
>Last night stream: Styx vs Nick Religion in the U.S

>Collet vs boomer faggot: the JQ

>New into blood sports? Watch Richard Spencer vs Sargon and Styx

>Jim vs le_vore_face: Internet trolling

>Sargoy vs Anglin: liberalists flag squads got this video down


>JF and Spencer vs Vee and Arch about ethnonationalism

>Sargoy, Bre Faucheux & Mark Collett Discuss Power & the State

>Ethnostate: Enoch, AltHype, Vee, Sargon, Cedarwood, Liberalists

>Nick Fuentes vs. RC Maxwell | Civic Nationalism Debate

>Jim's new video about bloodsports

>Real life blood sports:Nick Fuentes Vs Will Chamberlain

>JF video: Vee is stupid and can't into science

Other urls found in this thread:




show satania tits

get in this one

its more polished and better

Ignore the troll thread

This veganism talk is kind of boring.

This is fine so far. Just don't hand your fucking channel over to shitty e-celebs like you did last stream. Inviting one or two on every now and then is fine, just don't make it an every stream deal.

And don't fucking let the retarded chat dictate where the discussion goes. The discussion with LeoPirate on religion was fantastic but you killed it when a couple of reddit faggots said it was boring.

ur thread is shit u degenerate retard. full fo double embeds and without schedules fuck off

go here

I agree. This is really boring


1.) You're to hostile and come off as a troll

2.) My thread was first so fuck off

I'm not sure what you were trying to imply, can you run that by me again?

you come across as a 15 year old roastie drama queen

anime is shit

The active one, the one that doesn't bite the pillow


Sorry, from /r9k/ and am unfamiliar with these terms, but I think I come off as the more aggressive one

was that we wuz kangz debate the only one today?



>from /r9k/ and am unfamiliar with these terms
Then don't act like a passive aggresive whore if you're thirsty for dick

What's /IBS/ take on Dr. Patrick Slattery in last week's debate?

Holy shit /bybs/ is shitting it up tonight.

Wow, rude much

What do you know....pol was right again

What the fuck

bybs is dying. This stream is proof of it

Thanks to Joachim for letting reddit in.

His sperg out on here should have led to instant ostracism.

For real. The whole point of bybs was for it to be an arena for anons. Not cringy reddit users

Yeah, but the white knights come out every time he's questioned

Pretty sure it was the other 5 guys he streams with.

I'd honestly think it was Jim's fault since he goes around screaming shadilay and praising kek, bringing a bunch of ledditors everywhere he goes

I hooktubed all the links for the OP and we had it running for about a day, and as soon as jim came on a shit ton of memeflags started kvetching about it saying that we are stealing views from (((/ourguys/))). Haven't seen them in the thread since. Funny that last thread they were insisting that it wasn't being shilled

>Funny that last thread they were insisting that it wasn't being shilled
Last thread was so weird man. The host of the show even start sperging out over people just calling him a shill. its clear these guy have their head up their asses and it hasn't even been a month yet.



He's a next level samefagging troll who used to tripfag as Akami on Sup Forums.

how do you know that?

I'm just now getting to the Fuentes Styx debate, how is someone as young as Fuentes so fucking sharp? So far he is not only holding his own but absolutely demolishing Styx.

That's what happens to people when they spend their childhoods reading and writing instead of playing video-games and watching tv. Blame your parents.

I wish I could. They raised me right but I found every opportunity to undercut that.

An user recognized him in another thread when he was wreaking havoc with multiple /IBS/ threads, waifu posting and general shitstirring with hundreds of posts in each thread. It was speculated that it was Kraut but it's not.


Eceleb Shill Thread
>muh movement
>muh morals

Fucking get to McDonalds and quit shitting up the board with the shilling

>no link to the destiny debate
makes your almonds tingle

which debate?

He's a kike, there probably wasn't even a debate


that's months old
why would anyone need a link to it?

How was the kangz debate?

I'm only an hour in but this black guy has been embarrassing himself every second of it

Is he at least self aware or full tariq nasheed mode?

He's a scholarly Nasheed. The chat was funny as fuck.

So is this the e-celeb general?


They should have beat you more


Wtf are you talking about?
Fluents made the most retarded arguments
Aquinas ontological argument for God is outdated and doesn't prove anything
His appeal to prophecies is equally retreaded if you actually knew what he's talking about

Sticksfaggotsucker123 is an ultracrepidarian.

Meh stream.
The veganism thing could have been interesting, too many people on ruined it.

>Nurture vs Nature is not scientific
>everything is genetic

lol. I can deliver a baby because I have monkeys too.

That sentence doesn't make sense

Because you didn't read the court document yet.


Did styx ever explain the retardation of the spoon he was wearing?

its a meme you dip

He's incapable of rational thought and english, just leave him be.

I don't get it. If he names himself this, is he immune from this? Also timestamp.

