What the hell is wrong with american men?
What the hell is wrong with american men?
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Nothing bucko
This cannot be real
>be american soyboy
>american population 350 million +
>men population must be around half that
> soyboy buys bottle opener
>"what the hell is wrong with american men?
they got trump mate, aint nothing wrong there
Tbh when their is condensation on the bottle its a bitch to grip, really poor engineering on their part
All the more reason not to drink this poison.
Someone needs their ass kicked. Hard.
It is. I looked at the subreddit last week and there were a bunch of people saying they were literally crying because soylent was banned in their country and a bunch of actual transvestites.
The soy content in it is actually really low, but something fishy is going on with it.
Maybe he has bad arthritis
Fucking artificial flavors...
It's worse than i imagined.
user you seem oddly familiar about the lids on these things.
He can just use a pliers to open the bottle cap lel.
Soy isn't the reason for their behaviour, it's a symptom of it. The real reason is men being vilified for being masculine.
Metal tools, like guns, are products of toxic masculinity. That bottle opener made from environmentally-friendly biodegradable plastic is much more socially acceptable.
It doubt it's poison.
Sup Forums's forced soy maymay is based purely on emotion and has nothing to do with fact.
Although you probably don't care about little things like reality.
>men act masculine
>get called sexist pigs, mansplaining, manspreading, etc.
>women act masculine
>so empowering! You go gurl!
Reset the simulation, the jews won this one.
Surprisingly difficult to grip when wet. A gym bro of mine uses it as a meal supplement. He can bench 280lbs and squat 360 and the grooves just are not deep enough on the lid to grip.
My wife uses that opener all the time tho for jars so, soiboi confirmed.
This soyboy is way too into maple syrup to not be Canadian.
He's so poisoned he can't open his poison.
His posts says he's from New York.
Soylent is banned in Canada anyways.
Alex Jones was right, God rest his soul. They're pumping estrogen into the waterways, foodstuffs, plastics, probably via spores in the air. This is the issue of our time. Every newly minted homo and tranny is an additional screeching soldier in the leftist ranks. They are 3D printing an army of gays and third world immigrants.
G-guys, what do I do? C-can I eat food with soy sauce?
Why can't he just use a rubber band and wrap around the bottle cap to open it? Shit would have been cheaper.
But then he wouldn't get as many cuckpoints on reddit
Even if you ignore that he needed an opener for a plastic bottle...even if you ignore that it's Soylent, this nigger still felt the need to tell the world about it. mfw
Sup Forums thinks phytoestrogens are the same as estrogens because they have the same letters. There’s no evidence that consuming phytoestrogens increases estrogen.
Soy sauce is fine, it's shit like soy l'ent that's made specifically with the intention of being eaten multiple times a day and with estrogen that you shouldn't eat
Never trust a man who runs a two 4:3 monitor setup.
Yeah, except every actual scientific study I've read that reported changes in endogenous estrogen production in mammals as a side effect when they were given phytoestrogens to measure other things like cancer or bone density. Just because no one will fund a "does soy turn you into a bitch" study doesn't mean data doesn't exist. You sound like an idiot who doesn't actually read scientific journals but just gets the distilled cliffnotes version of popular papers through CNN and Huffpo.
We took the soypill
gee i donno
So you are claiming you are an all natural soyboi, congrats.
I'm a guy and I make my bf open jars and cans. Fuck soy, I cut out the middle man and am taking testosterone blockers and estrogen.
The soy thing is a meme. A funny meme.
Clinical studies show no effects of soy protein or isoflavones on reproductive hormones in men: results of a meta-analysis.
"The results of this META-ANALYSIS suggest that neither soy foods nor isoflavone supplements alter measures of bioavailable T concentrations in men."
The U.S. Military stocks fridges with silk milk and, supplies soy candy bars at bootcamp.
Wonder why?
>i am a guy
>i am taking testosterone blockers
This guy gets it
Not surprised an Amerimutt doesn't understand the concept of pubmed or peer reviewed literature.
>Faggots don't know how to open tight lids on jars.
Its fucking easy. Just get a knife and stick it up under the lid until you break the seal. Then its easy to open.
Of course a braindead city dwelling libtard cant work it out.
Yeah, enjoy your heart disease faggots, I'll enjoy irl larping as a girl until the wheels fall off
Wish I could show the absolute state of my girlpickle rn
Just speed up the process
Chop your dick off and commit suicide a couple years later.
Start with not posting on Sup Forums and doing something feminine...?
What is with all the redddit threads?
>heart disease
>implying im not a neo-con rogan shill
Does your dick still work on t-blockers, or is just shriveled and useless at this point? Asking for a freind.
If he used whey protein like an adult he'd be able to open bottles and bench 3 plates.
KEK confirms they're turning the frogs gay.
Also, stay away from polyester clothing. You're literally wearing plastic.
>shitty 2008 survey that searched papers that didn't do comprehensive endocrine analysis
Meanwhile, in reality and the current day.
