There is no mention of H.R. 5087 in the catalog. Is Sup Forums even aware of this bill...

There is no mention of H.R. 5087 in the catalog. Is Sup Forums even aware of this bill?The list of prohibited firearms is literally hundreds of lines long.

Other urls found in this thread:

‘(v)(1) It shall be unlawful for a person to import,
17 sell, manufacture, transfer, or possess, in or affecting
18 interstate or foreign commerce, a semiautomatic assault
19 weapon.


It’s because we’re all extremely busy discussing the rise in the politics of tap dancing.

The term ‘semiautomatic assault weapon’ means any of the following, regardless of country of manufacture or caliber of ammunition accepted:

“(A) A semiautomatic rifle that has the capacity to accept a detachable magazine and any one of the following:

“(i) A pistol grip.

“(ii) A forward grip.

“(iii) A folding, telescoping, or detachable stock.

“(iv) A grenade launcher or rocket launcher.

“(v) A barrel shroud.

“(vi) A threaded barrel.

“(i) All AK types, including the following:

“(I) AK, AK47, AK47S, AK–74, AKM, AKS, ARM, MAK90, MISR, NHM90, NHM91, Rock River Arms LAR–47, SA85, SA93, Vector Arms AK–47, VEPR, WASR–10, and WUM.


“(III) MAADI AK47 and ARM.

“(IV) Norinco 56S, 56S2, 84S, and 86S.

“(V) Poly Technologies AK47 and AKS.

“(ii) All AR types, including the following:

“(I) AR–10.
“(II) AR–15.
“(III) Alexander Arms Overmatch Plus 16.
“(IV) Armalite M15 22LR Carbine.
“(V) Armalite M15–T.
“(VI) Barrett REC7.
“(VII) Beretta AR–70.
“(VIII) Black Rain Ordnance Recon Scout.
“(IX) Bushmaster ACR.
“(X) Bushmaster Carbon 15.
“(XI) Bushmaster MOE series.
“(XII) Bushmaster XM15.
“(XIII) Chiappa Firearms MFour rifles.
“(XIV) Colt Match Target rifles.
“(XV) CORE Rifle Systems CORE15 rifles.
“(XVI) Daniel Defense M4A1 rifles.
“(XVII) Devil Dog Arms 15 Series rifles.
“(XVIII) Diamondback DB15 rifles.
“(XIX) DoubleStar AR rifles.
“(XX) DPMS Tactical rifles.
“(XXI) DSA Inc. ZM–4 Carbine.
“(XXII) Heckler & Koch MR556.
“(XXIII) High Standard HSA–15 rifles.
“(XXIV) Jesse James Nomad AR–15 rifle.
“(XXV) Knight’s Armament SR–15.
“(XXVI) Lancer L15 rifles.
“(XXVII) MGI Hydra Series rifles.
“(XXVIII) Mossberg MMR Tactical rifles.
“(XXIX) Noreen Firearms BN 36 rifle.
“(XXX) Olympic Arms.
“(XXXII) Precision Firearms AR rifles.
“(XXXIII) Remington R–15 rifles.
“(XXXIV) Rhino Arms AR rifles.
“(XXXV) Rock River Arms LAR–15.
“(XXXVI) Sig Sauer SIG516 rifles and MCX rifles.
“(XXXVII) SKS with a detachable magazine.
“(XXXVIII) Smith & Wesson M&P15 rifles.
“(XXXIX) Stag Arms AR rifles.
“(XL) Sturm, Ruger & Co. SR56 and AR–556 rifles.
“(XLI) Uselton Arms Air-Lite M–4 rifles.
“(XLII) Windham Weaponry AR rifles.
“(XLIII) WMD Guns Big Beast.
“(XLIV) Yankee Hill Machine Company, Inc. YHM–15 rifles.

I'm under the impression that the bill won't clear the house, but the fact that they would be so brazen as to even draft and propose such a bill fills me with a palpable disgust that I've never felt before.

the mere fact they are considering it is unforgivable



127 pages of infringement! We need more NRA members, it should be zero pages!!

