Brit/pol/ - british politic

can't be arsed with the links
rustlers burgers taste like shit

Other urls found in this thread:

Why would anyone touch such a piece of shit, toss in a bun


in the microwave?

karen is very cute desu

Dear diary... It's happening. The plant's kicking in. Get ready to have you're mind blown...

What if my arm got hungry? What if it wanted a snack and ate my foot? Would they switch places? There's also the problem of purple... what's it's deal
? It's can't decide if it's blue? Just make up your mind already.

Oh and another thing. Space /time isn't what we all think. We're each individual pieces of energy, drawn from a much larger pool given physical form in artifical time-stream.
Time doesn't actually exist in the classic Newtonian sense. Everytihng happens at once, but our minds coundn't handle that, so we process it one moment after the next. But I see it all now.
It's all happening..... The alpha and the omega united.

And shit. I think my toe ate my hand.

Toss as in shit/bad/etc ,not throwing it somewhere you daft cunt

my qt gril frend left the party after I offered to hold her hand

at last i see
yes they are toss
i will hold your hand

Gentle reminder that the only reason all of us aren't Catholic today is because Henry the 8th couldn't resist fucking this woman

why'd you leave without saying goodbye?

dumb frogposter

this is bait
>post the copypasta

tfw marrie olde England is dead and unrecoverable

Anglican Death Squads be upon you traitor.



i hate going to sleep as i have to wake up but i want to just die in my sleep and not wake up and then i cry when i wake up because i don't want to wake up

goodnight friends, see you at 3pm for another 16 hours of brit/pol/

Early bird gets the worm
Anime fags are queers
Fags are queers
Christians are cucked
Non-whites stink

I don't have it.

how much annual percent of rapes will rise after the porn block?

Listening to Albion radio.
Like Godwinson, Master Brew and Horatio Cary, but don't like those yankee niggers (Baked Alaska and Mike Enoch); don't like it when the lads defend these yankee scum.

>Anime faggot
You reap what you sow in this life. What awaits you in old age is far worse than that sinking feeling that possesses you now. You will look back unto a lifetime of nothing, son. Your sepia tint memories will be internet based walls of text, images of various locations you never visited, women you never wooed, things you never experienced. You will have lived an empty life, and because of this you will die empty. Cheerio

Depends on immigration

Goodnight Sweet Karenposter

I'll leave you with this:

>"...that something is a hundred times more important than the question of whether we feel well or not: basic instinct of all strong natures…In sum, that we have a goal for which one does not hesitate…to risk every danger, to take upon oneself whatever is bad and worst: the great passion."

Have a good day, folks.

Just woke up so missed the Oscars. I assume Sup Forums was freaking out regardless of who won

Who the fuck here cares about the Oscars?


Godwinson > Survive the Jive > Horatio Cary > Master Brew > Millennial Woes > Sargon of Akkad

Prove me wrong









>Full set of cards

Kill Mondays

thread trump cards

top trumps

and the subject is Sup Forums threads

Bradley Wiggins is a drugs cheat lol

Never trust a Belgian

pics related

Don't see the point of these lad.

I only trust the opinions of those who live in their cars

imagine you did
which board do you think would make the most interesting cards?
do you visit any other boards that have interesting threads?

Reviewbrah and Terry Davis are shitty yankee niggers.

Well Sup Forums would be decent I guess.

would you see the point if the format was like this one but with pornographic backgrounds
like a Sup Forums version of the classic porno playing cards?

that's a good suggestion
i'll add it to my list
so far i have /x/ Sup Forums /o/ Sup Forums and /vr/

Focus more on the zany shit that goes down in these threads and less about the stats, and it'd be good.

That's because they literally are shit. They have a gourmet range now. Haven't tried them but they'll be fancy and shit.

these are just prototypes exploring different formats
eventually there will be enough for a pure brit/pol/ set

>zany shit
no shortage of that

You should check out Voltaire's Ghost and reuploads of the old Thorium videos.

A jew playing an English queen?! What an insult!

