Guess that means the whole thing was a sham and why masons have to take an oath which threatens death if they tell.
Don't blame me, I didn't do it.
Guess that means the whole thing was a sham and why masons have to take an oath which threatens death if they tell.
Don't blame me, I didn't do it.
Other urls found in this thread:
I didn't take an oath.
>Moses wasn't Jewish
where exactly are you getting that from?
That's the secret of Freemasonry.
Moses was 18th Dynasty Egyptian : Akhenaten III
who introduced monotheism to Egypt.
His temple was Luxor-Karnak and paid homage to Amun-Ra in the form of a RAM which was later depicted in the story of ARES
Which is why The Rothschild family wear Ares jewellery (The Ram)
This is the dumbest shit ever, it is a "secret of fremasonry" yeah? From which freemasonic book? Show some sources, even then... its "freemason secret says so", where is the rationalle etc
You want me to compile what equates to ten years of studying in a post?
Which is why you miss he mark completely
Usually a master of a science can simplify it down into a succinct statement, a novice cannot, because he himself does not REALLY know.
Are you a Freemason?
Did you hit the glass ceiling?
What do you think the brotherhood of De Molay is all about?
It's about the bloodline of Caesarian (son of Cleopatra and Caesar) being the bloodline of The Holy Grail.
Cleopatra B blood group
Caesar A blood group
Turin Shroud 12th century
AB- blood (Jacques De Molay's bloodtype)
Tekton mistranslated as carpenter, linguistic scholars now agree, it means Master Craftsman/Architect
He was described by Plutarch as being known as "King of Kings"
I'm a Master of Science and The Arts.
Do you know why the date May 1st 1776 is significant?
Torah - To Hit The Mark
Ishtar - To Irrigate
Zion "The Dry Place"
I am not a mason, i think freemasonry is a foolish endeavor because it places it self in opposition to Christianity. That being said i do not know why may 1st 1776 is significant, why is it?
Can you explain why there is “no more sea” in Revelation 21:1
Now you can
1776 May 1st The Illuminati was formed.
Do you know what Weishaupt means?
No dude, Moses was adopted as a baby, so he was prolly raised by the lady pharaoh in their religion.
Then again Moses probably wasn't even a real person.. It was probably just a thing a bunch of escaped slaves made up to tell their kids bout how they quz kangs and such.
Jews didn't exist until 2 Judges, and is the generic name given to everyine who lived in Judea after the 10 tribes split to form Israel in thw north.
Moses was a Hebrew Israelite, not a Jew you illiterate Catholic dumbfuck.
The Arc of the covenant is a transformer that belongs in the great pyramid
Wireless power
freud wrote a whole book about it, not much of a secret then
Weiss (white) Weiss (knows)
Haupt - The Highest Rank.
Do you know what the joke in this episode of The Simpsons is?
So how did the Jews come to exist and where are the remaining Hebrew Israelites?
Shalom brothers.
Stop posting that fake version of Akhenaten III you fucking nigger.
but thats also the founder of the illuminati
anyhow, the real secret of freemasonry is the mankind is god. the initiate is asked if he is ready to meet god in the final initiation, his hoodwink is removed and he is facing a mirror. there.
Next you'll be telling me King Tut was a man
Did you know that Bob Marley had B- blood?
Same as Alexander The Great.
It sure is.
What else happened in 1776?
The tribe of Judah had their own state in the nation of Israel. When Solomon worshipped the devil in his old age God told him that 10 of the tribes would be taken away in the days of his son's reign. Those 10 tribes went to war with Solomon's evil son and were allies with the Syrians who later took them into captivity. The elites were taken and scattered across the Syrian empire. The hicks were left behind and mixed with the Syrian dregs who moved into the land of Israel. Those people became the Samaritans.
The kingdom of Judah was made up predominantly of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin with some Levites and a few of people from random tribes who fled the north when Israel backslid into wickedness.
Real Israelites are now Christians.
interesting thanks for the info user
Estimates place the percentage of French supplied arms to the Americans in the Saratoga campaign at up to 90%
>Stop posting that fake version of Akhenaten III you fucking nigger.
You've seen the son's DNA, now look at his his grandather.
It's DNA! See his grandfather, you pathetic thieving West Central coast african subhuman.
Stop asking questions and share info and answers
Acting all mysterious makes you look like the average troll
What is the significance of this fucking pic?
You sound irritated brother.
Ok LARPer continue to act like you know shit while not proving you do
Another schizo
That a bowling ball with a liquid center would actually be worse to bowl with.
So you sayin ancient egyptians is the real jews?
Sure am.
>1776 May 1st The Illuminati was formed.
