China threatens USA against trade wars

>Officials from both nations discussed their fraught economic relationship
>Trump plans to impose 25% tariffs on steel imports and 10% on aluminium
>The announcement sparked counter threats from other nations as well

>Trump has shrugged off the threat, boasting on Friday that "trade wars are good, and easy to win".

In the war of words. Who wins?

Other urls found in this thread:

>who wins?

Oy Vey goyum!!

So burgers tell me how are trade wars "good and easy to win?"

I'd have asked chinks as to how they plan to retaliate but Sup Forums is banned in China so I'll ask the next closest thing. Australians, how do you plan to counter American's trade wars with your home country China?

Who cares

>Donald Trump often gets upset with news coverage, aides say
>Trump's friends are increasingly concerned about his well-being.


I know you care Aussie, I know you fuckers have your popcorns ready.

When will the media stop with slanderous pieces on the president.

>Trump is getting upset and is depressed.
>No proof at all, just take our word for it.

Indian culture is so fucking shit I swear to god. The only reason I tolerate you skinny smelly fucks is because I really like curry. Anyway we sell less than 1% of those metals to the US. China is our biggest buyer so if they fight with the US, our tie with China becomes stronger. We seriously don’t care.

>Sup Forums is banned in China

its not

Sorry my bad. Google captcha is banned in China. So how do you plan to cuck USA. If at all.

To;dr don't be mad poostralia. Lmao

How does a chink override google captcha?

t. Zhang

Emus getting BTFOd by Poos

They're one sneeze away from Maos revolution again. They aren't gonna do shit.

Good. Let the wars begin.

Theres no need to cuck USA, spics and niggers will do it for us. They will end themselves soon by demographics.

50 - 100 years is not a long time for us. We just focus on ourselves right now, as long as we avoid WW3, we will win for sure.

Sup Forums pass

> man who play long term game and miscalculate gets fucked

>as long as we avoid WW3
You know the US isn't going to let you do that.

oh my god, only 6.8% GDP growth!
how horrifying

>meanwhile USA 2.5%


And here is why

Glorious Abundant China Quality Steel>>>>>american pig iron which melts from jet fuel.

oh well, then lets have a nuclear war

China can afford to lose 100 million people

can you?

>>can you?
since the military is mostly minority and low IQ we can't afford not to

China actually isn't in a great position position for nuclear war, but neither is the US.

China because your productive populations are very concentrated, and you've got a lot of mouths to feed.

The US because their society is fractured to hell and people will start killing each other at the first sign of trouble.

Imo Russia is the only country prepared for muclear war.

china relax. americans like china. trump is just getting bored.

> modern mature economy
> steroid injected growth economy.
Anything below 6% is recessionary territory for you as you're economy needs to run hot. Please don't try to become an overnight economist and get blown the fuck out. Meanwhile, how's are those credit markets doing? How's life w/o a reserve currency? Hows are those environmental disasters? You chinks missed a few moves enroute to your long term strategy.

Also, everyone reads your sacrifice pawn North Korea.
Play your hand

why hasn't anyone thought of this sooner

> 100 million...
Thinking its going to be this low

my friend, nuclear war will not be just military, it will be millions of civilian deaths

if 9/11 was the worst attack to happen on American soil, then I don't think you are ready for Hiroshima level of destruction

>Imo Russia is the only country prepared for muclear war.
Not so sure about that. Russia has much of their population and industry packed into its western portions, is in an intersection between potentially hostile powers, and has relatively little amounts of good farmland unless they conquer Ukraine. So I don't think their position is particularly good, but they might be the technically best off.

its okay, we like america too
I hope there is no war

the thing is, if nuclear war really happens, both China and USA will collapse

but China has collapsed many times before, we always return stronger than before

if USA collapses they will not return

>50 - 100 years is not a long time for us.
Your country will have collapsed by then.

good you will be nuking the big cities and getting rid of our cancer - liberals.


