You win. Youve broken me. We're getting fucked beyond belief. I used to buy into the nation of immigrants meme. I used to think
>Oh the government isnt evil
>Not all immigrants hate us
Aside from being a little edge lord when I was younger and saying we should nuke the border to create a radiation barrier, I believed this
Then thanks to all you people I find out the government is made up of pedos and they pushe for our race to be extinct, while sending our military to die for no reason in some shithole for the same people they bring here to replace us, after we destablize where they live. I see that the people from these shit holes that come here want to kill us, to rape our women, to tear down our society. They wont assimilate.
Meanwhile the pedos rape and murder our kids, and laugh at us for taking in the propoganda so easily. They take away our privacy and reach for our guns while more people buy into their memes
>Diversity is our strength
>Nation of immigrants
>Interracial marriages are good
The members of the synogogue of satan want us gone.
I was content, pol, being blind to it all, now my hope for our future is gone. My country is going to be ash as will all of yours. South Africa will just be the beginning.
Electing Trump has done little to aswage my concerns, especially with his recent comments on guns.
Why do you have to be right
I hope youre happy pol
Other urls found in this thread:
Faggot shut up
The word is 'assuage'
reported, hidden, called the cyberpolice
Welcome to pol. You'll be here forever.
Fuck you fag. I honestly believed our country was whole and good. Now I know its all a meme
>You misspelled a word
Oh no. Oh no. What ever will I do
who is "pol" you fucking faggot? im not of any entity that goes by "pol"
>I hope youre happy pol
>You win.
That's the thing. Pol doesn't WISH it wins. It WISHES it is wrong.
Welcome to hell, good buddy of mine. Remember, knowledge is power, but guns are good too.
I know, but why does it all have to be true?
Anons make up pol, that is why I refer to all of you as pol. No different than referring to people of Britain as British
Best post
Guns are all I think we have now. Theyve trampled on everything else
Go jack off and stfu attention seeking fairy
everything is an illusion....
that would be me, the one person known as Sup Forums, welcome to my mongolian throatsinging newsgroup
user if I wanted attention Id make a bait thread with some leftist garbage and put
>really made me think
>pol btfo
That goes without saying, but without the knowledge, the gun is useless. In time, righteous zeal and honed contempt will be what ensures our aim is true.
Stop being impressionable. There's a narrative being sold every time you talk to anyone, even if they're not trying to sell one. Yes, even here.
Read as much as you can and build your own truth. It's all a man can do.
yeah nah cunt op is pretty dead on the money with his summary now he just needs to come up with practical solutions to these problems
>Stop being impressionable
I do agree I have this problem. It is evident. I've been trying to do better as far as getting information from various sources before coming to a conclusion, but still I can do better than I am
If you desire more pain- read Ted Kaczynski. (if you haven't already).
You have no idea how bad things are.
>That's the thing. Pol doesn't WISH it wins. It WISHES it is wrong.
You hit the nail on the head.
it's "Sup Forums" not "pol"
Sorry. But at least now you can listen to racist songs and not feel guilty.
Welcome, OP. Student at top, top engineering school which has been decimated by H1B and "muh diversity". The time for white nationalism and resistance to globalism being a bunch of skinhead drug addicts is over. Every single white man with a successful way of life is available to be red-pilled. When you see people agitating for demographic replacement, racism against whites, raping the country of its heritage, blood, soil, tradition... will you wait until your back is against the wall--looking into the crazed and soulless eyes of some mixed-race underclass drone who is pointing the gun at you? Or will you fight back? Speak up where you can, push the window further and further to the right when the opportunity arises (and sometimes you must create that opportunity), and never let a leftist get away with anything.
You'll feel a real sense of purpose as reward. You're already thousands of miles ahead of the masses who have yet to (and some may never) wipe the scales off of their eyes and remove their shackles.
It happened to me too. Eventually you come to the JQ and then the sadness turns to am rage that cannot be articulated and you will find a very deep motivation in that rage.
