Serving your nation: This crucifixion of the mind.
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21:4 K/D is bretty gud
F to all burgers who died killing shits.
im still cleaning your cousin ahmed's blood from my boots. fuck you mohammed.
The war goes on.
Either incapable of reading, or just a rude twat.
"You can't fight the U.S. military with your little AR-15's"
This poster is a proper lad.
my bad dude. i get what you said now.
No worries.
>watched this film for the first time in years a few days ago.
>Baader-Meinhof phenomenon comes into play
Semper Fi. Thanks for ridding the world of goat rapists/pedophiles.
Gotta know your history youngblood.
What was he hanging from? Weird position, how was his arm hanging?
They got 21 of those fuckers before they went down? Damn, at least that'll help me sleep a little better tonight, those poor SOF sods...
It was probably just in an awkward position.
Look at the end.
As battles go the best thing to say is "I wasn't there"
The thing is all the talk all the bravo's like saying I was on this road. If you aint there for the whole thing you don't know. That is just how it is.
I aint explaining it right. But firefights are like..each angle.
I have watched the video. Position is still weird, how is the arm hanging. Could it be that he had small patch of bush under him? Also the photos could have been taken after rebels dragged his body so those can't tell much.
Well of course you can't know exactly since you weren't there, but we could still make guesses. To try and figure out what happened.
Like this
what is this in reference to?
these soldiers died a valiant death
they fought as green berets and died as green berets
i hope they can be at peace and bless their families
fuck off faggot
Well...War.. I mean.. war.
You been there? Done all those war things?
Hear those war things?
he's on his side and he is wearing combat gear- a plate carrier with rigid ceramic armor that would constrict some movements.
It looks like a shot to the leg took him down