>"Look what I got Daddy! All my friends think this is cute! "
How do you react Sup Forums? This is the mark of the roastie after all.
>"Look what I got Daddy! All my friends think this is cute! "
How do you react Sup Forums? This is the mark of the roastie after all.
this is the price i pay for taking her virginity, shouldnt have listened to those posters calling me a cuck for having a daughter
"That's nice, sweetie. Hope it was worth your inheritance."
Send her back whence she came!
My friends wife got pissed off after her kids started calling the tattoo above her ass a Tramp Stamp. Guess they picked up something positive from being around me.
This piercing needs a similar name.
Act really REALLY interested and talk about doing it yourself too.
Watch her drop that shit like yesterday's news
middriffs are so hot
This is the worst of the slut signaling piercings. Instant deal breaker. The comical thing is you see them on 13 year olds now.
ITT: People that will never be confronted by this scenario.
Total degeneracy. Disgusting.
My Dad started crying like the beta he is, while my sister talked some serious shit (I've had it for years, you're just stupid. I'm moving in with mom if you don't let me marry my bf at 16, you can't tell me what to do...you're too weak, etc.)
Then she tried to steal the car provided to her, running me over and dragging me underneath the car for half a block, maniacally laughing.
Somehow I'm the undesirable child, and he's been taking her to dinners and buying her stuff weekly for the past decade since. Fucking roasties.
>How do you react Sup Forums
"sorry son this is a [no trap] household, now go take that queer shit off and meet me outside for your lashings"
Came here to post this
>implying that is a female
The only realistic answer. If you want your daughter to knock shit off, you have to out do her in it and satarize it.
t. Father who got his septum pierced to get his daughter to ditch hers
>yes it worked
>don't let me marry my bf at 16
He should of found a suitable suitor by the time she hit puberty.
No wonder he's a beta.
>"Oh, and I got this one too Daddy, aren't you proud of me being so independent?"
>We wuz 2002
Id say this is quite conservative compare to the shit women do to their bodies today sadly.
This is pretty awesome Dad-core advice. Seeing her dad in belly shirts with his navel pierced might just do it for most girls.
Nah, the true mark of the roastie are those little fucking nose stud things. I swear to Christ every white bitch here in Denver has them, even 50 year old spent tricks. And unlike the belly button or tongue that nose stud is super fucking obvious, and let's everyone know they ain't in to white men from 20 paces out. It's the modern scarlet letter.
>t. Father who got his septum pierced to get his daughter to ditch hers
out of curiosity why did she get one in the first place?
Lift my shirt up and say i got a belly ring at your age too, check it out, we should going shopping for belly rings on the weekend
Cum on her tummy to mark my territory