How much of your racism can be explained by the fact that you are unhappy with your personal life?
How much of your racism can be explained by the fact that you are unhappy with your personal life?
nice bait though
Define what racist means first
How much of your blind multi-cultural advocacy results from the lack of meaning in your life?
>muh oscar celebs gibs me my moral compass
Black murder rate definitely does detract from my happiness in life.... So i guess they're a little bit related.
>hate for humanity as a whole
>hate for specific ethnicities
replace 'racism' with 'teen angst' and you're in the ballpark of 75% and upwards
t. roastie
Being able to separate yourself from a sick culture does not mean you are unhappy. You may temporaily become unhappy but in the long run its like an addict kicking the drugs hes hooked too. Racism is coming back with a vengeance because of the reality of white genocide. If you would take off your hollywood glasses and separate yourself from the illusion you live in specifically to deal with your dissatisfaction with life you would see that.
None. I can honestly say that I began educating '''minorities''' out of a desire to do good for their communities and help give them a leg up. From my own experience and from much-suppressed science I know that will never be possible. The poison of cultural Marxism has only made it worse. At this point, I just want them all to go back to Africa. I wish them well, but I want nothing to do with any of them ever again.
This is a board about realz.
Zero. I'm simply able to come to reasonable conclusions given facts and evidence.
I wish my worldview was so narrow I could just say everything was hate,racism and all the other drivel you spew.
Hate leftists a lot though
Most of it, because niggers and spics increasing crime in my area and throwing trash everywhere while looking at me as if I'm the fucking problem really does shit up my day.
If we could toss all shitskins into a giant hole and be done with them forever, the world would be a much better place. Hell, toss the kikes in there for good measure, all human garbage could be disposed of in order to create an actual utopia.
>How much does Jews affect you hiperinflating currency when it affects you?
when i type "(my city) homicide" it's all blacks and it's a 90% white city
Not very much. I wasn't personally affected by non whites. All my failings are my fault or possibly some whites I had to deal with.
This is completely unrelated to whites being slaughtered every times they become a minority, specifically slaughtered by blacks.
I think I browse Sup Forums way to often and the ironic shitposting seeps into my mentality. Some people think it's a psyop, I don't know if that's true, it does cause subconscious reinforcement of negative attributes through their exaggeration though. It's like if I said: "lol dumb whiteys think classical music is better than rap" Whether or not can tell I'm joking, it still leaves an impression on you.
how can you be happy when niggers are running around the street shooting at eachother?
In YOUR OPINION that's "racism".
You're just saying that because I'm White.
Anti-racism is a codeword for anti-White.
How much of 99% of our forefathers' "racism" can be explained by the fact that they were unhappy with your personal life? Dummy.
They just ignored their whole "only white people can be racist" then went with they are "anti-racists". Anyone with half a brain can put it together.
no, its my imaginary life I'm unhappy with hurr durr
It would be a lot more convenient and pleasant if the statistics didn't support realism in this case. Gotta pay the hand you're given though.
You mean you don't like being surrounded by third-world foreigners who will eventually ethnically replace any offspring you or your extended family might have? Imagine my shock! At least you have the knowledge that Africa will still remain full of Africans and Asia will still remain full of Asians while your own situation is somewhat less than guaranteed for your family members, Mr White American.
I am still trying to figure how someone being a anime nazi neet loser has anything to with world jewry.
Noooooooo, we goood
The “shadow” is a concept first coined by Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung that describes those aspects of the personality that we choose to reject and repress. For one reason or another, we all have parts of ourselves that we don’t like—or that we think society won’t like—so we push those parts down into our unconscious psyches. It is this collection of repressed aspects of our identity that Jung referred to as our shadow.
none, I grew up in an all white neighborhood. I was very against all forms of racism. Then I joined the Military and actually had to be with niggers and Spics. Racism is learned, and Jesus did I learn real fast.
I mean what does my position in life matter when what is being said can be observed if they aren't blind.
Not too much. Most of my hate for blacks and Mexicans comes from being around blacks and being Mexican
It shouldn't, but it always will, and that's another fact. It's productive not to ignore facts.
Civilize your mind, make savage your body.
That's kind of a self-defeating question because happiness derives most often from surroundings and due to our shitty surroundings we are "unhappy" in the sense that we are unhappy with our current society. But on a personal level I love my family, my friends, and enjoy what I enjoy. However, I know things can be better once we kill every Leftist. ^_^
My views on race are explained by the facts on race. Warm climates cause two things: dark skin, and smaller skulls. Cold climates cause two things: white skin, and larger skulls. Cold climates pressure for intelligence and thus larger fronal lobes for winter survival via foresight, while warm climates do not have winter, so there's no need for so much foresight, so there's no pressure to risk the mother's life with a larger head. Because dark skin and low intelligence are both caused by warm climates, and light skin and high intelligence are both cause by cold climates, it is fair to say that dark skin is an indicator of low intelligence and that light skin is an indicator of high intelligence.
tl;dr pic related.
pic further related
None. I’m very happy with my personal
life and want to keep it that way and keep my family safe.
I mean look at the black woman's head. Look how much easier that is on the birth canal.
Part of why I'm unhappy is that I got robbed by a nigger and the cops couldn't even be assed to investigate when the dumb sob left three pieces of physical evidence at the scene. Unless it was a white dudes black powerfist afropick in my cars back seat.
Good post, nice proxy.
>having a healthy pattern recognition means you're unhappy!
Nice projection, far-left SJW.
What's good is to have a prefrontal cortex.
None really, I have a pretty good life going but I can clearly see the threat on the horizon posed by the multicultural pc globalist bullshit. That and I also understand basic facts about race and human societies that (((they))) are desperately trying to make everyone ignore.
Sorry kid. Even when I was a brainwashed normie with a girlfriend and friends I felt like someone punched me in the balls everytime I saw a blonde with a nigger.
My inner animal telling me " Hey faggot, you see this dude from a completely adverse tribe^ He is fucking your women, you know what that means^ It means you lost.
Sometime you just have to listen to your inner animal you know and fuck the christcuck bullshit you pleb kys
You have a healthy instinct. Leftists have a warped one, which is why they HATE white families so much.
its just kids being edgy
Little to none.
I just realized life is a lot easier when you move away from niggers, and spics.
None. Life inside my home is pretty damn good. Is it evil to want the world outside my door to be good too?
It's not racism. I don't hate anyone because of how they were born (except jews) but the few 'good ones' that we all know does not discount the fact that conflict cannot be avoided.
clever guy