calm down chink and try not to eat each other this depression...
Ask Xi to let you guys roam the internet free and I'll believe you have the strength to fight a war. Fucbois can't even handle winnie the pooh memes and you think you can take on America. Calm the fuck down, stay in your borders, and stop trying to LARP as hard asses.

we win desu, there's nothing i would love more than cheaper US products because Chinese demand went down and cheaper Chinese products because US demand went down. You'd both buy more of our shit too since you wouldn't be able to buy off of each other

> censors child cartoons because people's psyche's are so weak

don't know what you are talking about

life is really comfy here actually, everyone is getting richer, and environment is not as bad as before

>Also, everyone reads your sacrifice pawn North Korea.

yet you can't do shit about it. whatever happened to 'fire and fury'? LOL

>calm down chink and try not to eat each other this depression...

Did someone say Chinese food?

just kill us


>if USA collapses they will not return
last time we collapsed WW2 happened.

in any case nukes are not really that bad. they are just a fuckin meem, bro.

in japan we bombed tokio and killed 100k in a single night, next hiroshima @ 90k and nagasaki @ 60k. and the nukes cost more!

who gives a shit about nukes. unless they are salted with colbalt they don't matter. and if they are then welcome to hell :D

We will legislate compulsory Indian diversity hires on all Chinese owned mines and farms.

Non violent trade conflict is healthy

>I'll believe you have the strength to fight a war
don't need you to believe me, you are a neet on Sup Forums, who cares?

but obviously your leaders believe so

When China loses the world wins.

Yes, yes we are. Considering where your targets are located most of us could find it as an acceptable loss. Oh no California that's too bad. New York City oy vey! Missle silo at ft Greeley or waynright oh no. Luckily most of our immigrants are near any place you might bomb while we have military assets all over the globe. Not implying I want war bit it's not a big deal. You'd be better off pulling an America and arming and training the left or the far right while financing "home-grown" terror.

Russia has a bunch of bunker programs designed to get them through it. God knows how effective they would be in actual conflict though.

In 2017, the total U.S. trade deficit was $566 billion. It imported $2.895 trillion of goods and services while exporting $2.329

They sure do love to eat each other.

>thinks the depression was a "collapse"

this is what I mean by you're not ready

Americans don't know the true horrors of war because you've never been invaded. Japs atleast know what its like to have their cities bombed and civilians massacred.

China is the shills of the deep state. They pushed their commie state to have 0% crop rite tax. Think about this, THE COMMIES HAVE A LOWER TAX THEN US. We are already in a trade war ! They fired first 30 years ago and now they are mad we fire back!.

If we were invaded it would be suicide for whoever did it because our military would immediately link up with our civilians especially in rural areas because the people in the US military are our families and we will fight and die with them happily. Most of us don't want to live anyways, trust me have at it theres no way you're as miserable as me.

The West will be taken from within
The Battle has won before it's ever fought.

Long Live 中国

japs know what its like to rape Chinese, die on and island and go blind because a nuke detonated 100 miles away.

americans know what its like to own and be near expert at using roughly 6 guns each.

bring it on china. you can kill me but i will empty my mag and get 30 headshots through your chink pot metal helmets before you army even sees me. i would have to sit more than 700 yards out to even stand a chance at missing a humans head with my $2400 AR15.
can any one, even your fuckin snipers, do that? thats every mother fucker at my local range man.


I was talking about nukes landing on your cities, not boots on the ground invasion

Wish a nigga would. It would be one of the only wars the kikes couldn't turn against us. You might be right though, but not the atrocities you commit. The acts of violence we commit on each other. We're a sawmill waiting for the flame to ignite. It could also stop whatever bullshit we have to argue about and come together to fight a common enemy.

Go back to China, Steve Wu.

