How would you respond to or take action against this action?
How would you respond to or take action against this action?
Dont reveal your power level. If they accuse you then deny it and call the police and press charges.
look like shaun king's brother
There's no way that guy is pure white.
Probably not.
NSM are subhuman larpy trash. Hitler, Mosley and Degrelle all agreed we need a new machine. Goebbels wrote many times about the necessity of being fresh and appealing to patriotism.
If you want play dress up buy a time machine.
How is this guy White?
We need people like you in the North West.
I don't know.
Take a stand and say “Damn right!”
Dam Right!
Find SJWs and "out" them as Nazis.
56% of his ancestors were white.
Wow look at the posters, this is funny. It's hard to tell if it's satire or not... who would come across this and seriously be like "wew thanks for the info on this guy!"?
Play by their rules.
Make lists.
Lists with names, addresses and photos.
Share these lists. Get them into the hands of allies.
Pic unrelated.
I'm 100% White but the Nazis don't want me because I married an Asian.
It's not NSM retard, read the article. It's Proud Boys and other alt-lite types who they consider evil Nazis.
>Find SJWs and "out" them as Nazis.
Find a libtard's car, put a fucking Trump sticker on it.
Find a libtard's house, fly a Nazi flag above it.
Both will get destroyed by their "tolerant" leftist compatriots.
LOL do the antifags not realize the American people are nearly beyond the tipping point?
By 2020 there will be prideful alt right parades down Time Square on the daily
I already wrote a strongly worded letter to the editors of the Oregonian. What more do you want from me?!
Fellow advice for white nationalist, get ride of the Nazi imagery and learn to /fa/ and /fit/
But seriously. Aside from this guy in the pic and whether he is white or not, what if anything should be done about the NW Antifa? We live in fear up here.
Well good job on that. You are doing something.
Absolute beauties
Wtf this is the equivilant of tattling at school...these fags need jobs or a live...wish i could just gun down antifa they are worse than these guys
Convert to judaism. You'll be a jewish nazi and their heads will explode
Not for non-whites and beta white males
Omg a flyer! Stop being such a larping neet bitch. When the come with guns, then that’s a story.
Protect you identity. Never come out full 1488 until a greater movement starts.
Let them saw what the will. Words don’t mean shit.
Stand your ground and stick to the plan.
It's honestly about time this started happening more. No one wants a retarded faux-nazi autist in their families.
Look at that stupid idiot... anyone who dresses and looks like that isn't seriously interested in preserving our civilization, period.
These are NSM guys, buntcha literal fifty six per-centers on the FBI payroll, just like black panthers, and most other third movement parties from the sixties and seventies.
Using Made in America in a negative connotation
yep thats right, we dont want you dirty race mixer
Once you're outed, join an activist group and become a slave to the cause. That is how we win.
>not datamining random normies from these areas on Facebook and pasting posters with their personal data accusing them of being nazis
When everyone is a nazi, no one is.
>Dont reveal your power level. If they accuse you then deny it and call the police and press charges.
faggot leaf- "Hide! Just keep hiding!"
Just start outing obnoxious sjws as nazis.
>until a greater movement starts.
But every time a movement starts to grow, you leftypol shills always start screaming "CONTROLLED OPPOSITION" and focus on minutia to suppress the growth of the movement. That's how the feds killed WN 1.0 and it's how you faggots are killing WN 2.0
If I found a poster like that on someone in my neighborhood, I'd buy the guy a beer and talk neighborhood defense in case the shit hit the fan.
Woah, this group of a couple of hundred men must really be dangerous to society. Let's just ignore terrorist groups like Antifa and BLM.
>we need alt-lite cuckolds in the North West
Christ if you literally have flags all over and an actually hitler-stache you deserve it.
That's all these antifa/NBP/Brown Beret fucks do is talk shit. Once they meet real nazis when the numbers are fair, they get their little tiny asses curbstomped.
>We live in fear up here.
larping faggot.
memeflag= israel
they haven't caught me
Anyone dumb enough to call themselves a neo-Nazi in this day and age is either a retard or a glow in the dark CIA nigger. This is a ploy to make us afraid.
He probably got the boot because of his obnoxious bullshit, look at all the flags and trash in his yard. I bet the fucker played Horst-Wessel-Lied loud enough for people miles around to hear.
the title conflicts the article since the family says he turned away from them. So who disowned who?
It's an idea
Also this
Read the article retards. The guy in the pic has nothing to do with it, the people getting doxed are Proud Boys.
Kill the pedos and kikes first!
Hypothetically of course
Good, if you dress up and larp as a fucking nazi with swastikas, armbands, and stahlhelm helmets you dont actually care about white people. You are just a degenerate looking for escapism.
>black panthers were on the fbi payroll
fat retards fighting fat retards
autist conservitards will be forced out of every discussions because your opinions are not valid
free speech was a mistake
factually correct speech is coming
That white trash inbred (probable jew) looks like he survived abortion.