And sks with detachable mag???

Sons of whores.

this is what I get for not buying an AR while I could

Full list of banned weapons:

Two decades later, they’ll come out and say they actually meant all guns. Here’s the model in action:

^MA’s is a near clone of the Clinton ban. Notice how all those work arounds get retroactively declared (((illegal)))?

It'll never make it out of committee. Even if the Blues took the House, it will never even get consideration in the Senate. 25 Blue Senators are up for reelection this year, half of which have seen their approval rating drop in the last year. The only thing that can save the Blues at this point is apathetic independents not voting.

I'm gonna have to agree. I grew up cynical of organizations like the NRA but now I get it. Does anyone know of any other organizations we could join with enough political clout to make a difference? Y'know, organizations that wouldn't have us living in a nihilistic Babylon and police state.

I have a psa pa-15

Trump told Scalise to leave out the national concealed carry reciprocity and told Feinstein to put her bullshit in this bill because he knows it won't pass. I'm not worried. It would take a cult like betrayal by the GOP for such a bill to pass, and if they did that, 1776 would commence yet again.

He's in on it, the jews are holding a gun to his back, so now he's unfrocking the clinton's work in the steel market

Or, i'm reading this wrong and they're actually gonna tank the global economy in the next week or so and have unarmed citizens remain that way to boot so we can't re-stabilize the government

then again it could be the first one and i'm just autistic

922r convictions inbound


why did I install grammarly

>If this son of a bitch wants to bitch about his cows over here

good luck i'm behind 7 crates of cheap milsurp



if you needed proof that the government is coming to round up citizens into death camps here it is. you think they took the guns top save the children in school shootings?
a) wont work
b) the state doesn't give a fuck

they are straight up coming to kill you



Too few unfortunately. Remember, liberals handicapped religions from participating in politics.

once the barrel was made thicker a few years ago it really became a fine rifle. legal in canada

let me guess, other non profits can shill for kike satanists all they want

>why did I install grammarly

hey so if this bill hasn't passed yet there's still time to

rally the memes, if this passes you're all fucked basically. this would be the beginning of the end of the right to bear arms and that is not hyperbole

ok you've had your fun now stop fuckin around and give me an opinion

They dont even realize they banned iszmash, vepr norinco's and molot from import

this is the only thread on Sup Forums right now that actually matters

Technically an sks doesn't have a detachable mag if its stock.

its not gonna pass

It's not going to pass, but it is a foreshadowing of what we can expect the next time the political pendulum swings back to the left and the Democrats control the house and the senate.

Of course! Atheist Nazi Democrats are the most protected class of all.

You might be joking, here for the shits with giggles. I tell you you are closer than most know. For 100 years they’ve had the predictive models and statistical means to determine who has rifles. Off the grid? Muh 80% lower? Doesn’t matter. For that same amount of time they’ve had governance systems to efficiently remove such persons from society without disturbing the masses. Look up Dehomag, it’s parent company, and the history of census machines. Think.

But it's not going to pass. Right? I mean RIGHT?
Tell me they aren't passing this bullshit.

a wizards right to bear staff shall not be infringed


please elaborate or give more information


It's not going to pass and the people who proposed it know it won't, this is political theater for the midterms. And we've had like a dozen threads about it.

If dems win in 2020 everything will be banned. Majority support semi auto ban. Half support a complete gun ban

How'd this work during the last "assault weapons" ban?
Was it legal to own an AR-15 if you bought it before the ban? Was it illegal to posses it?

good news is if mass shootings happen in major liberal cities nothing of value will be lost

it should end with

Thanks for the information OP. This is probably the most intelligent and informative thread I've read on here tonight. More threads like this and less shit posting.


You could still own Ar's after the banned passed. It only banned certain models and features. So manufactures would make a new model and not put some features on it. So preban rifles skyrocketed in price and postban rifles were neutrered
This is way more restrictive than the AWB, This is basically a semiauto rifle ban

Guns should be permanently banned in every country, I wish for a world of peace where crazy Republicans aren't shooting each other, that cruise kid was an admitted Republican.

