Besides being cute, what does Goten add to DB anymore?

Besides being cute, what does Goten add to DB anymore?

Outside of GT and fusing with trunks to make Gotenks, nothing really.

can do fetch quests if the other characters are being used for the plot.

Reminder of the wasted potential that he is.

I wish all dragon ball shitters would die painful deaths

We're talking about Goten, not Trunks.

I think Toriyama's original intention was to have Goten replace Goku in a spiritual way. Toriyama originally didnt want Goku to be at the front and center of DB anymore so he made Goten. Now that the decision for Goku to be killed off was reversed, theres really no use for him anymore.

>ywn get to see an adult gotenks

>Reached ssj when he was 10 so he was fucking Freiza tier at 10 years old.

If anything he should be beating the fuck out of Beerus at this point.

just to power up Trunks with fusion.
The most relevant he was ever was when everyone was speculating that Black was an evil Goten. At least that would have added SOMETHING to his character.

after Cell. DB should have been this.

Goku in the otherworld having fights and shit for fun.

Gohan being an adult and trying to have the life chichi wants for him. yet stepping up to fight the ocassional big bad.

Goten and Trunks going on adventures like OG Dragonball. No super saiyan bullshit.

Teenage Goten will be the protagonist of the Dragon Ball Super sequel, he'll spend his time wandering the galaxy and fucking Vegeta's underage daughter

My dad works at Toie and told me this

Pshh. Gohan was ssj2 when he was 9 gotenfag

Well he saved the world twice in very indirect ways.
Once in the Buu arc by stalling Buu with Trunks long enough for Gohan to power up.
And again in Super by contributing to Goku becoming a super saiyan god which prevented Beerus from destroying the planet.

But unlike Gohan fucking shit, he actually kept up his training and liked fighting. I thought the reason Gohan was weak during Buu Saga was because he slacked off. So following the shows logic, Trunks and Goten should both be beasts.

He was 7.

Goten was SS at 7 and without ANY serious training to be honest. I don't think he was really at Freeza level anyway, but he still has a pretty big "HIDDEN POTENTIAL" excuse if Toei wants to use him sometime.

Half-breeds are all like that. They enjoy fighting, but not as a serious passion. Thus they're all doomed to slack off and live normalfag lives unless something compels them to get serious.

Also remember Goten was trained by Chi-Chi, but she got Goku back and no longer needed to have a little clone of him.

>compels them to get serious.
It was nice to see Goten seriously training in the Buu arc

It feels like Trunks and Goten reaching Super Saiyan levels as kids really trivialized the accomplishment.

How did they even do it?

genetics obv

now that we have cauliflower and cabba, goten and trunks are completely obsolete

they were the original bargain sale saiyans and then nobody on the writing staff liked them and they just got shitty roles

i doubt they get their own in arc in super