-The anti-white movie
-The anti-male movie
-Or the pro-faggot movie?
So what's going to win best-picture?
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I’m sick of this shift already
Gay shit black shit pedo,gayshit
>Gay shit black shit pedo,gayshit
Sounds like a good wank to me.
Anti-male is the flavor of the month. BLM is so 2015.
Why the fuck would any one care about some award show run by fucking jews.
Didn't see the movie about gays but Mystery of Love is a great song
Who gives a shit about schlomo's award ceremony for who made the "best" degenerate filth?
Who gives a fuck what kike garbage will win best kike garbage award, you fucking mongoloid.
Who cares, normies are waking up to the kikewood bullshit. Hopefully 2018 trends us even more downwards.
>what is sarcasm
calm down
>normies are waking up to the kikewood bullshit
They aren't waking up to the leftist brainwashing, Hollywood just hasn't made a movie worth watching in years.
>that gif
I wish there weren't so many normies. There are just so damned many of them.
How much nigger shit and anti male me tooism can they possibly infuse in to this shit. My family is wondering why I'm screaming at the tv
That graph starts at 1 instead of 0. Dishonest way to make the drop look more prevalent than it is.
And they can watch it online instead.
It's a travesty that Blade Runner wasn't nominated, that movie was amazing.
The drop would look just as prevelent, there would just be a giant pointless empty space underneath it lol.
GET OUT was by far the best film.
Proportionately to the graph it wouldn't look just as prevalent. Don't be stupid.
ITT: we tweak stats to make sure our murders are justified.
Guys, get out is commentary on patronizing old white liberals in hollywood. The whole movie is about a family that gets their daughter to burn coal and bring young black men to the family reunion at which said blacks' bodies are sold to these "progressive" whites so that the whites can transfer their consciousness into their bodies and basically steal their youth. Peele must hate kikes.
did you watch the movie? this movie is AGAINST racemixing...
the nigger fucks a white girl .
>AGAINST racemixing...
The one about the Marxist team of misfits that fuck a fish.
Bro, The progressive (((White))) father that loves that his daughter dates black men and has African tribal shit everywhere gets her to fuck black dudes so he can sell them and turn them into old white people. The movie is trying to tell black people that racemixing = no more real blacks.
This place has gone to shit. All you motherfuckers aren't checking my Double Doubles Hitler style FUCK.
so we agree that nig pandering has ruined the Oscars, right?
What was the last movie you went to? Why did you stop going?
>Iron Man 3
>Women hooting and hollering when pepper going fire bitch and saves tony
>Person in front of me on their phone the whole fucking time distorting my dark vision
How many times do I have to Heil Hitler here for you to know I'm right?
>It's a travesty that Blade Runner wasn't nominated
they can't nominate real movies. it would hurt the feelings of the phlegmakers.
yes ,just ignore them trying to forcefully normalize interracial relationships. as long as it's a good movie, let them insert their agenda without consequence, right?
>"it was a great film...stop getting hung up on such minor details u racist"
>leo dicaprio had to wait 20 years for an oscar
>some dindu with a shitty movie wins one right away
I actually watched it. It was better than I thought it was going to be, but it was still "Tales from the Hood" level of stupid.
It's funny to see how fragile White men actually are when they constantly spout phrases like 'anti-white' and 'anti-male' to describe any good movie they didn't like. Sweeties, you're not a victim so stop pretending that you are one.
Pro faggot
Star Wars is dying
Super Hero is dying
thank Christ we might actually get some original ideas.
I, Tanya.
Lol a fag has no place talking about other people being fragile you people are worse than women
Dude what movie is this?
>Dude what movie is this?
Swamp Thing vs. America
That's not it. What's going on is first Netflix DVD delivery and internet piracy, then Netflix streaming and incredibly inexpensive huge TV's from Korea that look better than a movie screen anyway. On top of that there's bluetooth and audiophile speakers for people who want a premium experience, and a million alternatives for everyone else who doesn't really give a fuck, but wants to watch their favorite shit.
It's essentially a mirror of what happened to Hollywood in the 1950s when TV first started to get very popular. It's just easier for people to watch their screens at home than to go to all the trouble and expense of seeing a movie in a theater. It doesn't help any that the business model of theaters require them to hike ticket prices to compensate, as well as charge a fortune for concessions. But I mean, why would you watch any new movie in the theater now instead of waiting two or three months for it to be out on Netflix anyway, and you already pay for that?
So, to compensate, Hollywood has mostly settled on the international market as a stopgap. But it won't last forever. As soon as India and China have average people that can afford the same dirt cheap Korean TVs, they'll be in the exact same boat. Meanwhile, we'll keep getting crap movies that are being written for a global lowest common denominator instead of just an American one. This is a big part of why all the capeshit is coming out over the past few years. Foreign audiences aren't sophisticated enough to pick up on subtle nuances, but the obvious cartoonish heroes and villains are something even the dumbest poo in loo can understand.
