Why do white latin americans remain in their countries if they are such awful shitholes ?
Why do white latin americans remain in their countries if they are such awful shitholes ?
1. Some can't speak English
2. Some do like their country
3. Most people have decent lives in Latin America
Most people that leave it's because they're poor. I come from a wealthy family so living here isn't a shithole for me.
because they live in comfy "white" neighborhoods. going to the USA would in many cases be a decline in standard of living.
If you have money there are some secure places that are beautiful. You don’t have to bother with the riff raff.
Housing prices are insane in some countries due to the drug dealers tho.
Why would I go to some 1st. world country to be considered a second class citizen? I'm a 1st class citizen here and I have a remote job with some europeans so the money is more than enough to make a good living with the low prices here.
South America is only a shithole if you don't have money.
But is it worth living with shitskins?
Life is comfy here
even with all the niggers wouldn't you want to live in the usa instead
Because it's my land and I actually have a pretty good life here.
The ones that leave and try their luck are usually either the very poor or the ones with money but no sense of national pride (i.e, the cockroaches)
the shithole areas of latin america are where shit colored people live
just look around the world
everywhere where shit people are, shitholes flourish
same as it ever was
i like mexico
and i have been in the us, i really prefer mexico
minus the violence this place is a good place to live
I have a comfy life here.
well, i have lived most of my live in mexico city
a million times better than from my parents are, aryan chihuahua
your country should be nuked off the face of the earth
Basically this
I'd rather live here than risk living with a worse condition in USA.
I don't see many niggers in my neighborhood, there are more japanese than blacks
Like you wouldn't believe, 90% of the disturbing stuff you take for granted, we just don't do it.
>South America
>White people
Pick one
Do cartels mess with rich people who aren’t in drug business?
Mexico is comfy if you are not prieto.
i was under the impression that mexico was more like mad max
My city and the places I attend are 80% white. Also my family is rich so my life is pretty comfy.
>3. Most people have decent lives in Latin America
4. Doesn't sound like a shithole
>says the "cartonish culture nation" inhabitant
beeing serious burger, i think than when you are "happy" "angry" or "sad" you arent really happy angry or sad, but movies and series have made you believe that you should feel like that in x situation, you convince you feel that way in that situation, but if we were to analise your hormones we would detect almost nothing
cartonish culture
most cartels no, you have to get yourself into it to have problems, there are some exceptions, but also you have to be around showing off to become a target
a secret part of me wishes it were
in some isolated areas it is
it's only like that in certain parts of the country
Brazil has some nice places in the south. This is Pomerode, where a lot of Germans moved to during/after the world wars
I'm planning to leave, I have dual-citizenship, so I can move to Italy. The hard part is saving enough money, given that the euro is 4 times more valuable than our currency. So with an average wage it's still hard. I'm all by myself and I have a mother who depends on me, so it's not easy to save money, but I'll keep trying. I think 10k euros would be a good starting point. I always wanted to go to england, but I don't know how things will be with the brexit and all.
That's like being Black and rich in America, it doesn't matter you're still in a shithole.
Oh but I did move from my shithole country called Brazil
I can’t stand seeing shitskin Brazilians coming here though. If you have any negroid dna stay in your shithole PLEASE
is this a girl? or a sissy? i have no probems any way
i prefer 1000% times my "shithole" called mexico that the "safety" of America. Most of Illegal inmigrantion comes from the poor people from mexico. Here if you work lvery hard you can live well, and if you stay outside of the narco world you will be safe
I went to Los Angeles and San Diego and all the people there speak spanish, i hardly ever talked english because most of the guys were from latin america, its like being in Guadalajara or mexico city.
Because whites are the ruling class of those shitholes. You basically can live a pretty isolated nice life in upper-class enclaves, away from the brown masses in those countries when you're part of the castizo/criollo elites.
Well, getting a green card an citizenship in the US isn't easy you know.
I'm kinda comfy in here, if it wasn't because of the retarded sky high taxes and food being so expensive it would be prefect.