>bring it on

no need to, niggers and spics have overrun your country legally

please nuke our cities.
you will rid us of liberals and niggers.
every real American who could actualy fight a war would thank you for it!

america's population density is fucking tiny you cannot nuke us lol. you can nuke the pathetic piss-poor excuses for Americans who fucking hate our country anyway.

seriously please nuke new york and LA. the entire planet will thank you!


I hardly doubt most of your civilians would tag team with the feds during and all out invasion on north america.

Seeing as how most hate the US government and want to see the systwm collapse.

USA is a very dry hay stack, just you pray to your jewish gods China doesnt make like North Koreans and unleashes their agents to set you on fire from the inside out.

I actually laughed out loud when I read Australia lol

amerimutts are experts at getting BLACKED

ranting about shooting chinese invaders meanwhile your sister's womb gets invaded by tyrone's BBC on the daily LOL

Meant for

ya you realize that even though you are rural, your not immune from nuke strike you retarded dumb fuck. stfu, you make the rest of us amerifats with half a brain look stupid, dip shit.

>I hardly doubt most of your civilians
you have no idea what america is like lol.

liberals in the cities cant shoot a gun without crying anyway and they will be the first to be vaporized by nukes.

everyone else loves the military and already has their own guns.

there are no blacks where i live. blacks cant survive outside of cities. pavement monkeys need pavement.

go ahead and drop a nuke on the fields around me. my death will be worth the loss of your 100 million $ munition.

you have no clue man. you can't nuke fields they cost too much.


We win.

> Trump imposes tariffs on steel and aluminum
> Putin unveils miss missile system
> Xi Jinping removes term limits securing his leadership for the foreseeable future

These are all strategic moves in the context of war. Pieces are being moved around to fortify positions. If you don’t believe me, research raw material production during WW2. The tariffs will make much more sense in that context.

As does Xi Jinpings move. Imagine what a shift in power would do before or in the midst of WW3.

Putin’s move is most obvious and requires no explanation.

Good. Fuck small dicked chinks


It won’t last long. Hot war will follow.

We should have listened to MacArthur during the Korean war and nuked China. The North Korean problem would have been over and China would have been kept under control.

This. We do business with East Asia. The tariffs will probably have some trickle down as China does a lot of our metal processing. Meaning that when their demand for ore drops due to the tariff on exports to the US, our supply will have to decrease.

Honestly I don't think it will matter much. The US is a tiny slice of where our ore ends up in comparison to how much is exported to Asia.

Trade wars are never good for anyone though. It's like that one scene in Saw where you have to chop off more of your body than the other guy if you want to survive. The US is just doing this because China's economy is in a fragile state atm. Maybe this fucks them up a bit? It's damn sure not going to improve the US economy however.

> few are rich .. the rest are as poor as dogshit..
> working kids in factories
> Letting the world use you as you poison your water ways and land to grow your faux economy
> smog shortening people's lives by decades
Comfy my ass. I happen to know people who live there. A couple of friend's parents have died from cancer due to the air pollution. China desired to rapidly boost its economy and due to the huge numbers you have decided on letting a large number of you be the causalities of progress. You can't even watch winnie the fucking pooh without some dickheads above you censoring it. You're not a free people. You lack free minds and thus don't develop creative thinking. You fear challenging authority and thus don't innovate. Instead you steal, manipulate, and cheapn'. You'll never become the world's premier power because the world largely remains free and you rule your own people such that they aren't. You are not a model for the world. Your form of rule is a reversion. I have respect for your older customs and culture. I have zero respect for what you've become. You're infected by greed and progress at any cost and have become unwound.