I actually haven't seen it, but I am watching Steven Crowder's anti-Oscar party atm. He was sucking that movie's dick an hour ago.
Now he's just piss drunk.
i meant blu-ray.
It's actually pretty good when you see it. Saw it at the BAM theater in Jew York
Tell me faggot
Personally, I haven't seen it. I watched Pan's Labyrinth once. "Woops," I said. "I'll never watch anything by *that* guy again!"
>Tell me faggot
Shape of Water
>starts out pretty great
>degenerates quickly
>unresolved plot elements all over the fucking movie
>Shitty technical issues like ADR while characters lips aren't moving.
Yeah, I actually trust Crowder's taste in movies. He's a film school dropout who worked in Hollywood/TV until he was outed as a conservative. Now his show is basically 50% radio/podcast political commentary, and 50% film school-esque parodies of famous scenes from other movies.
>For those that don't know, what you actually do production wise in film school is constantly try to mimic the greatest movies you study. Over and over again. In their different styles.
Oh God, they're being feminazi now.
Oscars = Haggard old lady begging for money
I meant the Tom Cruise gif, what Tom Cruise movie is that. Who gives a fuck about the Oscars or modern movies, they fucking suck. Haven't gone to the theaters in 6 years, not worth the outrageous prices.
>I meant the Tom Cruise gif
Cocktail or Risky Business
>i don't really know
Good analysis
> 2018
> Giving a fuck about the oscars
Burger get your shit together.
giving a fuck about any awards show
Yet you clicked on this thread. I think I'm free of (((them))) but I clicked here too, having only seen Blade Runner this year.
>who made the "best" degenerate filth
>posts anime
Dunkirk was a great tech demo for a movie
>but it wasn't a movie
Its Risky Business. Do watch it, late at night. Definitely worth it.
Tangerine Dream does the soundtrack. They're brilliant.
A faggot, a nigger, a russian, and an invalid save and fuck Swamp Thing
>Being this underaged
Please t-tell me you're underaged, r-right?
It was a good movie about tanks. The people were boring, though.
They gave best picture to the spic.
if you are watching that jewish trash you deserve the gas.
you are a faggot so let me explain life outside of dicksuck world.
everyone and everything is at war with whitey.jews are pumping semen all over us that we dont want anything to do with.through your acceptance of degeneracy you have no barrier or filter for things that bother real males.it doesnt bother you because you cant see it.because degenerate society benefits you you also have no reason to want to see it so simply put,shut the fuck up you homosexual pervert.
your time is over white bois, you can't even make movies anymore
Risky Business is a good movie. I came so many times to the sex scenes with Rebecca DeMornay. You see her bush.
>They gave best picture to the spic.
Best Spicture
I guess first one is Le Panther Negro, what about the other two?
No I have seen risky business its just been a long time, I couldn't remember
Niggerman isn't 2017.
>-The anti-white movie
>-The anti-male movie
>-Or the pro-faggot movie?
What are those?
Mexico won best picture. Sup Forums BTFO
Ah you're talking about the oscar's, well then I don't know what the movies are
I dig it
Doesn't matter: In my mind the award alternates each year between The Godfather and Lawrence of Arabia. I like my world better.
>those shoes
still makes me chuckle even what, 6 years later
>Lawrence of Arabia
I like you.
>-The anti-white movie - "Get Out"
>-The anti-male movie - Possibly "The Post" or "Three Billboards"
>-Or the pro-faggot movie? - "Call Me by Your Name"
Shape of Water is pretty anti-white
>Even has interracial imagery of the white woman eclipsed by a black man, but it's a fishman instead.
Waterloo from 1970 is the best movie ever. Sergei Bondarchuk was a genious
The movie made by the "Mexican".
Not heard of not seen. Guess I am blessed
Tales from the hood was better. Get out is complete shit in the first half and mediocre shit in the second.
Haven't even heard of it until now.
>Soviet film
Go get fucked by a rapefugee.
GDT is white
I'll have to watch that, thanks.
>I hate capeshit but it was a friends birthday and he wanted to go see it
>don't remember the last movie i saw before that, probably hardcore henry. Again, it wasn't my idea to go but I thought the movie was a pretty good adaptation of a modern fps game's campaign to cinema
Nothing ever seems interesting to me. "Watching movies" just isn't something that appeals to me as a hobby like it does to film school fags, and I'd rather spend my idle time playing a vidya or shitposting (or actually building / fixing something like a productive person who's actually worth a shit). I can't just passively experience stuff, my brain or my body's gotta be engaged one way or the other
they all lose kuz they suck ass
Not to mention the recycled villain from Pan's Labyrinth.
The pro-bestiality movie.