The girl of my dreams Sup Forums
The girl of my dreams Sup Forums
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Very cute and you got to love the redpills.
those wide child bearing hips....
Would love to start the ethnostate with her, bro.
This lady is being shilled constantly just post the link to her shekel service already.
The nose knows
wtf i love women in the public service now
i like everything about this lady
is she from helecopter moms?
>The girl of my dreams
>black hair
>brown eyes
>Jew nose
>horse facce
>in her 40s
Is there a way I can support this woman? Send her donations or a gift basket or something?
> le 56% face
For the record, I'm in my 40's and have all those qualities too, except my eyes are green. I'm mostly irish.
Same lady but she has liberal views
You would convincing Sup Forums she's part nigger and a kike
Face it
>Jewish school teach caught LARPing as a white nationalist to spread anti-Semitism
You aren't a real irishman
Correct. I'm American.
wtf I’m only more anti-semitic now
Nothing wrong with that
No different than teachers talking about the leftist shit
Need to encourage this behavior in women. They respond to financial incentives.
>white nationalist podcast
>chick is clearly non-white
the 56% meme is getting more real by the day
She's white. You can't say she doesn't have European ancestry. Maybe you can say she isn't racially pure, but that's almost impossible for most Americans.
>The girl of my dreams Sup Forums
She was doing it wrong. Could have hidden her power level much more effectively while still redpilling the students. Now that the (((media))) has outed her, her infiltration of the system has failed. Propaganda often works better when it's more subtle anyway, and the target doesn't realize you're trying to persuade them.
Specifically as a teacher, the Socratic method is a great way to hide your power level. Nudge the students into reaching their own conclusions. You can get away with bringing up much more controversial ideas if you're just asking questions, and don't actually advocate any opinions personally. As a social studies teacher, she could perhaps give an assignment that required her students to research Lincoln's views on googles and colonization, as just one example. Promote in-class discussion so that students can say controversial things instead of you saying them.
Dude public school teachers are literally the lowest rung of intellectuals in our society. She's not Goebbels reincarnate, you can only ask for so much.
Does anyone know where I can find her podcast?
Not necessarily, especially in mostly white middle-class school districts like hers.
More to the point, she had a WN podcast where she discussed infiltrating the public school system. It's not like she had to be Goebbels on her own.
Our girls ARE out there. I want to find this woman and send her some cash.
She's 25