood hot. the fucking audacity to lecture us
The first three movies from the 70s and 80s were...alright. I mean they weren't anything special, but they were ok. Everything since then aside from a couple of the videogames have been total horseshit. I don't know why anyone cares.
Yeah and why does he need so many replicants for exploring planets when they obviously have extremely advanced AI that could do that work much better.
what's the connection between firefly and aliens?
wait isn't academy awards for liberals?
that's pretty aesthetic. i swore off the hollyjew, but i might have to buy this movie.
A movie that deserved to win won, I was not expecting that
Do you think the evil-replicant woman suspects that Joe might be the human-replicant hybrid, and in her final moments while drowning (incorrectly) rationalizes her defeat the cause of her being bested by someone with an actual soul?
>This scene
Filthy whores BTFO
The movie does a great job of making attractive whores look like they smell like wet dogs