Or he can pull a Hillary and just destroy any evidence. Balance the scales as it were. You Demofags are nothing if not good at setting the precedent.
day of the rake when?
"We burned them. Fuck you"
They're covering cuz it's a jew.
The problem is Trump can't do that. Mueller probably already has the evidence and if Trump were to destroy any that would be obvious obstruction of justice and, well Trump would be fucked then LOL
Reading comprehension my leaf friend, the documents are being subpoenaed from a witness, not the people named.
Slide thread to distract from
>CNN is not fake news.
Y'all member when CNN used fallout computer terminal emulation of hacking to show what the Russians did to our election.
>Mueller gets Trump on a technicality
>democrats call an impeachment vote
>republicans betray him
>he gets impeached
>military stages a coup to keep him in power
Holy. Shit.
This is something that should have been done on Week 1 of the investigation.
Mueller knew all along. There's nothing there.
Of course, he's just going to ignore the fact that Seth Rich's parents admitted that their son was the leaker a week ago.
shills addicted to happenings now, hahaa
>white house has already given tons of documents to date
fuck off shill kike
ignore this shill thread.
the establishment wants these records because they want to see how Trump won and what his strategy for winning was, so that they can use it later.
What is Mueller going to do with these docs after the investigation is over?
Once again trumpanzies LITERALLY unable to come up with a retort that doesnt involve Hillary or Obama. Fucking KYS you traitor. PS I am a vet and not a liberal, I just happen to have read the Constitution and swore to uphold it.
what am I looking at?
What does this mean?? Who is the Witness???
Meme flag opinion discarded btw playing call of duty doesnt make you a vet
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
Trump is still going to be impeached & thrown in jail
What do you think about impeaching the Supreme Court justices, user.? For starters, they could remove the Chief Justice, named Mr Roberts?
I can't believe I know this
That's a hole dug through Antarctic ice to the sea below with a camera being lowered into it.
Turns out the water is slowly freezing
officers hate him, so more likely it'd be a civil war
Fake and gay.
>destroy the evidence
pulling a Hillary would be "suicide" for everyone involved in the investigation, burning the evidence, and then getting Anderson Cooper fired from CNN if he says anything about it.
desu though yeah apparently anything goes now, Trump should just send him a bag full of dog shit and tell jokes about how "crappy" the investigation is on twitter
lol that's basically just abolishing the court
>what his strategy for winning was
being a legit outsider that gave a voice for all those forgotten people, the only way that the elite can win is nuking the Electoral College.
I'm just fucking around.
Here's your pro-tip:
The reason Jeff Sessions does nothing is the military legal eagles are doing it already.
Thus the executive orders we've seen.
Trump's tweets at sessions is just him playing games. The military is fixing to bring down the biggest global crime syndicate of all time.
>Delusional Leaf is delusional
how is your day going knowing that India mocks your PM and the U.S tariffs are the beginning of the day of the rake?
Can’t Trump just delete all the subpoenaed documents? Hildawg did.
>tfw got nothing :-(
How many times have you said that?
How are you not embarrassed to do it again?
The point of the Hillary/Obama retort isn't to say Trump didn't do nuffin, it's to say that you clearly don't give a fuck about high crimes and misdemeanors. After the excesses of the past administration it would be too much of a double standard to impeach Trump on anything less than murder
>tfw when you dislike Trump, but still oppose the coup
What did george webb mean by this?
That doesn't make any sense user.
The FBI *ALREADY* had clinton emails during the ONGOING investigation into her crimes, and the FBI deleted the evidence THEMSELVES, probably on the order of Obama. The precedence has been set, and no obstruction of justice charges were ever filed.
>PS I am vet
literally no vet talks like this. Nice try, shareblue
Why would it be suicide for a ((("republican"))) and not for a ((("democrat")))? What's the difference?
>just keep complacent, goy
Don't worry this time it'll be different :)
Every news story about Trump since November 2016 has been BREAKING PROOF TRUMP/RUSSIA SOMETHING SOMETHING, and then nothing ends up happening and the media stops talking about it after 2 days. Is this an actual news story or is it another nothing-burger that the media is over hyping up.