Now I know papers that use big boy words instead of a 10 year old survey of totally legit papers might be harder to read, but bust out that dictionary and try to understand some modern endocrinology research, you dumb mother fucker.
soy gives boys nice tits
Soy sauce and miso are okay because the fermentation process used to make it neutralizes the estrogen. It's the un-fermented soy you need to stay from--vegetable oil (it's really soy), soy additives in processed food and chocolate, Soylent, etc.
the ((((retardation)))) that is sweeping the nation
Based on the amount of grey hair JBP has in this pic compared to now and also the look of the keyboard, the telephone, and the general aesthetic of the office I'd say this is from a time when 16:9 monitors weren't common.
What is Soylent and what's wrong with it? No shitposting
>What is a search engine?
>tfw you're hiding from the loo
Its a popular soy based health drink, mocking the name soylent green from Fahrenheit 451
Its filled with soy (as the name implies) which has shit tons of estrogen leading to adverse health effects in men.
Got me there, truth be told I'm prolly just a gay guy but women's clothes are cool so idgaf
I have a feeling that picture was probably taken in the early 2000's, bucko.
I'll probably never know if I'm man enough to open one of those bottles because I'm not a faggot that drinks that shit. I drink coffee and beer. Everything else is for fags.
I've never really bought the soy meme that hard.
Probably you want to watch your kids, but I can't see it having much effect on a grown man.
Then again apparently US food is rammed with the stuff due to farm subsidies and whatnot. You don't see so much corn syrup outside the US either.
Can't you be serious for once, Ausbro?
Jesse Cox is pretty successful on twitch. He his own office building and makes pretty good money off of his Soylent sponsorship and other things. Yes, he is literally sponsored by Soylent.
>Sup Forums's forced soy maymay is based purely on emotion and has nothing to do with fact
This is why people pull their studs of soy based grain rations and alfalfa before breeding season right?
And my personal favourite
Woman starts eating 4 pounds of soy per day for months and develops the urge to Jill off 15 times a day.
Can confirm. Don't eat at work kids.
honestly drinkable meals sound fucking great but I can't get down with this soy shit.
Soylent green is made of people, pajeet.
Check out Huel.
t. Soyfag
Just look for a knockoff using pea protein or whatever. It's the same old "meal replacement shake" meme from the 80s. Bear in mind it will make you fart violently until you're used to it, so try extra hard not to shart in the mart.
huh. have you tried it?
U.S. food is fucked thankfully I eat a lot of sea food, and avoid factory farmed meats and processed jew food.
Corn Syrup is literal posion
No. But I have a couple friends who are serious about their health and not soy boys who use it.
Checked. Our eggs came in bags too.
Done by a bunch of chinks and gooks.
Doesn't count zipperhead.
Hey bb I’m a soiboi and I work on my bf’s quad turbo v10 in my cute skirt and high heels
>Complaining about chinks
Irony aside, it's very clear you're a retarded who doesn't understand actual biochemistry. Why champion soy products on the internet? What would compel a "man" to do that?
>soylent green from Fahrenheit 451
>from Fahrenheit 451
>soylent green
How did it take me this long to notice.
You spastic.
i'll give it a go, actually. thanks user.
Friends that are serious about their health most of the time follow trends. They could be doing more damage than good depending on what they're doing. I was a director for a YMCA for almost 10 years. I saw some crazy shit come and go. Men need two things to be healthy. High protein and free weights. Treadmills and all that shit will shape your body but not necessarily be good for us. Our bodies are built for muscle and this soy craze is going to do damage. It's the equivalent of being put on female birth control complete with fucking up sperm producting. I wouldn't be surprised to see men srart dieing in mass from heart attacks at a really early age.
Getting arthritis in my left thumb and work as a mechanic. He is just a gigantic pussy.
then get whey protein like everyone else?
You are a legit retard.
>treadmills not good for you
Do you have any idea what the human body is designed for?
what the fuck is wrong with you and people who like to replace food with this shit. just eat food. what the fuck is the issue?
Who the fuck buys a bottle opener??
Also didn't he manage to open that plastic bottle?
He should go see a doctor, that sounds like some serious muscle loss, my little sister opens such things with ease and she's 14. Even as a soyman you shiuld be able to do so...
I kinda think staged pic and post, someone is memeing.
>unironically naming your product soylent
have they not seen the movie?
Pics of sis?
posted exact same thread in Sup Forums
whats your end game shill?
I agree with the soy narrative but this just seems like an attempt to distract the Sup Forums masses
Are you saying cardio is bad for you?
it is ironic
Actual picture of OP
You take that back.
wipe it off with your shirt you fucking pansy
Keeping my penis, fuck that surgery
thats not funny, also i think it sort of preceeds irony by being a serious product with a serious purpose
Has Chad Looks
Good for OP
It is ironic. Soy is one of the last ingredients.