Perfect Europe Thread

Post your ideal European borders

Bonus: Middle East

Cro and Srb get their own land back?

pretty good except greece would be 70% turkish. They should instead partition the rest of albania with serbia. Also fyrom area should be bulgarian.

Is fyrom part of Macedonia? I just gave the whole thing to Greece

wtf is this shit? why dosnt großdutchland control atleast 80% of europa? and why is le epic kebab remover so small? typical democuck

modern day "macedonia" is just brainwashed bulgarians larping as ancient greeks. they speak a slavic language nearly identical to bulgarian to my knowledge and are genetically very similar.

Albania is a Muslim reserve

Something like this


Something like this

the language is something between serbian and buglarian

But seriously here's one I made a few days ago

Is the blue Greater Israel?



The light blue and dark blue is some sort of neo-Ottoman Empire bullshit I made up


yes but is it not only that way due to years of yugoslav serbian influence? I assume you know more than me due to being buglarian but that is just what ive heard.

I was about to ask why Germany has more of Poland, but then I forgot how many NatSoc LARPers are American.

Those are traditional borders, Poland got much of Western Ukraine and Belarus back.



But Hungary gets Vojvodina from Serbia

What happened to Algeria?

the correct map



>Preußen isn’t whole

>Rheinland being french


>t-thanks lads

Switzerland left the HRE for a reason


You guys are not thinkinh big enough. A much better Europe is possible if, instead of drawing lines based on population, we are willing to resettle people to where they belong.

perfect europe with byzantine empore zoroastrian persian empire and danubian empire

>all these shitty maps with only partial recuperation of rightful byzantine clay


This is a good Europe

This Europe is decent.

Belgium existing and Poland is a bit too big


This is the worst europe.

It`s wonderful. All teritorry east of Tisa belongs to Romania.

Gypsies and Roman larpers deserve no land.


You`re less white than our gipsies

Im not and it rediculous for a Romanian to pontificate on whiteness.

>also implying you don’t have gypsie blood.

naa is polish-lithuanian commonwhelt

Still. Poles and Lithuanians don’t need that much land. It’s just going to be underdeveloped and poorly used.

naa p-l communwhelt was a rich nation before russian domination remember the battle of vienna

Yes I`m milk white with green eyes. Meanwhile America was not content with turning itself into nigger-spic land, you had to let king nigger take charge so he could engineer the migrant crisis and flood europe with shitskins and niggers from africa. Why do you americans love nigger dick?
At least the gipsies were brought by other shitskins, aka turks, not by white europeans.

Ps: your hungary participates yearly at Kurultai festival, the yearly reunion of asiatic, mongolic tribes. They are related and consider themselves related with mongolians and kazachs.

This was over 400 years ago. The poles have accomplished nothing of note since then. Even if the poles hadn’t been there or won other European countries were getting into the Muslim killing mood.

We don’t. My region of America is whiter and happier than the whole of your commie block gypsie playground.

You were just a few changes away

This is just bad for everyone

You put dutch Belgium in France and french belgium in the Netherlands. No german Preußen but german Czechloslovakia. Why are leafs always so bad at everything.

Pretty good

This is fucking awful

Now this is interesting, but it would probably take coutries like poland and serbia to double their populations in order for it to be viable, while greeks would need to be 3-4 times more numerous.
Also slovaks should be left independent, they are bro tier.

>Poorly partitioned Belgium
>No Greater Hungary
>No East Prussia

All of this thread is retarded :^)
Changing the borders pretty much means war 90% of the time so its not happening. And giving land to Germany means more refugee shelters and more people under 1984 tier police state. And Transylvania belongs to Romania

This is the worst fucking one. I pointed out this to him. But it’s a leaf so what do you expect

>greater Hungary
Romanians fought for that shit they earned it

>east Prussia
any Prussia should be enough, Germans have none of it right now, I based Poland on the way it was during the commonwealth

>poorly partitioned balgium
I admit, I was badly informed on the country

>muh greater hungary

Here is the hungarian mongolic family, hungary together with turks, mongols, kazachs and azerbaidjani. Hungarian flag is the first from the left.

All in all, mutts, leafs and underages should not be thinking about geopolitics and worry more about school shootings, Jamal knocking your sister up, refugees, etc.