I hate that woman.


You're a fucking mentalist.

Is that woman in the pic Kimmy Granger or Louise Mensch?

No I fucking didn't.
I've only just realised to two biggest retarded unfunny, uninteresting and worthless anonymongs on this general are in fact the same fucking person.
Be honest now, are you in your early teens and genuinely think your none of those things or do you have an actual mental defect?


the latter

You get that link for a pdf of democracy the god that failed posted last night?

>Kimmy Granger

>two biggest retarded unfunny, uninteresting and worthless anonymongs on this general are in fact the same fucking person
who do you think i am sweetie?

Answer the question you little faggot
Yes, but I won't be starting it any time soon

any more like this?

>Answer the question you little faggot
mental deficit?
not really sure i understand the question
what did you mean by "are in fact the same fucking person"

I was giving you abuse the other day for the compete torrent of absolute shit posts you subject this general to in an incredibly short space of time.
I didn't realise you're the same autist that has also been spamming the place with your pathetic attempt at OC which is this fucking top trumps bollocks, I don't understand what the fuck they're even supposed to be? They're not funny, they're not informative, they're not interesting, they're just utter shit.
What the fuck is wrong with you?

Rude Eddie this morning.

Well if you do get into it the other link I posted has a bunch more pdf links on.

>this morning

>No I fucking didn't.

>What the fuck is wrong with you?

>i haven't hired you to make them funny, informative and interesting?

do you have a board suggestion?

Follow the cunts ID in this thread and see what a total spastic he is
Here he is in the thread I noticed him for his fucking dire posts
66 fucking posts in a single thread and every single one of them complete shit. I think he's mentally deranged

karenposting is best posting

yeah that's me
over 50% of the Mensch posting in the archive is me
>two biggest retarded unfunny, uninteresting and worthless anonymongs
who else do you think i am?

Morning lads. Off to work in a bit. Have a great day and God bless.

bless you too

any brit/pol/ approved furry discords?

Have a good one mate. Not in untill the night. Nice lazy monday catching up on some reading and writing, hopefully. God bless!


thanks and saved

Fucking kill yourself

not very nice

My gf on the right


i'm sorry i called you pathetic
you know i love you really

i guess it's just my settler mindset

It's Pube.


i'm not
i swear

The Church of England was formed in the 6th century by Saint Augustine of Canterbury.

Henry VIII sought an annulment on legitimate grounds, which is completely different to divorce.
The Pope denied this annulment as he was under siege by King Charles V of Spain, who did not want the marriage annulled for POLITICAL reasons, as he was related to Catherine of Aragon and had influence in the English realm from her marriage to Henry.

After breaking from Rome, Henry VIII remained an ardent supporter of core Catholic theological teachings - he had even argued against Luther for fucks sake. The Church of England was still Catholic, it was just out of communion with Rome, in the same way as various medieval European Catholic rulers had been when they were excommunicated or in political struggle with the Pope. It is likely that the Church of England would have quickly come back into communion with Rome if it wasn't for Mary, who was responsible for killing Catholicism in England by persecuting Protestants purely because of their faith and allowing England to be made a Spanish puppet through the Catholic Church.

The Church of England as we know it today was not created until the reign of Queen Elizabeth I with the Elizabethan Religious Settlement, a compromise between Protestants and Catholics in England to make the Church of England "CATHOLIC and REFORMED". It was at this point the Church of England
became "Protestant".

So no, the Church of England was not created by "a fat king so he could fuck xddd", it existed as an institution since the 6th century, established by a saint. It did not become Protestant until the reign of Queen Elizbeth I, some time after Henry VIII's reign and death. It would have came back into communion with Rome if it wasn't for the actions of Queen Mary.

Good morning

that face doesn't look like it slept well


Based moot

nah, we spent the entire time cheering on the Centre-right coalition while they crushed the Italian election.

moot is why i'm a facist
great guy


trannies on the beeb

gas the terfs
gender wars now


romans were kangz desu

Time for another whitewash then