Who here unironically thinks that Joe Rogan wasn't compromised several years ago?
Who here unironically thinks that Joe Rogan wasn't compromised several years ago?
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He was threatened by a chimp weighing what, 400 pounds?
*chokes you out for supporting open borders*
You're saying bigfoot got to him? I'll I'm saying is that at one time he tried to get away from hollywood and then for some reason decided to come back just like dave chapelle. I had to stop listening to him years ago because he started fence riding hard and there are many topics that force him to make a hard left turn when they get brought up.
Fuck man, those things will tear your arm clean off
He wants to still work and the Jews own all the comedy clubs.
What are you gonna do? I play the game too, so I can get 10 minutes on a Friday night.
Is that you ari?
Look up his wife.
Look, if your kids were half jewish you would never call (((them))) out. He is a shill by default married to a coal burning kike roastie.
They have his google search history hanging over his head
cant even listen to 10 minutes of his shit anymore, comp'd
im honestly not sure if joe is just autistic, or following a script sometimes... joe learned about rosemary kennedy for the first time last week, i thought this was pretty strange for someone who claims they spent 10+ years investigating the JFK conspiracy.
it could be just like that time that joe assumed the word 'ghetto' was a racial slur and told a guest off for using it. or he could be relying on a script and acting as someone who is really into conspiracies.
i remember joey diaz bit about how he convinced eddie bravo that joe rogan was cia. i didnt know he actually did it and on recording ahahahaha
Jamie can you pull up that picture?
He is a master at pandering.
I wish.
I'd take being fucking Moshe Kasher's unfunny kike ass at this point.
Being a comedian in Chicago and telling non-Leftist jokes is impossible.
He is a gate keeper just like all the other cucks on late night. This all started when he apologized for calling a woman a cunt on his podcast. You can never back down. Honestly I have very little respect for his platform now.
Dude he "investigated" it. He's very open but not so bright.
When Joe Rogan first started acting, he was givebn a development contract with zero experience as an actor. That's a contract where they pay you to do a TV series, but they haven't developed a series, so you just get paid for nothing.
How did Joe get so lucky?
Joe gets a part on Newsradio and, when the ratings start to decline, Phil Hartman and his wife are killed in a "murder suicide". Where was rogan the night of the murder? From there, Rogan goes to the Fear Factor and then the UFC gig, though he wasn't a good actor and though his comedy has never really been very funny.
You can do a google search and find pictures of Rogan wearing satanic T-shirts and audio of his saying he wants Satan to be president. . .and then there's the kike wife and kike children to consider. Rogan is satan worshiping controlled opposition.
Why do you guys even follow or listen to Joe Rogan, he's just some wash up who used to host Fear Factor
Joe Rogan is cool but that might not even be a real name he works for some company called Sacred Cow
>though his comedy has never really been very funny.
He has literally never made me laugh once can't believe people pay to see his stand up.
Who's the guy with the blue FD that he's talking to?
Fucking christ, Seth Myers is the most annoying unfunny cringeworthy liberal extremist trump-dick riding cunt on television, period.
Even the mega douche John Oliver has some brilliance, even if he's equally as corrupt and bought out by his NWO overlords.
With all the fucking shootings going on in this country, WHY is no one gunning down these people who actually genuinely DESERVE IT.
if the shootings were real they would be at people who deserve it
He's a new ager. Of course he's compromised
Didn't know he was a part of Sacred Cow.
For other anons who aren't aware Sacred Cow is a media company started by Kevin Booth, lifelong best-friend of Bill Hicks. Right as Bill Hicks died, Alex Jones was put on Sacred Cow with a statement being made along the lines of "fans of Hicks will love Alex Jones."
>*talks about pot for an hour*
>I don't really care
>you seem like you care a lot
I dunno but the rogan board got a massive purge after his interview with dr. Greer.
The undesirables got removed.
Seeing as how he is up and infowars is down, likely taken by juden
Eddie Bravo acted very weird in that video.
>it's a little freaking not seeing you smiling across the table after hearing that
Eddie, without any doubt, is certainly aware of something he can't say about Joe.
Just my two cents
compromised isn't necessarily the same thing as
>we'll kill your family if you don't fucking shut up
Eddie Bravo is so awesome. I feel bad he got caught up in flat earth. He should take over the Joe Rogan show
Flat earth is a CIA psyop.
no shit. They still learn about Jews though. Eddie isnt afraid to talk about them if you ask him.
>you ever think we are just like atoms inside sweat droplet of some giant being we cant even comprehend the size of?
>jaime, pull up that video of a sleeping walrus farting itself awake
>Eddie isnt afraid to talk about them if you ask him.
He seems like he doesn't trust anyone, and in this day and age, that's a plus.
To be honest, I can sort of see why people fall for the flat earth thing, as the proofs of it aren't well known, and most of the knowledge of HOW we know the earth is spherical isn't taught in school...
But there are plenty of proofs to the earths spherical nature, I can list them off if you'd like, space stuff is a hobby of mine.
No need. Eddie battles himself between Jews, and Lizards that own the Jews. He knows the Jews and crypto jews around the world are involved
I'm pretty sure the "Lizard people" thing is just a reference to the "reptilian" part of our brain, it's mainly involved with your instincts and motor functions.
The mammalian part of our brain (the outer part) is where you find your compassion and things of that nature.
lol no lizard is code for ashkanazi jew
>lol no lizard is code for ashkanazi jew
Still kind of fits with my above explanation though, doesn't it?
Some of the most blue pilled people I know idolize him
Yes but the fact that we have a reptillian brain in part.... it means that there can be bipeds that are more advanced and more reptillian in nature..
The R-complex is relatively small but very important. Imagine if it was half the brain
yea thats why we need to find the best entertainers
I've purged all entertainment of Jew-think.
Guess what I have left?
SIG; Weights, firearms training & Jui-Jitsu.
>it means that there can be bipeds that are more advanced and more reptillian in nature..
so, are you saying that reptiles are more advanced?
AJ saying it happened about 5 years ago fits with my own observation of a serous wall being up over what he was willing to talk about on his podcast.
the ss talked to joe in early 2004
Fuck L. Ron Hubbard and fuck all his clones
Like every martial artist, (((Rogan))) is an opportunist. His game is to add some conspiracy to otherwise vanilla gym rat mindset and sell you macho edge lord image. The guy isn’t going to alienate the Jews and PRfags that put him in a cushy media post.
I'm actually a comic but I talk about jews sometimes. I still get booked and paid. I guess I'm not a big enough deal for anyone to care.
They kill all new agers? What's the definition of that? Do I need to worry?
Fear Is Not A Factor For Gate Keeper
Joe the used to be moon hoax crusader Rogan
nobody gets that big without taking the deal. i dont give a fuck who you are.
that being mentioned, the randall carlson and graham hancock shows were the only few worth watching
Edgy Brah is a lunatic, but I've always liked him.
i used to love joe back a few years ago now. he seemed just like me, interested in a lot of shit and just a bit retarded. but then something changed just before he started flipping out at redban. now, i never really liked redban at all, i think he just got really lucky to be with rogan with no actual talent and just seemed a dumb fuck on anything he tried to talk about. or you would cringe your face off listening to him on the early podcasts trying to interject his "humor", but joe changed around then. no because of redban but because of something else. i haven't listened to the podcast in a few months now but when i last did it was so silly to be hearing joe spout the same old shit for the 1000th time like it needed saying again. i dunno bros, something changed in rogan for the worse for sure.
Zhao Ro-Han vs Anji Cho-shen
He's a 50 year old man who has spent the last 35 years smoking weed and getting hit in the head.