Protest on Hollywood Blvd now. REEEEEEEEEE!!!!!
Oh I forgot. White people aren't allowed to riot. It's only okay if the Oscar dissed black people like they diss white people.
Stay home. Good night.
Protest on Hollywood Blvd now. REEEEEEEEEE!!!!!
Oh I forgot. White people aren't allowed to riot. It's only okay if the Oscar dissed black people like they diss white people.
Stay home. Good night.
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My family is watching the oscars rn now. I came out of my room for one second to watch and nearly shit myself. What the fuck happened to cinema :(
what happened now?
It's very cringe, to the point of surreal
The movie industry is full of pretentious douchebags who, as evidenced by the 2016 election, have no real power or influence over anything, especially politics. Ignore it. Ignore them. That's their kryptonite.
how exactly?
you can't be racist against white people because racism is privilege+power
I don't have tv, only internet. As I am sure a lot of people here are in the same boat. Explain what happened, link a video, or do not post. This goes directly to sauce.
>but they thanked a theater full of movie goers
>they threw bread and candy to the masses
>thanked us plebs for buying tickets
>omg they appreciate me
Can't put my finger on it but this happened in history before
white (((people))), implying those things are human.
I think OP is larping. Nothing ever happens.
lol this gets me everytime
We need more info. Most of Sup Forums are likely not watching the Oscars.
they basically blamed whitey for never being successful.
can someone explain what happened? was there a chimp out?
You can't just change the definition of a word to justify your wrong actions.
This. Who fucking cares anyway? They stopped having any value 30 years ago. The whites who are laughing along will stop once they become targets. And they will....soon enough.
>not already boycotting anything from jewwood
no one cares. let self-righteous monkeys have their moment in the sun
they are basically just bashing white people all through the show. It's the most racist Oscars I have ever seen. I don't ever recall the Oscars shitting on black people or any other race like they just did tonight. It's scary shit.
Explain why power is a necessity in this scenario. I'll wait
Fuck cable lol
I'm asian but hate this social justice garbage and 20 min away, I'll be there to wreck havok, just say the word you nazi's.
more people coming to our ranks. its gonna be fun to insult whitey until its not anymore
Go big or stay home.
I hope it really does happen. Too bad I'm 8 hours away.
I just sat at a bar where it was on.. nothing but bashing whites and straight whites almost every other joke. this shit is getting surreal.
sure thing kike
Tell that to the kikes. I've been hearing that they've changed several dictionary definitions to fit the narrative.
>Dirt poor Indian walks past a wealthy privileged black man
>"Fucking nigger!"
>Somehow these same words no longer have power because of some non-sensical formula created by a first year gender studies student
ah... Ok.
you should cos asians are usually being ignored in the SJW movement. It's mostly about blacks and muslims. Asians and whites are basically the ones who were onto the jews back then. Remember Japan, Germany and Italy? Those people were basically based. kek.
its nothing new
my poor mother eats that crap up though, loves to feel part of a movement and wants everone to be happy and nice to each other and all that. Im saddened seeing what its doing to her.
One shot of a fish-man in a bathtub and we said "yeah, that's enough."
>people are actually watching this garbage
You know, you can cry and complain about it all you want but if you're actually watching it you're not helping, you're part of the problem
Oscars basically tell us to be inclusive of everyone... except white people and asians.
Moses wasn't Jewish
been asleep a few years?
its funny its the only 2 people i can handle interacting with
shiet, when are you bugers going to stand up to shiet like that?
Name any oscar award show where they dissed any ethnicity as much as they did white people tonight.
They have no idea how pathetic that makes them appear. They are never going to progress as a race.
but what did they say? any example?
I've heard another variant today..
>Whites can't be victims of racism just like you can't wet water or burn fire.
I watched the opening monologue and Jimmy Kimmel needs to get a beatdown. From what I can tell they are all insufferable douchebags.
how much longer ARE we going to tolerate this shit?
Fuck trump and fuck whypipo
If it makes you guys feel any better; Hollywood is basically fucked.
A) theater attendance is at an all-time low and is continuing to go down each year because people don't like the obvious politics being shoved in movies these days
B) movies are getting too expensive for no reason at all and the returns are diminishing
C) the accessibility of digital technology means that independent filmmakers will be able to make movies on a similar level of quality as Hollywood productions at a fraction of the bloated budgets (George Lucas predicted this)
What have they actually said about whitey so far? I haven't been able to watch it but people on Sup Forums don't seem happy
Holy shit they literally insulted straight white males multiple times during this show. GTKRWN
Remember, most people dislike/ hate trump.
>Majority voted against him.
>Even more dislike/ hate him now hes shown to suck.
All hollywood films are just shot in front of a green screen. Why does it cost them $100M to make a shitty popcorn flick anyway?
I hope this shit keeps happening and we reach a breaking point. It's unbelievable how bad things have gotten in the past few years, you can openly call for the death of all white people and get applauded for it. If you say the word nigger you career will be over.
so they said nothing or next to nothing i assume? no one knows what they said
>Holy shit they literally insulted straight white males multiple times during this show.
Did they really? Please give us some quotes.
the most expensive part is jewish producers, talent and marketing costs plus lawyers to steal your screenplay.
Didn't they get in trouble last year for being to white? They're trying to make up for it be super Mexican and shit
But holly shit it's cringe
They invented a new word, 'colorism' for that because they had painted themselves into a logical corner with the 'racism is power and privilege' bullshit
how true.
