This has started happening a lot in past months
Thoughts Sup Forums?
Why do Liberal women keep falling for Conservative men?
Because they arent soyboys
Is why girls say they're the worst guys they've fucked? Most of the 'soyboy' arguments is against responsible guys that are usually fathers. Can't be a raging alpha fuck when you get a wife and kids.
Why most women see men with beards as a good father, and why most 'soyboys' are so happy about nintendo. They can share that joy with their kids...
Virgins will never know.
I don't know. But over the last couple of years I've had way more luck with liberal women that conservative. I'm not even shy about my views. I think they just like to argue but never get the chance when they surround themselves with soy.
>Is why girls say they're the worst guys they've fucked?
No, they say that because they're trying to absolve themselves of guilt for being roasties, and to offset any status hits they will take from their commie comrades.
If you're in the habit of believing what women tell you, that's just about the worst habit you could have. Take up smoking while you're at it.
>t. butthurt soy boy
Interesting. I’m preoccupied with study and have tried to make myself look timid around women to put them off. With men I’m a borderline-violent highly confrontational psych.
My gf is a hardcore lib but goes crazy when we fuck and if i say something that goes against her views she always agrees with me. Shes white and im arab btw
I've got a bigger question
Why is there conservative men even touching liberals like her?
Oh, funny story. This girl I've been seeing for the past couple of months told me about a dream she had the other night. She said we were on stage debating gun control and I pretty much dominated the debate. But then, she says, I pulled down her pants and spanked her for it in front of the audience. She was almost giddy to tell me this dream.
I'm.ugly and awkward
LoL what?
No idea.
people love what they cant have
Honestly it isn't necessarily because they are attracted to the opposite side of the spectrum, I think it is probably just because right-wing boys have dad's that are more likely to teach them how to pick up women. My dad is a little manlet country boy who got more pussy than I could dream of, married my mom who is 3 inches taller than him(she is 5'9") and aryan, and had me, his 6ft 1 autistic aryan son. When he saw that I was having a hard time with women and almost becoming a robot, he sat me down and told me what's what and to stop being a pussy, and then I was able to chin up and actually talk to females without worrying my ass of about what they think of my appearance, because if my little manlet dad could do it, I can.
I feel like there is a certain sexual energy when you argue with women about politics that they aren't accustomed to
We all are friend
use protection and give a fake name, why not?
The best kind of women dont, these girls are just insecure, and allow pigs to fuck them because they aren’t used to the attention. Add a trump supporter’s lack of morals and a little manipulation, and presto
>my dad
it's cute you still believe that, weren't paying attention in biology class the day they went over genetics?
they hate themselves so they have sex with someone they despise, with multiple partners
Well clearly she knows enough about the men she's sleeping with to know they're Trump supporters
Also there's relationships irl where the partners have differing politics
>good fathers are soyboys
by definition a soyboy is someone unwilling to stand up for himself let alone a family. I am sorry but a faggot who sits around playing on a nintendo switch all day isn't a good father. My dad played games with me when i was little and he wasn't a fucking faggot with a scrappy beard and man-tits waiting for Tyrone to finish up with my mom on the other room. Whoever told you this was lying, or if you came to this conclusion on your own have fun eating the cum out of your wife's pussy, while she tells you how much better you are.
this the ideal male body. you might not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
>Is why girls say they're the worst guys they've fucked?
Smart men don't listen to what women say. At best it's only a half truth and at worst it's a malicious lie.
You watch what they do, not what they say.
because they're men?
It has to do with masculinity. Women are innately programmed to be attracted to masculine guys. Liberals denigrate masculinity, conservatives don't. Even liberals who could be more masculine choose not to accept it in themselves and they act and, subsequently become, weak of mind and body.
That's all there is to it.
This shit is for real. It's mostly because we're the Alphas that they secretly crave. We take charge and we don't fuck around with PC niceties. We just fuck their brains out.
>Raging Alpha
Alpha Males are providers, not ragers, you cuck.
Longwinded premature ejaculation joke at republicans expense or chilling insight into the mind of a female?
>premature ejaculation
no such thing
you fuck to come
faster the better
Because, for all the bullshit that gets pumped into their heads, they still prefer men who are masculine and self-reliant.
Besides, there is a relationship between regular gym attendance and right-wing political beliefs.
Very simple explanation: Not all leftists are pussy faggots, but all pussy faggots are leftists.
Women generally don't want to fuck pussy faggots.
>Is why girls say they're the worst guys they've fucked?
Do you even English?
Is a woman considered liberal if she is angry at men and thinks they are perverts and pigs but is extremely socially conservative and does what the man says most of the time?
>anarchist defending soyboys
groups of people must ban together in order to survive the day of the rope
Women generally don't give a shit about politics. They don't care about hobbies either. What they care about whether you're handsome and/or successful. Everything else is secondary.
People who blame their lack of success with women on their political views or hobbies are retarded - on the other hand, women who say that people are unpopular because of their unpopular views are retarded too. In most cases, unpopular guys start to resent women and are thus anti-feminist rather than the other way around.