I'm sick of seeing everyone squabble over dumb shit like liberalists vs alt right and who should lead the alt right. If we want to win, we need to ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK. I propose we fuck with the ADL and SPLC. Everyone can get behind it, and it wouldn't be difficult to do.
Let's brainstorm some ways to get under their skin.
Other urls found in this thread:
one idea I thought of:
during chanology people would fax scientology black fax pages, so that it wastes all their ink and paper. This would be pretty easy for anyone with access to a fax machine to do.
>Let’s fuck up multi-national charities with billions in off shore accounts.
Good luck.
The Goyim Know!
You'd be surprised. Just a bit of pushing can make them show their hand early, make them waste money and time. That has a demonstrable domino effect on any org.
Bump. Let's fucking get these guys.
you can make fake reports here. Gum their works up
I can't say that I have anything particularly brilliant in mind at the moment, but I'm on board with your goal so I'll try and throw at least something out there. I'd say that soiling their reputation in the eyes of normies by making them go after innocuous targets (Pepe the frog and the Ok sign = white power being two past examples) could do something.
That's what I'm thinking. The more we fuck with their minds, the more paranoid they'll be and the more they'll lash out at people who don't deserve it, ruining their reputation.
I do not have any specific example memes saved, but rather than just "corrupting" any old target, it may be better to try and have some leftist/corporate group or symbol become associated with "white supremacy". If we can create civil wars in the left or pit the resources of mega-corporations against the SPLC/ADL, all the better.
might be a good idea. Any ideas how?
What I'm saying is by no means an original idea, but I believe that it was abandoned too early the past times it was brought up here. For example, some time ago there was a thread about making the "Porgs" from the new Star Wars movie into a "hate symbol" by making racially-focused memes of them. If that idea were to really gain traction and spread far-enough over the internet, it would be interesting to see Disney's reaction to it all let alone any "hate watch" groups such as the SPLC.
that's not a bad idea. My idea was more "gumming up" their works by making them have to comb through fake reports. If we got a lot of people sending fake reports with emails from guerillamail or cockli, it'd waste their time and money
I say we get a brave user to carry a quarter into both agencies and toss it on the ground.
Can we start rounding up and executing Jews? I'm ready.
The sooner you take down the ADL and SPLC the sooner we get there.