How the fuck can liberals believe that fascists control America when all they have to do to ruin someones life is accuse them of being a fascist
when have liberals ever been consistent?
>Protect you identity. Never come out full 1488 until a greater movement starts.
You are a dumb motherfucker, aren't you? How will this mythical greater movement start if everybody's waiting for everybody else to come out at the same time?
For that matter, why would we cede the streets now? Proud boys/others aren't getting outed because they're going around with signs on their backs, they're getting outed because they're standing up to antifa goons now.
OP is antifa. Why else would he direct link to an antifa site?
Invite them over for bbq and beer while I explain myself.
He seems like a good guy to me.
No no no no no. The saying is
>Keep calling everyone a Nazi and eventually you'll be right.
Even when they out number the "Nazis" 10:1 they get stabbed with their own knives and scream for the police.
He seems alright to me.
I don't see what the problem is
I don't go there but I may start. I mean they come here right? My thing is I don't really care what they have to say. From what I've gathered it's mostly lies and moral boosters for being losers.
Come help or stfu.
Wow that guy is a neo nazi? how did they figure that one out?
they were the reason California lost its right to open carry too. Racist law to keep blacks from owning guns pea now.
Wtf I love the FIB now.
instead of white people.
If you’re not familiar with the history of protest in the U.S., you might not know that the armed occupation of government buildings hasn’t always been just for white guys. In fact, on May 2, 1967, a group of 30 Black Panthers walked into the California state Capitol building, toting rifles and shotguns and quickly garnering national headlines.
yep, the U.S. is no where near the point where they want to see some lard ass with a retarded, loose fitting SS knock off outfit and a shitty Stahlhelm off amazon, rolling down the street in his mobility scooter with a swastika flying off the back.
Best bet for white racially conscious people is to get fit, dress well, work and stay out of debt and raise a large, white family. If this becomes the norm for most right wingers/identitarians, the white birth rate will increase and you wouldn't have to worry about whites becoming minorities in their own countries.
Why did you use such a misleading pic for the OP?
Nobody tried to stop the 30 Black Panthers — 24 men and six women, carrying rifles, shotguns and revolvers — as they walked through the doors of the state Capitol building on May 2 of that year. This was decades before Sept. 11 or the Oklahoma City bombing, and the protesters were, after all, legally allowed to have their weapons.
This will form these men to form militas.
Fucking antifa. They push and push and push until they get the boogieman they want.
Many white Americans couldn’t get over their first impression of the Black Panthers. Coverage of the 1967 protest introduced them to the party, and the fear of black people exercising their rights in an empowered, intimidating fashion left its mark. To them, the Black Panthers were little more than a group of thugs unified behind militaristic trappings and a leftist political ideology. And to be fair, some members of the party were criminals not just in the minds of frightened white people.
Could be a problem for him if some Mexican gangbangers see that and go to his house to find his kids
>what should we do about these guys with fringe views
>should we talk with them in hope that they may moderate their views once they realize we all arn't all that different?
>or should we harass him and further isolate him?
Liberals will deserve what they get
>posted slander without evidence
Free advertising.
These clowns don't understand they're basically advertising what most conservative whites think but aren't allowed to say.
Seattle is surrounded by implicit white nationalists - they don't understand this until they get outside their shitlib city limits
Choose one.
Look at Ops pic related again. That person is most likely Antifa and that is staged.
>white male
>Nazi Flag
>American flag
All 3 things they have been trying to sell the normans to hate.
I wanna do this to people, I'm just gonna make shit up LOL
I guess these minor victories are all they have, Antifa members are getting arrested every day and the best they have is a guy taking photos of his own stalker posters.
Just do what the left does really well. Wait.
Just have slow victories. For now we just need to get the general populous to see how crazy the left is and to support basic things like guns. You need to move slowly. Germany only went full 1488 because they were starving to death.
It won't happen now. But we need to fight back and win on the media front because the right keeps losing this most basic of things. There needs to be a bigger right media revival.
is dat sum Puddems?
Hell yes it is. Love her.
its ok if you print truthful shit, but making it up makes you libelous - which means if you get caught, they sue you and win
The left is playing with fire, they are going to do this to the wrong user, and it's on...
>tfw you hope they do this to you so people will leave you the fuck alone and consider you armed and dangerous.
Yeah well that tactic have failed ever since the 30s
All you retards ought to wake the fuck up. As long as the lemmings have their luxuries, nothing else is appealing.
Charles Lindbergh went from being a national hero to being reduced to nothing in his Les Moines speech, simply because he called out jews for pushing intervention up until WW2.
The one on the right is ruined by the nigger eyes
I just do my thing. I don't walk around with a fucking swastika or any of that shit, but I do dress well. Wearing a fashy long coat around town, while I go for walks and read Mein Kampf at the park.
You don't need to hide your beliefs, just be ready to back them up, as well as be presentable and portray your stance as reasonable