Post the single image that made you pick up the show

Post the single image that made you pick up the show.
I came for Satania, stayed for Vigne.


>I came for Satania, stayed for Vigne.

I'm pretty confident this was the case for everyone, myself included.


Smart lad


I came for Gab and stayed for Satania



Darkness best girl.

I'm gonna pick up PP for this image
It is Princess Principal, right?

how does her clothing not fall off




Well you got me too. Picked up.


I can see you made terrible decision.

What is this though

>Reading the synopsis
This actually sounds interesting. Picked up.

I want Satania to sit on my face

something something iron fortress

If you picked it up solely because of that image you got memed



everything about the mannerisms of this guy just piqued my interest.


I wanna [spoilers]enter[/spoilers] his [spoilers]bonezone[/spoilers]

picked up because of grape-kun and hululu, stayed for the comfy story ;_;

same, shame about the recent events



Don't know why I've always avoided it.

Same. Came expecting a fun show and ended up falling in love.

and fuck you Sup Forums because when I asked if she actually was in the show a lot you guys said yes she's basically the star of it


The only reason i read OPM.


Satania's seiyuu made the entire show for me. I think I remember her from something else too, but her comic timing is just perfect.



My, my...

>being attracted to ducks
kys featherfag

That's not made in abyss is it?

this honestly
Before I watched and read the manga I thought it was a kid friendly adventure show, then I start seeing this and images similar all over Sup Forums which made me pick it up
one of the best anime related decisions I ever made I fucking love MiA

Fuck off.

should I watch or read this?

I came for Satania too.

read then watch, it only has 43 chapters you can finish it in a week or less


The "youkoso" line when she was in the locker absolutely slayed my sides.

I'm glad it did, too. I found my waifu there.

Most people came for Gabu becasue was in the promotional material before the anime started

lol nobody likes Gabriel

>When the loli has perpetual ahegao face
>When the loli is a actually salaryman
If this isn't cheating then I don't know what is.

prepubescent girl torpedo nipples

Dem chibis mang. I knew it was what my body needed.

I miss Anne.

are you 16?

terrible you say?

Amazing character design and fantastic color palette. The light lavender hair and blue outfit makes her golden eyes stand out so much.

And then when I watched Suite, she was such an adorable dork. And the rest of the team was pretty great too.


>stayed for Vigne
>not staying for best girl

I hate Hanekawa so fucking much, but her catgirl form was amazing.

Huh? What did she mean by this?

So you came at Satania? Get it? Eh? Sorry.

Stayed for Mashiro though.

Shit taste. Aoyama should have won.

All Aoyama does is bitch

Don't forget lose.

Anyone else get baited into watching AOTS?

still fucking waiting on that lamia mod

Came for fire, stayed for Sento





Sports was best girl



Why did that make you pick it up?

I like the artstyle and her eyes captured my heart

Came for Sento
Realized Earth is best girl

>not air
You fucked up, lad.

Sorry I don't like retarded girls

Nice self-esteem, faggot.

dropped after episode 4

Me too

Literally the best scene in the show

>see satania posting
>get curious
>browse the threads
>see vigne
>instantly picks up show

I picked up the whole manga because of this

You're in for a treat


All eight parts, or just part four? Why did that interest you enough for that?

What? why?

>worth it

Came for the succ stayed for the vampire

Also this

>trap ninja
Peculiar tastes, user

All parts. I just wanted to make sense of what's going on in that. Keep in mind this was early 2015 when part 3 is still going.