The amendment was made by old 17th century hippies who liked to pull out their teeth and sell spices, it doesn't reference anything for today's world

>me dealing with haters and gun retards

that is absolutely the shittiest bait I've seen for a while
fuck off and come back when you can come up with something mildly interesting

I love CardCaptor Sakura and I hate guns. She probably hates guns too, so you should give them away to the government, the police will protect you.

not the place or time user. jump off a fucking ledge and come back when you forget how to use your face muscles.


where do you people get these from god my library is shit

>Americans being racist as usual


It’s hard to without Og1lvy & M@th3r dmg cntrl artists coming in and shitting on everything. Just imagine someone once made a system to reliablyfind, target and segment undesired population groups (or property). As for gun owner and prepper lists...i know one of link related’s modern systems was accused of compiling such lists. I also see that any links to the accusation appear to now be whitewashed.

Now if we know the government wants to make such lists of people/property is it not likely they seek contractors for that purpose?

Yes, they no doubt seek contractors for this. And if they could find an “off the grid gypsy” in Europe 100 years ago they certainly can find you or your gun. What to do about it? That’s up to leadership. As you can put together FEMA death camps are in the realm of possibility.

you're not just a hero, you're an hero, right here, right now. Do it, no balls.

Rake yourself leaf this doesn't concern you until we say it does.

>Illuminati shill
Nice try, they don't exist, if they're so secretive why is their logo visible everywhere? Why would a secret group tell the world wptheir plans?


I see what you mean, that is quite frightening, especially if they could do that much in 1933

The prohibited guns law needs at least ten more pages of banned guns before the world can feel seef

gotta earn those shekels and shit up the thread, leaf!! maybe if you post more you can buy the name brand tendies next time!

What is this man doing about guns? nothing! He's as crazy as a pet coon. Atleast based justin cares.

I'm unemployed you dolt.


Why shoot a gun when you can shoot your cock at pictures of traps?

Doesn't make a difference. If they don't repeal all gun laws by mid-May, I'm going to war.

Edgy Reggie over here, you gonna leave your mom's basement and shoot your guns, tough guy?

Civil war soon friends

Going to slaughter Jews in their homes and synagogues.

Okay with that said, and the idea of being on a list, is now a proper time to responsibly and legally acquire

>Durr we want guns!1!1!
>What? Another mass shooting? A toddler shot up a daycare?
>Fucking commies reeeeeee

First things first is we need to relieve the police of their position attending prisons and release all prisoners on the condition they consider joining and helping us in exchange for a later pardon if results come out favorable. Then we need to convince the military to take action on our side. After that full scale civil war starts.

>American "debates"
>Actually justifying owning a killing machine

Safe from whom?

Nah, all we need to do is shut down the power and internet. The infrastructure is so vulnerable this can be easily accomplished with a high power rifle, a shovel and a pair of Kevlar snips.

The Jews are FUCKED.

British is a shit hole. Syria is a super power pretty much

We'll get our asses fucked if we do that because it'll make people unhappy where as you want them happily supporting your cause.

To suggest that anti gun laws are Jewish is racist and antisemitism at its finest.

What are you actually saying shitfag

>The machines are little fish in the big killing game.

Jewish people suffered hard in the 40s

Think about this, wars wouldn't exist without guns.

This thread needs help.

>wake the fuck up

Sounds kinda tyrannical to me. Exactly a situation where you need a couple of guns.

IDGAF about the people. I care about shutting down the golem and killing Jews.

>Pure coincidence.

>wars didn't exist before guns.
neck yourself kike

Good luck doing that completely and absolutely alone then.

Say goodbye to your internet and power faggot.

What he meant is war didn't exist before wh*te subhumans came along.

Once it starts, people will join.

Yes. No matter what you do they will gather data on you. I would rather the data scream “we all are armed, peaceful, concerned citizens” than “lol we don’t care, we’re sheep fill us with buzzfeed!”


Wars become a popular thing when guns were invented, name ONE war that didn't involve guns