/IBS/ GENERAL: Purged Edition

/IBS/ Internet Blood Sports.

>Last night stream: Styx vs Nick Religion in the U.S

>Collet vs boomer faggot: the JQ

>New into blood sports? Watch Richard Spencer vs Sargon and Styx

>Jim vs le_vore_face: Internet trolling

>Sargoy vs Anglin: liberalists flag squads got this video down


>JF and Spencer vs Vee and Arch about ethnonationalism

>Sargoy, Bre Faucheux & Mark Collett Discuss Power & the State

>Ethnostate: Enoch, AltHype, Vee, Sargon, Cedarwood, Liberalists

>Nick Fuentes vs. RC Maxwell | Civic Nationalism Debate

>Jim's new video about bloodsports

>Real life blood sports:Nick Fuentes Vs Will Chamberlain

>JF video: Vee is stupid and can't into science

Other urls found in this thread:


Schedule for this week UPDATED 03/05

For today: nothing announced

Tuesday: JF vs Jay Dyer about religion
Thurday: Maoist Rebel News vs Sargon 3PM EST

April 1st Flat_earther vs JF about flat earth
Lowtax vs Anglin (no date)
Alt-Hype vs Spino on race realism (no date)
Ryan Dawson vs tba (no date)
Failure vs Mike Enoch (maybe)

>tfw not enough Mister Metokur in these threads


dont be sad

Hey lads, are you guys ever going to think ybout propaganda operaions that the people from these threads could conduct themselves?
I mean, there could be a potential in simply trying to ensure that our thinkers are heard by re-uploading their videos.
We have the autism to outstrip the capacity of the Jewtube censors, I am sure of it.
Why don't we created an archive of all videos that are important and that have been taken down, save them and put them up for download on mega.nz or something;
then anons could download that archive and piss off the censors.
Is this idea dumb, as the videos stay low-profile due to the constantly low views that they will have
after reccurent uploading, or is it something that could work?

Also, I will not forego the appreciation of these digits.

Man, this is depressing, these threads used to be so active.
Has all the eceleb shilling gotten to the anons?
Goddamnit, don't the anons here realize how important this presence in the Kulturkampf is?

Anons, and the majority of the human species et al, isn't intelligent enough to figure out how to work against and counter the orchestration of the semite. Welcome to hell, kraut. Enjoy your stay.

>Why don't we created an archive of all videos that are important and that have been taken down, save them and put them up for download on mega.nz or something;
>then anons could download that archive and piss off the censors.
I hoard everything I find interesting I have Aydins entire channel backed up from when she was sperging out over Krauts gang doxxing her, really what we need is a way to alert hoarder like me to re-upload stuff
Kim last I checked got share cucked by some asians and now the bandwidth limit is ridiculously low unless you pull single chunk shenanigans

Oh, so mega.nz is a shitty platform?
Whar alternative do we have?
Because I am thinking about setting up infrastrucute that would let international anons cooperate for the causes in each other's countries in an international meme-war.

Nice digits, though.
You know what, I'll simply shill my ideas here and try to get anons to cooperate together to create a medial presence.
I think there is hope, edgy videos and memes on yt forst got my attention to Sup Forums as well.
There is a future if only we decide to pursue it.

Why does this predatory raptor always get my dick hard?

>Failure vs Mike Enoch (maybe)
is that a monologue debate?

>Whar alternative do we have?
About as much as we do for youtube to be honest, zippyshare and filesmelt in my experience are very good also no account required which is a bonus for us more tech inclined anons, making an account is a massive barrier, but they do purge inactive files


I haven't slept yet and that's phrased weird
>They are decent alternatives for mega but they do purge files after inactivity
>For us tech inclined anons making an account to upload is a barrier for ideological reasons often (GNU+Linux stuff etc) , you don't need an account which is a positive for these alternatives

Troll thread. Ignore. OP is Akami from Sup Forums

get a real gf cringey faggots

joachim sucks tonkas dick so hard holy shit

he's such a little cuck

this Diogenes dude is /ourguy/ as fuck

This girl is fucking hot af


It's a bunch of lines on a paper transferred to a screen.

02 from Darling in the Franxx

And you're atoms arranged in a certain way. What's your point?