To a*
Good man. Trust me, you'll feel much better about your opinions once you make some that are actually yours.
Welcome to the truth.
Now get fighting.
calm yourself my brother. our time to rise will come soon.
Ah yes a cesspool of degeneracy will certainly save the day.
yes because portland and seattle count for the entirety of 3 states. very logical of you to point that out.
Most of the population and politics of the region are dominated by those cities. Most of the Pacific Northwest has been entirely cucked. You are almost beyond saving at this point. The economies of these states are mostly dependent on the cites. You keep importing more shitskins and you keep legalizing drugs.
Idaho might be red but it has too small of a population to counter Washington and Oregon
Always been correct. We'd rather be wrong but truth and functioning eyes require us to recognize the shit we wade through.
For the past 20 years we have been living in an elbow of a time period. It is absolute hell to be in limbo like this. We've clearly lost some gigantic and ruthless war. As history suggests there will be a bloody revolution soon. It wont be long, just hold out. These people obviously arent going to want to keep us around and risk anything as we are very intelligent race. They are also not the kind to do human experiments as they are 3rd worlders. It is almost assured that they will want us gone as quickly as possible. These people have witnessed all of the other fuck ups in history and have been ruthlessly groomed to avoid such fuck up, they wont keep us around. I would honestly rather be dead then be kept in limbo like this. Its like being kept in solitary confinement and having all kinds of MKUltra psychological warfare slowly break you down while eroding and will you have to live. Ill be glad to be gone, i would never want to live even if i read this depraved shit in a history book about what is going on right now.
Theyll start offing us within 5 years at max.. They may wait until the dems get back into power, but a part of me is inclined to say it will start before that.
Hope you like talking to the feds faggot
Yep.. I'm a bit similar, I was raised as a democrat, in a democrat household, in a democrat city, in a democrat state. And now I'm 1488.
>that smug youthful sense of self satisfaction you felt about being right has been replaced with crippling depression
Remember when feeling right used to evoke pleasure? Now it's nothing but pain.
Baby’s first redpill
Here comes the "scare newfags converts" shills.
your'e looking at the small picture. Oregon is the safest place in the world for the white man. Only alaska, washington and Oregon will be out of yellowstones reach. safe from rising sea levels. majority white and majority right wing in all of the rural areas which are that's important to secure. who cares about the fucking jew and chinese controlled economy? We need to secure safe land. farm our own food. organize and be well armed. this is the best chance we have now. you think we can still win the rat race that is American politics when both sides and all of the media are controlled by jews?
Have you completely forgotten about New England. Which is even further from Yellowstone and is whiter.
the wage of sin is death
at first youre miserable but eventually you get used to it and even later you become happy
I feel the same way, tell the feds they can suck my dick.
user, I'm probably already on their list for coming here. They have my info just as they have yours. Don't pretend otherwise
We want so desperately to be wrong. We wish it weren't true, that it's all in our heads and we're just paranoid schizophrenics. When something is wrong, don't blame others without first examining the self. After thorough introspection, we reached the conclusion that no, we are right, it is the world that has gone mad.
We are not delusional, no matter how much we wish it weren't so.
An extraordinarily long list is no list at all.
I know, that's why the lists dont bother me. And if they decide to put me on a shorter list, what can I do?
Why aren’t you in the top right user?
>read 1984 when i was 14
>remember that the most defining thing about it was the sheer sense of helplessness and fear in the face of a seemly unstoppable entity dominating your civilization and using everything from new speak, censorship, and extremely severe punishment to deal with anyone who strays from the agenda
>thank god that i don't have to feel that fear and helplessness in real life
>mfw after 10 years or whatever of conservative government the liberals are elected and within a few years i have to legitimately worry about saying the wrong thing and getting taken away in the night because of the liberal government and their use of extremist policy to undermine the fundamentals of a free and healthy society
the worst part is that im not even a hardcore conservative or anything, im pretty liberal on most issues and i just want my civilization to continue existing, but thats now become a crime
>Electing Trump has done little to aswage my concerns, especially with his recent comments on guns.
