>American military
Ohohohoho no...
>American military
Ohohohoho no...
Other urls found in this thread:
What were you expecting from reddit
>Buttplug prescription
>America has a bunch of fags with things up their asses in the military and we are still more powerful than Canada
Well yeah when you have blown out your asshole it turns into a medical condition.
Im rolling, officer.
Doesn't exist. Not found in search engine caches either.
90% of shit on Sup Forums is fake but I'm the only one verifying before believing. The reason for this is primarily that I have an IQ above 90.
>Implying it is not deleted
What is the 10% that is real?
this is what happens when you let trannies in the military
Then show evidence it existed. Or are you a pedophile?
The 10% with sources and where the OP isn't lying about it.
I often see swedish news article linked and the content doesn't say what OP is claiming. Nobody bothers to check and call him out for it. Maybe a couple times a month a fellow human comes along, but mostly this board is full of subhumans.
autistic leafs apparently cant into sarcasm
this thread is honestly embarrassing
To be fair so do they.
Your military bois have already been exposed to be crying little faggots
>when mod make thread
No, I wanted to know what that 10% that is true is.
No no, you misunderstand. I just have poor self esteem unless I have something up my ass. It helps me focus.
Roly poly oly
Reddit is the leftist portion of the military,
It's extremely embarassing to me as a service member and I troll there quite frequently.
Here's one from just now. 92 replies and will probably go to 300+ as is usual with fake news around here.
Are you implying they haven't made propaganda glamorizing and pushing race mixing?
That's not the claim at all.
The stupidity around here is confounding. It's like someone pays an army of 5yos to come up with replies and adults type them in.
faggot air force what do you expect
Then what are you really mad at? Someone lying to bring attention to legitimate problems?
Just blow me away officer.
the user 'imtotallyawesome' has since deleted their account
and 3ASYW1N doesn't seem to have this post in their history, but they do have posts about being in the airfoce
And where is an archive of OP's reddit post?
That's right, can't be found. Because it didn't happen and if you believe it happened without proof you suffer from schizophrenia or retardation.
As a Chairforce veteran from flightline maintenance, the answer is actually spot on (which makes it both sad and funny). The Airforce would very likely allow that individual a waiver to use a butt-plug if they went through those exact procedures.
However, that person will become the butt of every joke for the rest of their career.
Are you implying faggots in the military aren't a problem?
What a buzzkill. Here we all are imagining men in uniforms with things shoved up their asses and you have to go and ruin the fun.
Are you implying you've miraculously come up with proof for the claimed incident despite being a tech illiterate redneck retard? Show it.
>90% of shit on Sup Forums is fake
show proof, mister proof
I never said what OP posted was real but I see you are one of those narrow minded europeans I hear about.
>the butt of every joke
....so to speak....
Rollyyy polyy
>fact checking is narrow minded
Thanks for the update to my list of Sup Forums beliefs.
I fact check you utter retards several hours a day and I want you all sterilized. Niggers of the white race. You're not human. You have no self-awareness or capacity for thought beyond simple visceral reaction to immediate stimuli.
The absolute state of burgerland.
I'm sorry officer.. I didn't know I couldn't do that
Sure thing maybe when your big list is full of everything you won't be a narrow minded cretin anymore.
I never went Officer because of this. I dropped out completely. I own a few firearms, practice what I practice, and call it a weekend once in awhile. To be honest I'm glad I made that choice. Too many pals of mine got thrown into fucking shitty situations and shitty deployments. Not even necessarily combat ones either. I do wish that the military had been something other than what I saw it for, but truth hurts I guess.
reminder that the USS Little Rock is still stuck at our port
>confirms with every post he is narrow minded
Go on
How about trips?
hey onow,.. How about trips?
>Or are you a pedophile?
this is the future liberals want
You're narrow minded because you keep implying I care about those stale memes. I could unironically be a communist but you're just a ass blasted faggot.
It's actually an insight into Sup Forums's mind, seeing as you fantasized about it in great detail and then typed it out into reddit fanfic.
juggle 4 knives
while keeping eye contact
with your eyes closed
welp looks like you're getting the gun since you can't follow orders.
This is probably fake or satire, but honestly wouldn't surprise me if it wasn't considering the current state of the AF. I recently got out, and during my last week we got a black MTF tranny that was married to a 50 year old white woman in my shop. Motherfucker got staff sergeant handed to him for causing what I assume was some sort of oppression shitstorm at his previous base too. Worst part is I went through tech school with this guy, and he was one of the "ropes" in charge of the class. We also went to the same base as our first duty station, and although I didn't work with him, I had a buddy over at his section that told me they found his diary, and he wrote some serious cringe shit about wanting to be a girl, not unlike some of the things you would find posted on this site. Was pretty funny to find out later that he actually went through with it, but more so disturbing that this shit is allowed these days.
>implying i wrote this
>11 posts by this id
why are you so triggered by this thread?
>This is probably fake or satire
Wow what gave it away was it the fact that almost everything on Sup Forums is fake or did you actually search for it and couldn't find it in any kind of archive or cache whatsoever because Sup Forums dreamt it up fantasizing about weird gay fetishes again as they are wont to do
ffs you sound like someone that is poisoning the well.
don't shoot me!!
I'm fucked.
How by pointing out his obviously left leaning narrow mindedness? He was the one so assblasted he called me a "tech illiterate redneck retard" right out of the useful idiot manual.
It obviously reeks of Sup Forums bullshit, but based on my experience in the AF over the last couple of years I wouldn't rule it out entirely. I've seen enough butt plugs, dildos, etc. in troop luggage on the x-ray machine when I worked in the passenger terminal. and met enough uniformed degenerates to think it's possible.
Fact checking is now left-leaning. Black on pink, right there.
Unless contradicted, this is an official Sup Forums belief.
Another one for my list. The article will be up within a month or so.
the odd numbered LCS ships are shit, thank god a different company makes the evens
Fantastic story. Maybe even a conspiracy? The work of the masonic jew-reptilian hybrid faction from the Pleiades?
Got proof?
yes sir based officer :)
r-rolling, sir
Your attempts to have any kind of high ground are just sad.
So where is the proof? We're well on our way to a 300+ replies thread here, as is usually the case with FAKE NEWS on this quarantine board for conspiracy nuts and schizos.
top kek
It Evens worsens the problem. People would consider every thing as fake newsletter. Do you know the story of Peter and the Wolf.
As you wish officer.
I legit don't care as long as he does his job.
A Wyatt Mann has really improved his art. Whoever you are, kind shitposter, In your biggest fan.
here we go
european or african swallow?
pls be quick
>not enjoying the amazing pleasure of anal stimulation
you some kind of faggot?
What an utter racial and moral laughing stock the US armed forces has become.
What do you expect from an army full of abominations?