Maybe it's because it's 2am in Central Murrican hours.

the atoms in my benis can feel the atoms on a girls vagene
lines on a screen can't pleasure your benis in the most natural way

Well that's just bunch of sensations in your field of awareness



2D females can't reproduce ya dinguses

the only sensation you feelin in yo fuckin' hand nigga!
wtf are you doing wasting time on a fucking drawing done by some guy?
Czech qts are pure

Yet the mind can perceive these lines as real or the penis wouldn't get erect. No one is arguing that she can be touched in any way like a real girl. What if there was something like realistic VR where you could feel everything? I hope you realize that there's no point in discussing shit like that.

Honestly, get out of pol. we know E celebs are cancer, you are not wanted by the community.
>but m-muh paycheck

my fucking penis doesn't get erect because I'm not gay and I don't want to touch my dick unless I'm pissing or washing it.
only women are supposed to like jerking dicks off.

They won't talk about the ethnostate. Probably won't come back.


less people the better once things get too popular they go to shit. lowest common denominator always kills. I want the lulz to last as long as possible

Diogenes guy made a good point about normies not being able to think for themselves. I've seen it in person many times.

But is that something we should strive to fix or use to our advantage?


we should strive to find a true racial brotherhood

anyone got an invite to alt-furry discord?

I don't really like this IBS shit desu, seems shortsighted to get livestream bucks for a few people at the cost of solidarity.

how do we pull an ethnostate out of this?

You don't because it isn't feasible to relocate millions of minorities out of the west without violent revolution

we just will deny them welfare and make them feel unwanted, nothing unconstitutional

paid shills fuck off please

Yeah realistically the way to try and go about it would be to establish your own township or some shit and put up bylaws that forbid the construction of fried chicken or mexican restaurants

That sounds kind of gay

you're already in an ethnostate, it's just shitty because you're bosmer, while we're altmer

>literal jews

What did she mean by this?

It's time to start a township....

Then we're Bretons and you're Nords.
The point is, we have more mana.

Bretons are fucking halfbreeds. Deport yourself you filthy nigger.

The 'tism amongst the Alt-Right is truly astonishing

Bretons are mutts..like all us muricans

>canibal mutts
seems about right

>average wagie makes 9 an hour in your country
at least your phone code is 420 and weed is decriminalized.
I say we mutts colonize the czech republic and claim it as an ethnostate

Please keep your filthy blood in your containment continent

Baka gaijin!

Beginning to lose interest in IBS.

JF is starting to pick on my sacred cow, and thats Christianity. I could tolerate his euphoria when it was hidden away, but he is brandishing it a little too often now.

the comments won't load for me on any recorded livestreams since like last week. any one else getting this?

opinions on tonight's /bybs/?

>Man, this is depressing, these threads used to be so active
There's nothing going on anymore

feels kinda cucked desu

It's kind of over. Alt-hype and JF's mere existence pretty much makes it nigh impossible for over 90% of leftists to have the guts to even try debating. And bloodsports is a lot less entertaining without any capable opposition. It's mostly devolved to circlejerking, eceleb shilling and just random conversations now basically.


It's too diverse
No talk of the ethnostate
Joachim's kinda the main cuck normie conformist

I believe it's around 50 minutes in the JQ and holocaust is brought up.

they would rather live in this diverse hell than just prop up an ethnostate so we can chill with no worries

Joachim's arguments don't make sense and he has this weird stance thinking that he's representative of the alt-right. Gilgamesh is a turbofag and Ancap can't organize anything to save his life.

I'm not sure why they're trying to diversify when they don't even have an audience yet.

It seemed like Jeff and Niff wanted to talk about topics, whereas Tanka and Joachim seemed more interested in e-drama.

He said his main board is /fit/.

fit's gay
e-drama's gay

someone mentioned the argument of "deportation" to reach the ethnostate
that's not going to happen, we need to start townships and organize, claim ground and stand firm that we deserve a homeland and we ain't gotta share it with no one.

1 hour 30 minutes in Ethnostate is mentioned.

Guess what? All white townships exist. All over the place. There are hundreds of them. Some places are simply demographically 90%+ white, and there are outlying areas that are still 100% white simply by chance. Others were intentionally created to be places where only white people live, Project Little Europe is what some of them are called.
Running away doesn't fucking accomplish anything. Whites need to unify and exercise cohesive political agency. Moving somewhere isn't a solution, it doesn't solve a single thing, not one. You can turn your back on every problem, try to shelter yourself away in some remote area, but that problem still exists, and it will one day reach you again. Gated communities in South Africa thought they could be safe forever. The mine owners thought they could be safe. Now the state is going to strip ownership away from the whites, the security guards are fleeing, and those millionaire gated communities aren't so fucking safe any more. Those people are already sending their kids to school in bullet proof cars, and thats your future if you think you can just leave without the problem following you.

