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How bad?

4.2 wow, insane!

4.2? You have to pay attention or you won't feel it.

Oklahoma is in ruins!
But then, it was before the quake. You can hardly feel a 4.2

Do earthquakes happen in oklahoma?

gay and fake

Oklahoma has been ramping back up fracking waste water injection again. The recent budget cuts at the state level made it super easy for oil production companies to grease some palms. We’re fucked here.....


Weird, I didn't feel anything. Did feel the one last year that was about the same magnitude I think, although I forget where it originated, might have been closer. I live about an hour east of Tulsa.

They really need to stop letting companies dispose of all that wastewater in old wells...

Its not shilling you brainless cunt. Fracking and oil in general is absolutely retarded. Smart MF know that renewables is the future.

Why do you have a meme flag and a different ID now? Did you forget to change proxies? Shill.

Oklahoman here...not fake but def gay...
Two significant quakes today, one late afternoon and the other within the last hour.

Its the fracking dumbass

The problem isn't even fracking itself. The consensus as I understand it is that it's due to disposing of waste fluids from fracking and other drilling/production operations in spent wells. The water over time dissolves the rock and allows plates to shift, which creates earthquakes.

"There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven"

~Luke 21:11

Oklahoma get kick backs to take on fracking waste that other states don’t won’t in their ground. The quakes got bad enough in Payne county about a year ago the state government was force to largely scale back waste water injection in the state to prove the correlation between the uptick in quakes with this rampant injection.

Waste water injection in Oklahoma has been a problem since 2012.

dumbs or fracking?

Nope. Other states frack and don’t have this problem with quakes like OK. Oklahoma has a rampant waste water disposal industry to get rid of most of the fracking waste from the US. Do some research you brain dead cunt...

This is absolutely right. Oklahoma happens to be strapped for cash enough to not care about the effects of this waste disposal. Oklahoma is the fracking cum dumpster of the US.

Worth pointing out too is that other states HAD this problem. Then they put a stop to injections wells and earthquakes went away.

Oklahoma unfortunately is just behind the regulatory curve on this one.

Truly devastating. Here's a picture of the damage. Absolutely happening!

My condolences, user. Those eggs looked delicious.

The other states that had this problem fixed by disposing their waste water in Oklahoma. Unfortunately OK state gov is owned by energy corporations. It’s ok tho the Devon energy tower and Chesapeake arenas totes make up for daily quakes.

are you ready boys