Norteño master race o no compa
Uruguay seems pretty comfy desu
So if I bought a house in Cancun or puerto Vallarta and just chilled I would be left alone ?
vallarta yes
cancun is a disaster in the making
Things are breddy good here. I have money and plenty of opportunities I wouldn't find in the 1st world.
If I had to move out, I would go to a 2nd rate place in Asia (Far East Russia/China/Mongolia) and live from land. If I have to live in the city I prefer staying here.
Can I get a rundown on
I always wanted to travel to these places, they look very beautiful and I like a lot of 60's/70's music that came out of Brazil and Argentina. Are they worth exploring, are they safe for a whiteboi like me to go outside tourist zones?
Can you tell me more about Uruguay?
I feel like out of all the Latin american countries it has the most potential to be great
>98% white
>weed legal
>gun legal
>prostitution legal
What would you say are the pros and cons? What wod you like to see be changed?
*a whiteboi with very limited Spanish/Portuguese, that is
I’m huwhite
Wouldn’t that alone make me a target lol
a god forsaken shit hole where the women have bigger penises than the "men"
basically useless
same as brazil minus the women with penises
You have to add California to Latin America now.
>If I had to move out, I would go to a 2nd rate place in Asia (Far East Russia/China/Mongolia)
Are you me?
Not from Uruguay, but the feeling I get is that we are getting tired of being just food export countries. I would like to see Brazil's industry advance, but the libertarians here think we should just shut up and buy everything from China and sell our companies to China too.
>basically useless
Your plebbit linespacing is useless, Timmy
Comfy as fuck
The governor of that province seems to have quite a bit of power, calling himself president and whatnot
>What wod you like to see be changed?
For them to behave like the nice little province they actually are
Argentina, yes, very safe, just common sense needed, no walking at night, getting in bar fights and so on. Peru is ok Lima has some crime you might get robbed but not if you just use common sense. Can't apeak for Brazil. In the country both in Argentina and Peru people are very friendly.
this isnt mexico we fucking hate crime, niggers and we have a strong police, and yes we are shitskins but with western values, so i have to repeat WE AREN'T MEXICO, NO ONE IS BEHEADED EVERY 10 MIN, i mean no one ever.
i have met mexicans whites with what i would describe discrimination complex? yea.. unbelievable in my opinion
my parents are ex-menonites
and i was raised in mexico city
never have experienced racism myself, nor beeing treated in a way that other mexicans arent
this sensation that some whites in my country have i unironically think its for bad asosiation, they feel like insults are personal while its the day to day way of communication around here anyway
behave like a mexican and you will be treated as a mexican
there are other people of chihuahua, from where my family comes, that feel better than the rest of mexicans, maybe because of its proximity with the us? but i really think that its because they feel what i described, a discrimation complex
The neoliberals will never create any industry that could rival anything in our countries, argentina tried and got almost nuked.
>worth exploring
>safe for a whiteboi like me to go outside tourist zones?
Maybe a pepper spray, but locals do that too, so you won't be out of tune.
t. triggered vermin from a useless "country"
That's what I plan to do once I retire. I had plans to go earlier and maybe fish a chink wife for myself but I want to focus on my carrer right now.
If you are say 100% Spaniard, go back to Spain. Fuck these colonial hell holes, you guys should go back to your homeland and provide something for it. I don't want Spanish genes to be mixed away in the same way I don't want North European genes to be mixed away.
>t. internet basement wannabe lolbertarian too ashamed of its country who can't even into laje
i feel your pain
neoliberals wont stop until they seel everything to another country
thats in part why i no longer support nationalisation
expensive as fuck and in a decade or so another retards sells a fucking profitable as fuck company as has happened in my country again and again
the chinese deserve them tho, they arent retarded, they dont care if people dont call them "a market economy", they dont sell anything for free and they are in path of becoming a superpower
>Fuck these colonial hell holes
This desu, 90 percent spaniard yet my ancestors had to mix with a damn Aztec. Families been trying to purge this shit from my bloodline ever since.
>That's like being Black and rich in America, it doesn't matter you're still in a shithole.
