My channel has like a hundred subs, I knew he was risky to make a video on but I really didn’t think they would notice mine. It really is happening. Time to exclusively use bitchute.
Jesus Christ, he got me my first strike on jewtube
Other urls found in this thread:
>Time to exclusively use bitchute.
Simple fix: The government simply passes a free speech act and removes the possibility for neoliberal corporations to violate the basic human rights of citizens. Problem solved.
Lol good luck with that Sargon.
can't flogg the hogg
Facebook banned me for posting his pic. We are on to something.
You're dumb.
The faggot Hogg is a project. He's under Cooper's Mockingbird wings.
I read OP's thread title and saw the pic, then clicked to reply and say exactly, word for word, "can't flogg the hogg", only to look down and see your comment...
Are you me bro, or are CIA glow in the dark nigs stealing my thoughts, time traveling, and posting them before I can?
What emotion is this face trying to convey?
I am at 500 subs and decided to take down all my videos today after the purge started hitting people like ryan dawson .
I was talking to a few bigger channels and they are doing the save . I am part of a fringe underground you tube community we hate jones and trump so you guys would probably hate us
>Time to exclusively use bitchute.
Didn't anyone of you get this last year? They are censoring shit there, political shit.
During this stormfag witch hunt, they gassed both accounts and videos there. I was steal going through the code and learning the protocol, as we all started to look at it then fearing what's happening right now, so people uploaded stuff
>aaaaaannd it gone
It's already proven to censor shit it shouldn't. Look you need some form of censorship to take down cp shit and shit that well must be taken down, but these fucks went full gulag with the rest of them, and that even before their product really was finnished.
So no, that's not an answer. It's also badly coded, slow and use outdated shit. Making everything in fucking python. Python is a nice scripting language, but ffs.
We got a new alternative now, which has not yet done anything like this. It uses a protocol called ipfs, read up on it your self, but it is really promising., that's absolutely worth checking out. You will be paid in crypto which you just sell for btc/eth/ltc/whatever then seld for fiat currency again(or keep as any crypto you hog and see it moon)
Simpler fix: Have the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protect political beliefs. “Internet Bill of Rights” is bullshit and gay. Does jack shit for people with actual jobs functioning in society.
if the people who owned Sup Forums were smart they would have at the top of the screen something called video ...........
sargon wants the opposite you dumb fuck
Good question
Solution: don't make youtube videos.
Seriously - how fucking old are you?
>Does jack shit for people with actual jobs functioning in society.
Giving them the ability to stay accurately informed instead of being fed censored, corporate controlled narratives sounds like it would do a lot for regular people.
>Simpler fix: Have the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protect political beliefs
This would work, too.
You did it to yourself by injecting too much bias into it. You lost the moral high-ground with your rhetoric.
Hone your skills and try again.
Don't worry user, the Internet will be shut down soon in preparation for the civil war.
People are ready for You Tube alternatives. That's the only answer...mass exodus.
>Time to exclusively use bitchute.
What about
Better still: Remove the 1964 Civil Rights Act altogether
>gets hired
>is good at job
>black liberal women hate white boy
>make up easily disproven bullshit to get him fired
>fire back with discrimination against conservative beliefs
This is not just the Internet.
I got ipfs earlier today. is slow and buggy as hell for me. Sometimes I have to reload a video 5 times to get it to play.
The concept is good though if they can make it more reliable.
>we hate jones and trump so you guys would probably hate us
I don't like them either, keep at it mate.
thinkgen about acting
Maybe you can learn something bra
I'm guessing YouTube automatically flags videos that have certain keywords in the title or description. One of them obviously being Hogg. If you want to make an informative video about politics it's best to keep the description and title discreet.
He’s yummy
Sup Forums is a CIA honeypot. It's designed as an enclosure and a study tool to see what we know and don't know. From this knowledge (((they))) can more effectively target their own strategies.
Anything that makes it more useful and dangerous to the Jew would not be allowed.
Don't flee YouTube. Yes, move your operations to other platforms, but continue to put things on YouTube as well. That is where you will redpill the normies.
that's the face i make when i think about jews.
Yummy? He’s got a face like a dropped pie ...
Don't put all your eggs in one basket, dumbass. Didn't YouTube teach you anything? Put your videos on a website of your own, and on bitchute, dailymotion, vimeo, and any other sites you know of. Help build real rivals to YouTube, and diversify your own avenues of communication.
I appreciate your enthusiasm but you cannot red pill normies. Normies want a whip against their back. Look at how shitty women are, they still marry. Look at what pedophiles and psychopaths mods are, they still think "terms of service" mean anything. Look at how their government treats the soldiers that die for their fake wars, they still enlist. Look at how they get treated at work, they still bust their ass.
If none of that taught them, you're not going to teach them. Fuck'em all. Let'em die drowning in their own piss.
Filthy communists would also be protected though
What the fuck? Why?