Why don't you "men" step up to the plate and take responsibility?

why don't you "men" step up to the plate and take responsibility?


I'd be in that but I wouldn't support that


Looks like someone who makes bad choices and has a shit load of baggage... like visitation and dealing with her baggage every other weekend.
No wonder she wasn't someone with there (sic) shit together. She's got enough loose shit for a dozen men.

>Targetting a huge group
>Baiting said group
>Using obvious shill tactics

Stop, try another new, original tactic for once
Jesus fucking Christ, I want to see new tactics

Why do women always want stuff from men that they can’t acheive themselves?

Mongolized face .
Mother is a amerimutt. Not white .

This fucking thread again? At least wait till tomorrow before posting it again

why dont black 'men'?

Why doesn't she? She doesn't need a man, she can live by herself just fine.

Implying you wouldnt fuck her

>she can live by herself just fine.
only with copious amounts of assistance from the government and, thus, from you and me

after you peel the sausage casing jeans off you'll realize that it was 10 lb of mashed potatoes in a 5 lb sack

Holy shit

Yeah. There are no real males left. Only mommy's sons and pussies.
Adopt this kang already, yo dumb ass pussy crackas.

>black kid
.shit together

what le fug


lol even better. 24 and her life is fucked.

White women with mixed children should be forced to only show up on dating profiles with their children.


She can marry her son then.



The daughter actually looks kinda cute.


But why tho?

For lulz.

I ask the same question about you, Mandee


never in my life will i ever become this cucked. if it comes to it i will get a divorce and have to pay child support for 2 kids before i become a walking beacon of the destruction of western society

Which she can easily get.

Contrary to popular belief opposites don't in fact attract. Trash begets trash and trash attracts trash.

Because there are women in need of drug induced rape out there

> good faithful Catholic man
you can't make this shit up

>with there shit together
Dumb bitch
>half-breed child
Even dumber bitch

I guess these women think all the good guys spent their life working hard so they could spend it with a whore and raise kids that aren't theirs.

Agreed. If you could get some quality alone time with the girl, dating her mother might just be worth it.

Not worthy to wash my balls even without the kid.

>can't afford the catholic dating sites
looks like their dating sites are doing a good work to weed out the desperate and disheveled

The fact that she feels entitled while bringing nothing to the table, really pisses me off. Congrats to her.

god damn niggers. and i say niggers as in anybody just up and leaving a relationship after somebody gets prego. that shits fucked.

She is clearly searching for a cuck. These wrecked whores so desperate. She probably think that's just a little mistake, end everything will be fine soon.

>the absolute state of biothots

>These wrecked whores so desperate.
not as desperate as the cuck she'll surely find

>i'm a used up roastie working on my meme degree
>I only put out when my vagina gets wet and don't expect anything in return for putting up with me
>I only want someone that can take care of me and my half-frican
>also I have a doggo

"my son is my king/world" I never even message them when they have some shit like that. Ill pump and dump frumpy single moms tho.

she looks fucking 10 years older than she says she is, does carrying a black child to term age your body like using the dark side of the force?

Let me jump in on this sweat package. KEK.

them nigs prolly adopted from kenya, thats more admirable than raising some roasties half kangs.

It's the nigger's responsibility, and good luck trying to find a responsible nigger.

>7 months preggers
Why doesn't she just have it deleted?

>said the single mom with the black baby daddy

Look at the deep, tired circles of regret under her sad cow eyes. She has long since realized her “son” will never be as smart as she is, and will never really look like her. When he finally goes to prison for petty burglary, the cycle will be complete and she will kill herself.

Unless you... user... can man up and save her and her beautiful little man.

The child's head is bigger than hers and he's only like 8. Coalburners confirmed literal brainlets.

la creatura americano...

>My son is my world
every time. avoid any of these whores like the plague

I wouldn't even worry about that, my dude.

Single moms are crime fountains.

Adopted nigs bro. They are too dark and aren’t self aware enough to have realized their own inferiority.

so this is the power of feminism

>looks 30
>10 y.o. son


>looks 50

>shit together
do you think they do?

Lol because its a nigger



>explicitly stating in the ad that any guy who answers it will come third at best
Are they really deluded enough to think this will get them good answers?


>family guy
oh ho ho the ironing

>single mom
>accusing others of not having "there" shit together

i'd still fuck the ever loving shit out of Rebecca, 24



The first chick on the left looks like some night of the living dead shit. Man. wtf

Is it true Nikolas Cruz had a single mother

nigger stained her nice white pants!

what's so bad about a guy with loose stools?

They adopted those kids, they don't look mixed at all

Pretty sure the majority of those photos are of them helping out African kids on volunteer trips.

Except for Maria (bottom right).

They most certainly are. Gynocentrism has these roasties expecting the sun and moon.

They're obviously adopted but honestly thats just as bad, fucking disgusting giving these genetic dead ends from Africa and other third world shitholes a proper life because of muh feels. Guarantee the black kids will rape the white daughters at some point in their childhood

>Why is it so hard to find somebody with their shit together
There was a really big clue you beastial witch.
Stop letting them pussy dazzle you (this ones gross) stop talking to sluts that whore out for Babylon.
Spit on them and charge them triple for all goods and services. Toll.

Thanks for these threads. They serve as a reminder that 2D is, has been and always will be superior to the 3DPD THOT menace.

Most of them look like aid workers in Africa, those kids aren't theirs.

It raises the question, are single mothers the cause of the higher crime rates or is the fact that so many blacks are raised in single mother houses the cause of the statistics?

>she's 26

>she's 24

Does getting inseminated by nogs age a woman or something, or is it from the stress of societal marginalization and being a single mother? Also pic related. TopKek


>Nigger baby and misspelled a common 5 letter word.

Your question is relocatable, lady.

>TMNT shirt
>not even the best generation TMNT
Worse than a fucking cuck. He's a total failure of a man in every sense.

>Does getting inseminated by nogs age a woman or something, or is it from the stress of societal marginalization and being a single mother?
Just becoming a mother ages a woman since her body has to change to produce, birth, and accommodate the child. It's a stressful biological process

That story gave me depression. At first I laughed when she hid the child but the murder thing got me

I can almost guarantee that that cargo pants pocket is holding a 3DS

There's no way that slag is 26.

C*tholics BTFO

That greasy curled hair, a black child, and can't spell. My wife told me if I ever leave her to at least pick someone better. I think she would be insulted if I went for this lady.

Not gonna let a little thing like getting knocked up stop me from meeting that special someone.

This one isn't a big deal. She's stating her values. She's not insulting anyone like

It's so funny how accurate stupid simple memes are in reflecting reality.