The First Continental Congress was a meeting of delegates from twelve of the Thirteen Colonies who met from September 5 to October 26, 1774
LOL! Niggers use youtube for history research.
100% true lol, the dudes got no idea what's going on, just asking random questions as if he is drawing a logical string from one to another
Jews stole half there shit from Persian Zoroastrians (monotheism, their overlords. YHWH was a volcano god.
OP is a dumb nigger.
centripetal vs centrifugal
Who is that silver tongued man, man?
Jews stole half there shit from Persian Zoroastrians (monotheism) their overlords. YHWH was a volcano god.
Are you also saying that America is the real Israel? Or am i jumping to conclusions?
The United States Declaration of Independence is the statement adopted by the Second Continental Congress meeting at the Pennsylvania State House (now known as Independence Hall) in Philadelphia on July 4, 1776.
wrong. entirely wrong...
I consider Antarctica to be Israel...
>You want me to compile what equates to ten years of studying in a post?
= 2yrs on youtube and blogs
More accurately, there was no Moses.
At least, not in any way connected to Egypt, or even the tale of magic and sour grapes that is Exodus.
"Moses" was a popular apocryphal figure even before the formation of what could be considered hebrew/jewish culture. Like literally at the dawn of what passed for recorded history. Chances are, at some point there may have been a chieftain/mystical figure actually named Moses, but only in the same sense that maybe "Merlin" is based on an actual person. Long before Exodus ever entered into Hebrew legendry, the Semitic tribes already attributed literally all laws, miracles, and good ideas to this legendary wiseman of yesteryear, "Moses." A lot easier to maintain an oral history when you only have to remember one name as the guy responsible for everything. This is well-documented by contemporary historians who belonged to cultures that actually wrote things down and lived in permanent buildings.
Centuries-to-millenia later, the bitter envy of dust-scratching goat-herders led them to create the foundation of the Exodus myth. Also well-documented at the time, when the Hebrews first started telling this tale it starred a simple well-to-do, upper-middle-class Egyptian man who realized that his culture wasn't all that and chose instead the wisdom of the Semetic nomads. But in exemplary Jewish fashion, this wasn't good enough. Pretty soon it wasn't just an Egyptian tradesman, it was an Egyptian noble. Not just a noble, in fact, but a priest! He realized how fake all his gods and magic were compared to hebrew mysticism! That proves we're better! In fact, it wasn't a priest, it was, uh...uh...A PRINCE! YEAH! He was totally gonna be king of all Egypt! But then he realized how much more true and pure OUR way of life was! YEAH.
Soon enough, this anonymous figure began to have all manner of miraculous and mystical powers attributed to him. And that can ONLY be Moses, because that's basically the only character they had.
You can't insult my intelligence.
I'm a well known Rocket Scientist.
Barbara Walters was the first female national news anchor. Was she owned by the Rothschilds?
>pic related
You still haven't answered what the joke is in this episode of The Simpsons...
India is too far you dumb poo. Zoroastrian actually owned Cannanite lands.
>Genisis stories
>Lord of light
>Zarathursta's baptism
>Zarathursta's life of preaching
>Baby Jesus is visited by three Magi (Zoroastrian priests).
>Mithraism underneath the Vatican
Jesus was a Buddhist monk. There. Now continue your degenerate rewriting of history lib.
lol - I just found this
David Lamelas: A Life of Their Own - Page 95 - Google Books Result
María José Herrera, Kristina Newhouse - 2017 - Art
Duane and Lamelas's video opens on two characters, each preparing separately, and unenthusiastically, for an interview: a wealthy sheikh from “a country in the Middle East,” played by Lamelas, and the journalist Barbara Rothschild— based on Jewish ABC broadcast journalist Barbara Walters
That's because Caesarion went to India.
I don't care about the predictive programming that mind fucked you. You're on Sup Forums now. You're here with the big boys.
Known as "Isa" in Islam. (son of Isis)
Check the Russian scholar for details of the adventures of Isa in India.
You sound like a wee man
Your jokes are bad and your research is shit.
It's making you angry. why might that be?
>wrong. entirely wrong...
Mostly true.
Jews didn't steal just half their history/religion from other cultures, it was all stolen.
Jews are a nomadic, tribal, parasitic race. Think gypsies, but more deceptive.
Their “Old Testament” even starts with getting kicked out of the Garden of Eden by their own god.
It continues to tell a tall tale of their oppression and slavery in Egypt, which they somehow miraculously escaped.
In reality, evidence points to nomadic pre-kikes known as the Hyksos infesting the area of the Nile delta, slowly worming their way into positions in the Egyptian government while pretending to be Egyptian, later attempting to subvert and overthrow that government, and finally trying to establish a new state religion (see Akhenaten) before the Egyptians chased them the fuck out.