Of course, he'll still in a shithole
He is in Americ
You have to make shit if you want another people's money.
in what side you are
i may have got you wrong
if you are antinationalisation i have already told you what i think
the ccp owns 60% of their economy
historically that its not true anyway
bumping for more info on Uruguay, I've been to a few Latin American countries but Uruguay was definitely the comfiest. Countryside is rolling hills with a ton of pastures. coastal cities are very nice. lot of traditional European style buildings in the capital. They even have their own version of Miami (Punta del este)
from what i understand they have a strong cowboy history and gun laws are pretty good. pic related is a picture i took of one of their cowboy festivals
Eh, I'm still in my first year of university and I don't know what to do after I graduate - if I stay here for some more years or if go get a doctorate somewhere else and become a professor in China or Russia.
>maybe fish a chink wife for myself
I see you're a man of culture
> 98% White
Not really. I would bet at the 70-80% range.
I'm ethnonationalist I don't think modern countries can survive without foreign markets.
What is 'rich' in Argentina? Private schools and servants at home?
we are trapped here
>ethnonationalist wtf
euro or mestizo or native?
and yes you fuck yes it can and even if you are going to "open" to the world do it on your terms like fucking china thats all i am saying
in democracies you only need one traitorous plant to fuck everything, like the soviets, that sold everything for free in the most radical deindustralization in history
one plant, and thats it
despite all i hope china succeds
and then i hope they give ancaps"antistatists"the bullet
I paid for a property free of amerindians.
I have never meet a nigger in my life.
I have never meet a muslim in my life.
this, USA has whites zones too but too expensive
I'm ok with people as long as they are amerindian, just race shit, the country it's 80% amerindian and our main migration are amerindians from close countries as they fell safe here.
>move to another country
>have to stay far away from my family/firends
>have to sell my family's business along with my house and cars
And what do I gain?
>now I'm a 2nd/3rd class citizen
>own nothing, have to start from scratch
>maybe earn a bit more money, but I would have to buy everything with the new currency so in the end it might be the same or even worse
Nope, not worth it
i get you
i know its pol but its still sad sharing the country with this here
>the country it's 80% amerindian
>not living in based Magallanes
I wanted to do the exact same thing but I dropped college in the last year and I am now training to be firefighter (Oficial - CCB PMPR), I will graduate this year and maybe then maybe finish college just for fucks.
>Private schools
you don't have to be rich for that, just middle class and it's a must have because public schools are the worst
>servants at home
that would depend for the kind of "servant" you want i have a cleaning lady that comes 3 times a week and takes care of the house and it costs me 120 U$D a month
>fishing a chink wife
unless you two are le 56% face, racemixing isn't going to help anything.
>this isnt mexico we fucking hate crime, niggers and we have a strong police, and yes we are shitskins but with western values, so i have to repeat WE AREN'T MEXICO, NO ONE IS BEHEADED EVERY 10 MIN, i mean no one ever.
Have you seen the new Mexican cooking show ''El Golpe Cortante''? It is very culturally enriching.
Give me a job and I can go to yours.
You are an ignorant nigger and, like most of this board, form false opinions of other countries based on memes.
>Living next to croats, you know they are just slavs?
>beheadings in a daily basis
From all the countries that I visited, Chile is perhaps the one I have the most love for, I wish the best for you all Chilebro.
Jesus christ
Someone's gotta keep them running
I can assure you that is not the case.
In what way?
> Muhhh race is not real genetics are not important
Some mexicans are literally aztecs.
Regression to the mean is a hell of a drug.
I came here because culturally the US and Western Europe are now much bigger shitholes, and it's still not illegal to be a man. (For now, the NWO is trying to infect everyplace.)
Damn right.
guillermo del toro, oscar!
>am now training to be firefighter (Oficial - CCB PMPR)
breddy gud desu, I'll see if I can get into the CPOR/SP (army reserve officer training) next year through the military service so that I can save up some money until I finish college (about 7k/month as an aspirante a oficial after 9 months of basic training). I'm doing a degree in pharmacy btw, but I may change to chemistry/chemical engineering if I feel like it.
Mistakes are a part of the charm.
first paragraph part of my answer
>t. mistake