How will white boi' s ever recover
Blacks are the master race
They have a strap and hook in the back. They're propping it in the door to get leverage to put it on the roof
That's just a lanyard on her keys
Have you ever picked up a box spring? They weigh about 8 pounds you sissy. Who in the hell would need leverage to move that?
More like the master-baiters.
What shit box sprig are you buying?
thats why they opened the door on BOTH SIDES
and even bothered OPENING the door,
>was for leverage
ok big deal they weight like 30-40 pounds or close to it. so what
I got a pillow-top matress and box springs don't weight over 40 pounds
that's normal box spring weight, how heavy is yours?
How do these niggers even get driver licenses?
ok maybe its like 20 pounds, i forget
just thinkijng like oak wood or someshit but remembering now its like 15 -20 pounds max
just hook it
The strap is for towing the couch idiot.
Didn't blacks invent the flatbed truck or horses or whatever? Why they gotta put it in 5th owner luxury car?
>5th owner luxury car
She got them rims on shine tho
i once saw nigresses trying to patch a flat tire with an 'X' made from electricians tape. i gladly stepped over to offer my advice "it'll work better if you make it an asterisk." "wutchoo mean axtrix?" "you know - like a plus and an X" "oooh dat sound gud, yoo smaht" "glad to help!"
Only one.
Ok, maybe two.
i cant get over Mr. Speedy in the background