It then goes on to tell of their conquest of the so called ‘Holy Land’ through a glorious invasion where they killed all the prior inhabitants. Rather, historical evidence points toward the same pre-kike tribes that were KTFO of Egypt moving into the lands of Canaan, settling on the outskirts of existing cities, and then corrupting that proto-civilization from within by pretending to be part of it. They again pushed for a new state religion and surreptitiously defamed that societies leaders while engaging in backstabbing and assassinations until their own people gained control.
It’s quite obvious that the story of Noah was simply the stolen epic of Gilgamesh, with the names changed to be kikeish.
Some historians have even found evidence that the ‘Old Testament’ was only created around 300BC, and consists mostly of stories stolen from other cultures—slightly changed to be more Jewish, and to promote their “woe is me” persecution mythos.
Moses was a black semite
He was the first of his kind to strongley start a removal of wh*toid slaves from egypt back to y*rope
We need another moses today
Still unable to tell me what this episode of The Simpsons means...
Take a guess.
yeah he's satan spawn
2000BC Egyptian elite DNA tested in 2018 = Europeans
>It's making you angry. why might that be?
I'm using you as a device to drop more redpills. Keep bumping.
So that's why Egypt fell? No more whites to provide niggers with welfare and foodstamps? So now they realize they done goofed and are invading Europe by the boatload now for them free gibsmedats, aye?
Jewish shills can't show their flag.
>Barbara Walters was the first female national news anchor.
Not really that surprising.
>Barbara Walters was born in 1929 (although Walters herself has claimed 1931 in an on-camera interview) in Boston to Dena (née Seletsky) and Louis "Lou" Walters (born Louis Abraham Warmwater). Her parents were both Jewish, and descendants of refugees from the former Russian Empire. Walters' paternal grandfather, Abraham Isaac Warmwater, was born in Łódź, Poland, and emigrated to the United Kingdom, changing his name to Abraham Walters (the original family surname was Waremwasser).
>son white
>granfather white
>skull white
>2000BC Egyptian elite DNA tested in 2018 = Europeans
"The roots of Zoroastrianism are thought to have emerged from a common prehistoric Indo-Iranian religious system dating back to the early 2nd millennium BCE"
The earliest swastika known has been found in Mezine, Ukraine. It is carved on late paleolithic figurine of mammoth ivory, being dated as early as about 10,000 BC.
Judaism is a religion and moses was one of it's propagators
idk what logic do you have if any
yes he might be egyptian not like egyptians are that genetically or culturally divergent from the rest of middle east
Which bloodgroup do white people belong to?
Example -
B blood is Asiatic blood.
This is a really misleading pick, there isn't a single "negro" skull, africa has shit tons of genetic groupings, all with different skull structures, it's an intellectual dishonesty to say that because his skull wasn't a subset of western african skulls, that his recent genetic lineage didn't originate in Africa.
and the swastika is the big dipper around the north start in the four seasons
the bigg dipper is commonly used to find the constellations of astrology an ancient religious pantheon recognized globally
>2000BC Egyptian elite DNA tested in 2018 = Europeans
middle eastern
google the haplogroups
OK great, that's interesting.
Why do you say that?
"Ramses II has B type blood, as this is the blood of Homo-Erectus lines, not our Neanderthal lines, which are O negative"
Moses books appear in 300BC, not before.
JUDIASM = post Christian Rome. There was no Judah-ism before the Romans started colleting scrolls and created the Old Testement. No Torah. No Tanaka. Just random scrolls and 5 books of moses.
HEBREW = "nomads". They were nomadic groups under Persian Zoroastrian rule when the first scrolls appear.
Fire worshipers and magi are older than most religions... Still, 2000BCE is older than Aten (1200sBC) and Mosaic writings (300BC).
>middle eastern
>google the haplogroups
That's not what it says sand nigger
you said caesar was A and its clearly not B
im O so i was curious who carried that and its native americans but im a tanning white that gets freckles with dark brown hair and bright green eyes
seems to leave A
>Ramses II was a nigger
Taylor Swiftowitz
True story
So Moses was christian,jewish and muslim.
That's right.
Was the expulsion of the jews based off the Hyskos? They did worship Baal (which is hebrew for Lord) and their capital city was Avarice (greed). They were expelled a few centuries before Akhenaten but may have infiltrated the Egyptian royalty, there is a sharp decline in egypt after that and the bronze age collapse occurs almost immediately after. The Hyskos were expelled and the only expulsion of record large enough to be comparable to what the jews said happened to them. They were never slaves though but invaders with advanced military technology (heavy chariots and composite bows)