Romanians haven’t earned shit. They swooped in like predators. The only developed part of Poland is Prussia and it hasn’t been german for a long time. The most culturally conservative part of Poland is Prussia. The only good part of Poland was the german part.

East Prussia was german during the commonwealth you fucko

'The leaf is on our side this time, it`s a rare. He doesn`t seems to have the average american education. Kudos.

Daily reminder that hungary still occupies rightful romanian land where the local population has been maghiarized.

That map is still fucking retarded user, you look at all of europe not just us and whatever other country autistic NEETs get boners over(Germany)

>rightful Romanian anything.

What do you know about Europe, mutt?

Your ancestors where prostitutes, criminals and jews, you know, the people that couldn't live decently in europe. Your country is all what's wrong with the world today

> Muttmerica defending Hungarians on the vietnamese candlemaking forum that everybody loves

They began mass migrating to Transylvania in the 15th century. They got BTFO in WW1 and then swoopt in 24 hours before the war officially ended (because of German autism) to steal land. Outbreeding the natives doesn't make you the rightful owner, it makes you a cockroach and a thief.

My ancestors are Italians. We’ve only been here for 3 generations. So again your point isn’t valid. America was isolationist and white until the end of ww2. After that we were taken over fully. And the eternal boomer set on a course for destruction. Gypsies shouldn’t comment on the state of other countries

Hungarians are better than Romanians 8 days a week

Yes, yes, if the west falls this is what is in store for them.

How could you possibly know ?

>german autism.
Russian and France pushes for the war. France was revanchist and tsar Nicholas had this grand plan to be the defender of slavs. But the poles were subjugated by him, The Bulgarians wanted nothing to do with him and most other European slavs were in Austria Hungary.

The worst part of the European continent

>mutt education

>rightful Romanian anything
If we didn't defend ourselves from 27 empires we literally wouldn't exist today, we had huge amounts of perseverance and never subjugated, we remained orthodox all throughout, and kept our language and blood under every empire that's ravaged us. No one else in the balkans can say that.

Literally zero historical basis for this, similar to your national identity

I’ve interacted with both. I prefer the Hungarians to gypsies larping as Romans.

Terroni who ran to america shills for mongols against latin europeans. Kys

Which is why you’re posting from Canada instead of Poland. Poland was so bad you left it to go to Canada. I feel for you I really do

>denying Dacia this hard
Keep believing that bullshit Bozgor, just so happened we weren;t able to outbreed anyone else but you

>Latin Europeans.
You’re all to some degree gypsie. You haven’t been Roman for 2000 years. You were gypsie before and after that though.

Russians warned Austria against war, told them that Russia would also join in. Austria declared war anyways. Schlieffen Plan was stupid and Willy was a lunatic.
Honestly, I'm a Prussiaboo but even I can admit it was all the Germans' fault

Actually there is, this is the map of the carpathian basin when they arrives according to maghiar sources. Note the 3 romanians voievodates east of Tisa, ruled by Gelu, Glad and Menumorut.

>the mutt literally can't fucking read
I came as a child, I just bought my ticket to go back in June

lol gypsies are all across europe, what do they have to do with romania

they made their bed, there is no saving them

>muh boomers
Italians introduced modern organized crime in your putrid country. You greedy jew puppets do nothing but import degeneracy all over the world, your universities create nothing but communists and your support for Israel only creates more refugees. And you and your nigger slave trade is the reason blacks can claim they have a right to reside in the west

>Establishing your national identity on a kingdom that collapsed almost TWO THOUSAND years ago

That somehow makes their claim to Transylvania valid . Ok , my man .

tot asa ba

> Having absolutely nothing that bounds you to your soil

>Germans fault. Russia was doing as Russia always does. Trying to meddle in the balkans. France wanted Alsace Lorraine. Schlieffen almost sucked even after Moltke butchered it. The Germans nearly marched to Paris. The brits helped stop them just in time. They were never defeated and had spent the entire war blowing out 4 of the strongest empires in the world while supporting the entire war effort of Austria Ana the ottomans. Wilhelm wasn’t a lunatic. He was whip smart, although he let his temper get the better of hints the wrong times because of his British mother’s abuse. Russia war effort was the same in ww1 as in ww2 eventually we’ll through more men than they have bullets.

The only semi bad idea was the Risikoflotta