>watching the Oscars
Why would I want to watch the Jewish Olympics
>you can't be racist against jewish people because racism is privilege+power
Just don't watch it and don't let any of the people you care about watch it. This removes their power. They are only entertainers for fuck's sake, without exposure they are nothing. Literally.
White people can't riot - they have jobs to go to in the morning.
Ever word of bile.
Every bitter hateful accusation.
Every word of it is music to my ears. Every word of it brings more of us into the fold.
Rage on, Hollywood. Hate us all you can.
When you shoot a movie behind a green screen, you're basically handicapping yourself because now everything in your movie has to be painstakingly rendered, a process that consumes loads of time and money.
The worst part is that it usually looks like shit even after hours of rendering, and yet normies still pay for that shit.
You are going to see more (probably even most) well-known (famous, politicians, people with influence or power, journalists etc.) non-white people becoming more and more open regarding their hatred for whites. This will not stop and will progress into full blown genocide like that of nazi germany. If i had to guess it will be fully visible within 5 years but probably more like 2. The main part of it will take place at the beginning (like any revolution) and it will be drawn out over years, 20 years at the most.
>The whites who are laughing along will stop once they become targets. And they will....soon enough.
This is the sad.. Part that is not going to happen. White people will be the same as they are now, politically correct beating on autists etc. They will be like that until every ounce of life has left them. These people fucking idiots.. Totally brainwashed.. THERE WILL BE NO REVOLT JUST LIKE THERE WILL BE NO RACE WAR. There will only be mentally retarded mongoloids who dont give a fuck about anything and laugh while their entire race is slaughtered.
Ive been predicting the future like this for 20 years and ive only been wrong about a handful of things. I have these mongoloids hating my guts while everything they disagree with me about has come true just like i predicted.
Viral marketing campaigns are expensive as fuck user kun. Think about how Black Panther was shoved in your face no matter where you went. A ton of that movie's budget was strictly for marketing.
>nobody can provide any example
I never watched, I'm curious as well.
That was in 2016. Last year “PwC” helped the Oscars with a PR stunt that underscored an award going to a movie with an all black cast and a Black empowerment theme, as the PWC Partners ‘accidentally’ gave the host the wrong envelope. The award had to be rescinded from a movie with a white cast and given to a movie with a black cast. PwC was excociated in the (((media))) for this, but nobody wanted to examine how the shenanagin helped their log time partner, the Oscars, win back major diversity points. Ask me how I know all this...
>B) movies are getting too expensive for no reason at all and the returns are diminishing
The reason is because of money laundering, what you think it really costs billions to make, produces, advertise? kek I bet half of that shit is going to Israel.
I’m kinda drunk but the exact words “straight white males” was used in a deragaory fashion multiple times. The nigger who made Get Out said it, and so did the Indian from the movie The Big Sick.
Phase change. It's like a market crash, a group psychodynamics thing. The white world will take it until suddenly one day it won't. We are one of the chaotic attractors in the system. We will seed the crystallization of a new order.
>The nigger who made Get Out said it, and so did the Indian from the movie The Big Sick.
Of course they were gonna do it, those two movies were the biggest shot at wypipo last year.
Ahhh the Germans put up with a lot of shit too for a long time until they didn't. The Jews didn't take on one white country this time though. They took on the world. There will be no where for them to run once whitey gets nervous. It's coming.
can we take a moment to appreciate this user's id?
>"Kill whitey" -Oprah Winfrey 2018 Oscar show
Sup Forums named the Jew. Gas him. Kek wills it.
Yeah, that's a plausible scenario.
Just look at Justice League. It was one of the most expensive movies ever made ($300 million) and yet the effects were dogshit.
trips of truth
how do you know all this
Same with Black Panther, they had PS2 tier CGI in it and it costs probably tens of millions to make.
You post a thread assuming I’m watching then don’t give one fucking example
At least write a quote from the show
I don’t need outside links
What did they say??
I'm a recent arrival LA fag.
It's surreal that I'm living like 30 minutes from these cunts.
I used to be a DC fag, and even with all of the libshit surbanites that live around the DC metropolitan area, living close to Trump gave me some comfort at least.
If it wasn’t for Sup Forums i wouldnt have known the black panther movie was even a thing
the vast majority of movie costs are (((advertising))), not production, effects or payouts to """stars""".
The listed budget is the amount of money that goes to making the movie.
The advertising budget is separate and not listed but it is usually around the same as the production budget.
Tell us, prophet
PwC what's this?
Keep spreading that meme shill. 64 million people say hi, faggot.
You're not wrong.
I think the kikes may have just pulled a straight up 4d chess move on the nig nogs. Nigs got a little too loud and out of control (open racism toward whites which cost Hillary the elction and attacking hollywoods diversity) so the kikes gave them what they wanted. A big ol oscar for dindu kobe during an era where rape accusations are scrutinized more than any other time in history. Coincidence that kobe had a rape so bad it almost brought him down in the fucking pre social media era.
Most awards are given to Jews. It's a Jewish industry for producing propaganda, laundering money and raping poor little white girls and boys.
I'm really tired of how dumb niggers are.
>Ahhh the Germans put up with a lot of shit too for a long time until they didn't.
Germany was still German though
The USA is a long way from where it was from the 50's-80's culturally and demographically
thx for censoring her identity, wouldn't want to out someone who wants to genocide you
day of the rope, when?