Can't find what you're talking about 18m24s

That timestamp is for the part where JF thought he could deliver a baby at home with the rationale that he worked with monkeys before.

About the nurture vs nature, that is in his debate with Vee on Warski. Also he made a video about it, that he thinks nurture IS nature which is baffling in itself. And then he kept on saying like everything is determined by genetics.

Is this about the court documents?

>thinks nurture is nature
Is there something wrong with this? I think he suggests the quality or methods of nurture is determined by nature, i.e. genetics, which I find believable

It is not just about the anchor baby. You should read, or at least listen to the whole document.

Also it is retarded to think that everything is genetic. It is as retarded as thinking everything is just social construct.

If you listen on to two minutes or so, he questions or claims the doctor is not a doctor and demands a name to verify the practicing doctor. I timestamped a bit earlier to start where he mentions the court documents/psych eva.

Now I have to sift through his video if he said >everything is determined by genetics

>it is retarded to think that everything is genetic
... and here's why

what the fuck

>If you listen on to two minutes or so, he questions or claims the doctor is not a doctor and demands a name to verify the practicing doctor. I timestamped a bit earlier to start where he mentions the court documents/psych eva.
Again, that is not the whole court document. Not just anchor baby, but also how he treated his wife, and also other weird behaviours.

>... and here's why
That is the rhetoric by JF. He always said something while implying heavily on the others. There is a reason why he blocked real scientists and decided to debate with only plebs.

which scientists did he block?


whoever was this got btfo so bad, they couldn't even respond because it was true.



kek. doesnt count. You saw Thunderfoot thinks downs syndrome is the same as mild autism?

That just seemed weirdly angry.

I also saw that JF think nurture is the same as nature.

i cant argue with you there since i dont know his full opinion on this. Either way he invited Thunderfoot on Warski live so Jf is not the one pussying out on a debate.

If you don't appreciate that Sargon will have a discussion with anyone, you are a fucking asshole moron.
I respect the hell out of Carl for this.

It is the same thing as Sargon demanding an apology from Winter before they can start debating. It is a tactic. They know that the debate won't happen because the other side won't accept this.

I only complain when he's running out of debates

i think his basics train of thought on that is that the nurture comes from nature,
aka the way you raise your kids is influenced by your genes, just as he believes culture comes form genes, so his position is consistent

I just sifted through the court documents. At this point it is too much to unpack, but the gestalt, for me, is that they have admissions or claims to which both must answer to due to how they both think they abused/treated one another. Also, what behaviours?

>that is the rhetoric
>always said something while
I'll be honest, I couldn't parse what you said unless there is context I am missing.
>while implying heavily

>reason why he blocked
I heard he brought up the autistic girl as a form of a jab. Is it that?

so you are looking in JF's mind and deciding he only invited Thunderfoot because secretely he knew he wouldnt come on. He is not placing any demands on Thunderfoot other than to come on his show. So how can you accuse him of not wanting to debate real scientists when Thunderfoot is the one not wanting to debate?

If you do ask JF, he explains.

But if you have someone interpret his or anyone's ideas, I can't help but think only a layman would try to force a meme around it.

Imagine if Vee blocked JF on twitter, and Vee said JF can come on his channel to debate, do you think JF will go?

thunderfoot should go back to make anti-creationism videos

Oh Sargon, you had the world at your feet, an adoring audience of enlightened sceptics hanging on your every word and laughing at your jokes but your hubris got the better of you and you could not retreat though the bodies of foolish and reckless sceptics fell around you. You convinced yourself that you could win, that those evil nazis would crumple under the weight of your intellectual prowess but alas you were deluded, you have sought refuge in moral abandonment and twisted your rhetoric to serve yourself rather than truth, it's going to be a long hard fall Sargon but fall you must

Don Sargone reveals his new Liberalistism manifesto to his devoted followers

Can you sum up this Sargon/Winter feud? I don't pay too much attention to this eceleb drama.
>It is a tactic
A tactic to prevent a debate? Where no ideas are challenged within a discussion? I only know the behaviors of JF through his YT content, not-so-much on his twitter feed since I avoid twittershitposting, but his entire shtick is challenge ideas and exchange of ideas, so I can't imagine him using a tactic or refusing a debate that has a sizable following or a large audience Because you have these next-level ideas of tactics, is it possible that insulting JF about personal events of his life a tactical move against JF to block him on Twitter? You could say it is a tactic to have an upperhand, as a way to put up a front, or seemingly appear thicker-skinned when it comes to challenging ideas.

When is /ourguy/ based Destiny's next debate?

never because he's a coward

Reveal your flag, Shlomo.

JF has actually said before that he will block anyone who brings up his personal life to attack him I can't really blame him for that since only sucmmy assholes do that in the first place.

sholmoposting died by the begging of 2015
only shills do it now

>doesn't reveal his flag
>doesn't provide a source for his claim
Looks like I win again.