Is it AOTS?

Is it AOTS?

If you don't mind the plot taking a back seat for 9 episodes, sure.

Character interactions are more entertaining than plot

Nah, female protagonists are never good.

I agree with this sentiment only if the characters have a shred of substance, which isn't the case with this how.

Probably, but it's not that it's exceptionally good, it's just that the rest of the season was very mediocre.

Dorothy is interesting and Beato was fun to have around. Plus the interactions between Ange and pretty much anyone were cool

It has some good parts, but a lot of episodes drag it down to not being more than OK. The show just turns into a really charmless SOL for large chunks. It was generally solid otherwise though.

I guess if you like bland, one dimensional characters you'd find the interactions interesting.

I would say that Beato was good, but the rest came off as really flat. You may as well watch a proper CGDCT at that point.