We are organizing, thats what the Alt-Right is. Get your shit together and join your white brothers in real life.

it draws a line in the sand, makes it clear that they aren't welcome in our land, and that we're better off without them

No it fucking doesn't. As the population in any rural area grows, the suburban population grows, and along comes Uncle Sam with his HUD agenda to plan low income subsidized housing that they can bus some blacks into. What are you going to do when your little white coward sanctuary has blacks move in down the road? You're going to do fucking nothing. You're going to keep shitposting on the internet and hope that better men than yourself are actually out there trying to make a difference.

The line in the sand has already been crossed a thousand times over. People like you are stuck in this mindset where you tell yourselves "it just has to get a little bit worse before I do anything" but the reality is that its getting worse all the time. You're the one who keeps shrinking back as the poz comes closer.
There are militia groups, white advocacy groups, and identitarian groups all over the US, some of them have rosters with over 3k people. Join one. Meet up with people in your area, and start being part of the solution. Complaining about problems on the internet accomplishes nothing. Coming up with hairbrained ideas on the internet accomplishes nothing.
Its time to get the fuck out of your comfort zone.

The entire states will belong to us.
7 total, with a wall surrounding the perimeter.
We are going to get /ourguys/ in office so we can vote to become sovereign and ban fried chicken, tacos, and redistribute our tax dollars accordingly

> You're the one who keeps shrinking back as the poz comes closer.
that's literally you faggot
the ethnostate is the most tangible and immediate solution, you're the one suggesting we join cucked groups and do what, listen to Joachim and Tonka rattle on about nothing?

holy shit watching the we wuz kangz debate and when she said she was polish and the kang was silent the entire time was amazing.

Kangz debate is the worst debate to date. Both were shit. Women are niggers of gender. Kangz are niggers who can't entertain hypotheticals.

she's my ideal gf

She has fat arms. She'll chokehold your tiny neck.

keep this cancer in its general and i'm ok with it
post more ...bloodsportchan
>inb4 irritable bowl syndrome

>being this painfully new
How do you think whites are going to create an ethnostate anywhere without absolutely enormous political and cultural shift taking place? Flat out discriminatory policies are illegal in real estate. You cannot have any sort of housing development where you explicitly sell to whites only. The federal government would be busting in doors and lighting your family on fire within the month if it was tried on any significant scale.
Do you think you're going to just peacefully take over a handful of states in the middle of the country? Of fucking course not. The federal government isn't going to hand over land. Do you think you're going to get a president and congress elected to vote and pass a measure ceding land away to you? Of fucking course not. No government is going to support breaking up the United States.
The very idea that we could get pro white politicians elected then ask them to only pass a pathetic compromise measure is in itself painfully fucking stupid.

The entirety of the US is an ethnostate. It was established as an ethnostate for white men of good character, and that is what we're restoring. We are not running away to try and hide in a corner somewhere just so the government can come and reclaim it one day as is happening in South Africa right now.
Collective political power reforming the state top to bottom is the only solution there is, and that begins with real life activism, actually being a part of something. Stop being a cuck. South Africans were cucks, look what good its done them.

keep going

how about now?

Fugg, what an absolute qt

you madman

We all establish a plan to move there.
1/3 of the united states population believes that Whites are under attack
Those people will move there and we will achieve political dominance through state legislature, then we can decide who we import, who we deport, and where our taxes go.

shes like a chubby tomi lauren

What's the appeal of bloodsports? I feel like it's easy to anticipate how each participate will argue. I haven't gotten into it deeply so maybe I'm missing something. Styx is my type of guy btw.

Stick to your own women britbong

participant lmao

>not still trying to colonise america
also sam is hilarious but he needs to stop bullying my country REE

>polish canadian
>your girl

All North American women belong to us.
Stick to your own ugly women.
Britannia has been overshadowed by the New Empire of the West.

>All North American women belong to us.
so you want the native indians? fair enough.

honestly no one here gives a fuck
it's just fun hearing people yell at each other while browsing Sup Forums, it's like hearing a guy with downs read Sup Forums threads to you then getting angery at his senile mum
uhm actually i'm on day 3 of nofap so any and all women belong to me
god I can't wait to get off this island though, i'm learning cyrillic so I can escape to the ukraine