> yet you can't do shit about it. whatever happened to 'fire and fury'? LOL
The clocks ticking down. Your moves are already understood. Russia is your puppet to... Your muscle who acts on behalf of an invite to the economic table. Taking over strategic islands to ensure shipping routes in the case of a war... textbook. Perturbing the U.S in the middle east via your paid bear. Textbook. Your mistake was north Korea... and your miscalculation was a lame duck president like obama... With great tragedy have you come to underestimate and lose respect for the cowboys of the west. With great folly do you become greedy over lands which you have no right to yet neglect the ones you already have. In the end, many sides will lose and there will be no winners among those who head down a path which will soon seem logical.

subtle roast lmao

>white americans too cucked to confront black invaders
>leaves rich developed cities for niggers to destroy
>escapes to the poor rural areas

why are white americans proud of this? I always see you guys say "haha only niggers live in cities" as if that was a good thing.

Shouldn't you feel ashamed for letting yourselves be chased away from your cities?

The world is basically Ashkenazi Jews versus Han Chinese now. Everything else is a chess piece for them.

blah blah
imagine being this butthurt lol

still waiting for you to do something, you are all talk

>who wins?
US workers!
We're winning so much, we're gonna be tired of winning g so damn much
So much fucking winning
Winning all the fucking time
Right Trumptards?

>falling for this insufferable proxy faggot
hey faggot your points would still be just as shit if you were under a mutt or leaf flag

I'm a lot of things....
> you follow west and believe you will have victory east
> you've been raped by an Island 1/200th the size of your country
> you've descended into utter chaos over a previous dictactor but follow down same paths now w/ Xi
> your communistic rule only remains in tact due to economic progress
> you rule your people by fear, censorship, restriction, and absolution
> you've abandoned your old teachings and have become as western as any other country
> you lack women to serve and invigorate your men due to your one child policy
> you seek domination of Africa where no one has ever had such success
> you have vast amounts of land which you pollute and neglect yet greedily seek out more which will lead you into conflict
> you armed forces has never seen any action
> you are insular and racist yet think the world will welcome you as it does the west

What's the strategy here? Money doesn't buy you everything. It seemingly doesn't buy you freedom even in your own land.

>has no argument
>m-m-muh proxy!

Stop responding to "chinese" shills. Fucking slide thread. Chinks are slaves and not able to use outside internet.

China should just realise their bluff has been called, stop subsidising their shit steel and actually enforces standards. They do that and he will drop the tariff and they an avoid ALL the other drama that will follow from Trump enforcing it.

China sells it at below production cost, and their standards are beyond shit. They don't care because it's filthy westerners that get ripped off for the most part and not their own nationals. They flood the markets, depreciate other nations steel manufacturing which fucks them in the long term, and also fuck a bazillion smaller companies that try to get some cheap steel but lack the chinese know how and connections and end up with absolute dogshit steel from what are essentially scammers, and have fuck all legal recourse.

I'd wager my left nut that if China stopped their bullshit he would at the very least lower the tariff significantly.

>understanding nationalism and its effect on morale in blue collar business in macroeconomics
keep up that unemployed life autistic faggot

russia is a shithole. they'll eat each other without western economies.

>muh never having an argument
>getting defensive over being called out for being a proxy faggot
Kill yourself communist trash

No you son of a bitch
I was promised winning
You can't back out now
What is your fucking Russian puppet doing for you now?what has he done for you?
Are you still proud and happy about you did Sup Forums?


again, more tears from a ranting butthurt neet on Sup Forums

>china is so powerful we need to do something about them!!!
>china is so shitty they'll collapse any day now!

yes man, we are so shitty and weak. so stop worrying, we will collapse any day now ;)

yes man we have no strategy, we are really weak okay

just don't worry, don't do anything we will collapse by ourselves in a few years I promise!

you are not a chink

> mfw this nigger doesnt follow the news.
Besides our military, our population is the most armed in the world. Are you fucking retarded
> believing the dumb shit fake news cnn...
> Russia : 7,500 nukes
> US : 7,200
> France : 300
> china : 200
> UK : 215
> Pak : 100-120
> India 90-110
What nukes bitch? LOL, france has more nukes than you...

>muhh russia


if you ever fire nukes, russia will join in and flatten your whole country

> mfw chink thinks CNN is a window into america
> being this dumb