Well it's been a good run. At least we got Gorsuch. Shame about the wall.
>PS I'm a vet
>Shareblue: when you can't win the argument credibly, just use stolen valor!
I really can't wait till you fuckers are completely exposed to the public.
>>this time it will be different
This must be a main phrase in the communist lexicon. They say it each time they start a new "utopia".
Oh this is so too good to be true but such a good explanation of everything.
>Jeff I'm gonna really talk some shit to you, alright. It'll be great.
> . . .
>it's gonna be tremendous. When the cianiggers realize what's actually happening and that the Guantanamo stories are true because fbianon was such a great larp i just had to make it policy, the look on Brennans face while we waterboard him. It'll be amazing.
Mueller found out a Trump associate ordered toilet paper from a Russian company, now he needs the receipt and will do a press conference so everyone's aware of this possible collusion with Russia.
Nice one
what did CNN mean?
>Jewish GOP donor
He will uncover ties to Mccain & Co.
The information is being slow rolled to the public to ease them into this. There's already 14k indictments.
Military generals don't like trump
This is big guys, can't believe I voted for Trump, I told everyone I knew I voted and supported him and now I look like a total idiot. Already threw away my stupid MAGA hat and placard.
That's what the kike polls say. Do you expect us to trust the kike polls, kike?
>I'm a kike, be discouraged!
No kike. Be gassed.
So edgy man, you hate the kike too?! Fake news hur dur.. Wake up, man.
Under the legal system we had he couldnt be hastey because if he fails to get those documents once then all subsequent tries must be okayed by a court before the court of if he can get he documents
Seriously. I supported him from the beginning. I hate Mexicans and niggers. And it's been really hilarious watching him crash and burn. But in all honesty, we can't let him get his hands on the tariff codes.
we dont like trump
All activities exposed by WikiLeaks pardoned
Trump doesn't make 2019
feels good man
OPs asshole
Lol. This might actually happen. The military is so fucking pro trump it's ridiculous.
>PEACH MINT!!!111!1
Did Brock finally die and Eric just had a breakdown? If you guys just fall apart and act cool but rep mmfa like a weird college humor thing, it'd probably work a little. Like just talk a bunch of irreverent shit and nudge it 8% more kike-commie-liberal-faggot. You'd be a decade ahead of the curve given the uncredited talent of the org. It's middle ground anarchist comedy and satire like early simpsons. And 8% faggotry.
So what?
He's done literally nothing for us except be a tad un-PC.
>smile status
>quote assimilating unquote
Why didn't you just put the word in quote marks you ape?
What exactly is going to be in campaign documents?
I hardly think they are going to be writing about Trump being Putin's agent.
Another nothing burger.
lol go to bed grampa
NOW Liberals care about someone's e-mails.
Mueller knows he has nothing. He's just trying to stir up enough shit to help the Democrats during the mid terms. Closer to the elections more indictments and leaks will be coming. None of it will make sense but liberals will feed off it. They will still lose and it will be glorious.
its always nothing with these fucking retards, they are running in a circle jerk with there kidnapped children wondering what to do, they cant do shit because it would get them indicted, which thats going to happen either way. Trump is just the fuse to the bomb thats going to blow up the entire political establishment trump will laugh in the end because he destroyed both sides. Normies will riot and cry and die
"investigators want emails, text messages, work papers, telephone logs and other documents"
Text messages and telephone logs are something the carriers would have, not the people being served a subpoena. I smell bullshit.
Oh, so get this, it's a single "witness". No name at all.
> lebanese american
> advisor to the ruler of UAE, crown prince mohammed
> frequent visitor during 2017
They had power though. If you have the power, you don't have to follow the rules.
>nbc news
>literally nothing
sigh, off to the next shill thread
Not a single drumpfanzee can defend this
This, fucking thank you. I was hoping I wasn’t the only one that noticed that.
Nobody cares anymore man. We want people in prison. Until then these click bait fluff scare pieces can suck a dick. Go back to le donald
Katy Tur, co-author of the article, father is the tranny who put Ben Shapiro in a head lock.
>documents discovered as fake and gay
>ensuing shitstorm becomes civil war and ww3, 4 and 5
Does anyone even care anymore?