It takes time. Arguments I've seen on Sup Forums have shaken up some of my beliefs. I'm still mostly confused DESU.
Buy guns.
Learn skills.
buy 5 acres.
Prepare for the collapse
oh look it's this post again
Babylon must burn.
oooo you call Mark Karpeles on him. Ut oh.
>Buy land
>War doesn't care about property rights.
See South Africa.
The real red pill is when you start moving from the top right towards the top left
>We (Sup Forums) did this
The truth is immutable.
i think OP is retarded for that "especially with his recent comments on guns" bit but there are some legitimate concerns. what happens after him? what are the chances that people continue to fight back? it could take decades of continuous to purge the our governments of civilization destroyers but all it takes is one bad election to change course take you full speed into oblivion and do extreme damage that can potentially never be undone
brain = communism sounds okay
sparky brain = i'm a lolbertarian
galaxy brain = helicobbder ride :DDD
Bog-pilled brain = support communism and become dictator to starve all the commies to death
everything always is in the end
a meme
im not joking
It may lead to nothing, but I take gun rights seriously. It is our last line of defense against the tyrants. That is why I am concerned about his comments, if he winds up not doing anything to them, good
the land is for making food, the guns are for protecting the property. Once the battle lines are drawn you'll need that food production
Read SIEGE faggot.
It does. It helped that I was always a germanboo. Although I prefer the Kaiser to the Führer.
juden raus
>be racially mixed white mother black sperm donor
>bored with shilling all over Sup Forums
>bored of Sup Forums memes
>try /gif/ and all porn
>wind up here before election
>stay here during MAGA
>we wuz makin thangs better n shiet
>race mixing memes begin to look reasonable
>black hate threads begin to make too much sense
>anti-immigration threads tough to argue with
>muslims are violent, and islam is a hate group
>slowly begin to hate all sluts
>gradually begin to hate leftists
Now I'm refusing to date anyone and warning people of the dangers of race mixing. Sup Forums will break you.
>white mother black sperm donor
Because it was cheaper, or a polite way to call your mother a whore?
faggot shut up
Remember that Sup Forums can differentiate between a nigga and a black person.
From my cold dead hands.
She hasn't used that word, but she was a 'dancer' that escorted wealthy athletes to parties in ritzy areas. You be the judge.
If you can act civilized, follow the laws, don't spew sjw stuff, are employed, and contribute to the society, no Sup Forums can justifiably judge you. In fact, you are probably better than a lot of Sup Forums NEET retarded users in that regard.
nigger is a state of mind not a skin color.
I can see that, but a lot of threads are full of (presumably) white guys screaming JEW at everything, and sounding no better than the sjw retards they seems to blame for their problems.
Those same fools hate all all non whites, even when we're allies.
Because they are literally retards, unironically and seriously. Ignore them. Some people just want the world burn, no matter the race, remember that.
Wrong, all niggers have low IQ. All race mixed niggers are abominations of nature that shouldn't exist.
join us friend its fun and you get to trigger liberals and mine saltcoins
I will.
And which type are you? Anglo? Slav? Irish? Aryan? You know that even your idol, Hitler, accepted other races to fight with him right? Also you fell right into the conquer and division of the NWO. They WANT you to fight between races while they're comfy collecting your money.
Also, remember Sup Forums loves Michael Jackson and Kanye West because they are both redpilled to the core. RIP both of them though :(
You will never leave this place.
the people who actually consider all black people "niggers" on this board is surprisingly low. jews and mudslimes are the ones we really fucking hate.
Every. single. fucking. time. Look at that shit-eating grin. Maybe one day we will finally kill them all.
Kid, stay the fuck off Sup Forums, eat your cheerios and watch your cartoons in the morning. This isn't the place for little faggots. Let the adults talk. Now run along little faggot.