Why is it always whites who talk but can't back it up?
Why is it always whites who talk but can't back it up?
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>attacking a man sit down
that's coward
>so then you carry the one to the next colu-
so a gorilla slaps your ass
the fuck do you do? nothing
fuckin niggers who let them in
Well. I just wait until he sits down amd begin throwing him every chair and desk in the class. Aiming to the face.
How about a fair man on man next time so we don't have to shoot up the school in a free-for-all?
sounds like a bad plan
>Whites talk but can't back it up
>Wtf whites got the most killing sprees in schools etc reeeeee
Pick one
Why didn't he grab him by the balls and twist?
Seriously, you're being dominated by a larger gorilla nigger? Turn to him, look him in the eye, burst out and grab his nuts and twist. It's not gay.
I hope this white boy said "You're still a nigger"
If that kid shot up the school after that I wouldn’t even be mad.
>niggers love tap does not even stun the guy.
Because civilized humans remain civil. Niggers aren't even human.
But, in a way, I admire the primitive nature of the nigger. Imagine if white people played by amoral rules. Hell, black people wouldn't exist.
Also, whitey took that cheapshot like a champ.
Blacks are just physically superior.
Whites like to talk shit behind their keyboards, but when confronted man to man, they back down to their masters.
>can't back it up
Every time whites back it up, the kike media won't stop whining about muh chilluns and salt weapons.
>man on man
finland are you the ghey?
keeping your composure and documenting everything
yea what a fag
i cant wait until the rulers of society are like the "man" on the right, what a bright future we all have
He basically just ignored that other guys hit.
That black guy has pretty blubbery man tits.
They understand that the zero-tolerance policy is there to punish them, not protect them
Well, actually, when discussing differences between white people and black people as groups, 'they understand' might explain a lot of it
Now, Asian, Hispanic, Indian, and Middle-Eastern people. What makes them different?
>white people have impulse control
>black people dont
How is this new?
lol, you've really never been around blacks, have you? They will sucker punch you for fun.They have absolutely no honor and they're proud of it.
how can i find black bf?
hobbies 1. canning/growing food 2. hiphop tracks 3. fashion
? in nerima
Just call his parole officer after class. Back to your cage, Tyrone...
Lower your standards
The nigger got expelled, went to sell crack and got shot by another nigger 8 months later.
The white kid graduated, went to college.
How will whites ever recover.
>Blacks are just physically superior.
lol no. Just in running maybe.
>tfw Usain Bolt is mega champion because they had no cars nor bikes and run to home every day
>when confronted man to man, they back down to their masters.
Besides physical, whitey also has temperament superiority. He doesn't explode easily. Niggers are animals that claw and pounce with the slightest because their brain cannot find another viable answer.
That fatass nigger is probably really proud of his cheap shot.
Yall wanna hear about the time I one pieced a nigger who was about 20 pounds lighter than me and had him leaking and walking all sideways?
Actually, black people can't even talk, let alone fight, unless they have their crew backing them up. Truly the most cowardly racial group on the planet.
Bolt was a megachampion because he was juicing for his entire career.
damn, why are niggers so violent?
>niggers get mad a hit someone
>short time served
>increases his criminal portfolio
>can still get hired
Now, the reverse
>white man hits someone
>instant hate crime if the person hit is anything other than a non-Hispanic white
>face all over national news for weeks
>hard time
>never gets hired for anything more than $30k/yr again
>has to live in the ghetto because of this
>all niggers in the area remember him as the brotha-hatin-hitter
>gets jumped by 20 chimps
>dies at the end of their chimpout
That’s why
>White kid fights back, gets suspended from school just like the nigger thanks to school policies which treat defending yourself as bad as starting a fight
>This affects the white kid because he actually has a future
White people can see more than two seconds into the future. That's why we are the ones paying for all dem programs and food stamps so you don't starve because you lack the intellectual capacity to exist outside of an environment like Africa where food grows itself everywhere and wild game is abundant.
Light a firecracker next to dogs and document the responses. How many of them will:
1) Bark at you
2) Run away in fear
3) State that it is not a polite thing to do because they have sensitive hearing and low tolerance to banging sounds
It's similar with niggers. They aren't capable of abstract thought or sapient and civilized reactions. Their brain is wired towards animalistic responses.
>when your opponent is to afraid for some man on man action
Ship that nigger to africa
99% of these are burger white boys being btfo. Why are the such pussies?
What did that cracker say to him?
You'll keep telling yourself this til the day you meet 6'5 serbian-american Aleksander club bouncer who cracks your recessed black jaw and puts you in the emergency ward.
Life is full of surprises.
Why can't shareblue kikes spell?
I don't know maybe there should be a r/WhiteMasculinity crew to cherrypick and daily post videos of asian and black dudes getting fucked up by white guys of varying nationalities
>puts you in the emergency ward.
or the grave
I'm no nigger lover but it was obvious that nig was posturing to strike, the dude should have already stood up to confront the nig.
Around blacks never relax.
dylan roof backed it up
Because they’re illiterate shitskins
full video?
Mods just delete the exact same thread with opposing races.
fighting a 300 pound nigger ape reguardless of what it said is a complete waste of time and energy
Why is the thug out of his desk bothering the student at his?