aggressive migrant did not get a seat in the tram. He attacks an elderly lady & tries to beat & kick a young woman because she wanted to protect the elderly lady from his aggression.
aggressive migrant did not get a seat in the tram. He attacks an elderly lady & tries to beat & kick a young woman because she wanted to protect the elderly lady from his aggression.
Reminder that these millions of shitskins that have been imported into Europe are our weapon against those who imported them. Keep in mind these unstable savages are only a social media campaign away from pulling a non-stop Charlie Hebdo attacks across Europe.
Hopefully, now that Merkel has sealed the deal in Germany, the mass immigration will go into overdrive. The more 3rd world trash the easier war and conflict within Europe becomes.
At least he didn't manspread his legs after he sat down.
Can someone explain what he says after he hits the wall and forces her out?
The face of swedish cuckery
stop trying to shill your youtube channel
It's noy my channel.
Ah, a fellow intellectual I see. Better than nigger, wouldn't you say?
Not sure I blame the Swede after a decade of feminist man hate and refugees welcome.
Maybe he thought the red haired cunt was getting a needed dose of diversity that she probably voted in.
>that angry hair
>the nigger
>the humored shitskin
It depends on my mood. Same difference, but i tend to use congoid a bit more.
programmed to be cucks, it's no surprise the arabs have better mental health.
He's probably a cuck, but to be fair the woman got up and got escorted out almost immediately. Him confronting the nigger wouldn't have achieved anything.
Let's be honest: There was no winning move for him at all.
He does nothing? He is called a cuck.
He intervenes verbally? Gets attacked.
He restrains him? Life gets ruined after social media scandal.
It's likely that the old woman would've turned on the Swedish man if he intervened, wouldn't you say?
>hurr durr look it's a black person so it must mean all black people are like this
Literally all of you ^
None of the people in this video are Swedish...
It's funny that they are like 50% in their own country of only 9 mln people.
Qui ne dit mot consent . ( silence means consent. )
Old ass white lady
Short red hair
Trouble glasses
She deserves to be raped by him next time.
He soyled his pants
What if this happened in Poland?
The face of a man who knows better then to get involved. The police would arrest him for attacking a migrant. Not even joking
I bet that old bitch voted in the politicians who put him there.
You can see it in his face though, inside he is compelled to do something, his internal moral compass says "this is not right"... but he realizes that nothing can be done, so he lowers his head in shame.
This. Fuck boomers
>attacks an elderly lady & tries to beat & kick a young woman
>literally no physical contact or attempted beating and kicking
dude's quite the asshole but where's the action? I was promised action.
Why did you make this shittt thread?
Swedish cunts voted for this, they can enjoy it
The country is going to shit PRECISELY because of "men" who let it happen.
It happens because women have the right to vote, because our sorry excuse is "well they voted for it". Because guys like this traitor exist...No reactions, if men are expecting to have a revolution while silently waiting for women to act logically then we're screwed...
The truth is that european men are pussified!
This shit would never happen in Corsica, i doubt it would happen in Poland, Russia or Hungary...And heck, even in my country..Not only whites would jump on him, but even niggers, the bus driver would force the guy to leave!..
He did the right thing.
what's going on buddy, you ok?
alpha ooga booga
>Why did you make this shittt thread?
Because i wanted to bait you. Mission accomplished
He should have stabbed him in the gut
>Short red (((dyed))) hair
>Trouble glasses
yep. fuck that hag.
it's the sisterhood's responsibility.
Why would any man risk defending that? It's womb is dead and the chance it will turn on you and defend it's attacker is far too high.
And even if it doesn't, broads like that earned the world they live in.
Fuck her.
Swedish woman feminist with problem glasses and hair cunt who voted for that mass immigration getting what she asked for.
Swede guy didn't vote for this.
She's a bit old to learn a lesson, but voting has consequences.
If that happened here in Australia i still wouldn't care.
Happens all the time with you lot, honestly.
This shit happens all the time in Toronto.
I honestly don't think I could go back to Scandinavia without committing murder at some point. Traveling has truly opened my eyes to the cultural cuckery that takes place in my region.
lol wrong our women are more alpha then our men.
Leaf, you have to accept some risk. that's part of the deal called "Being a Man".
This swedish bus driver has more balls than this faggot
In dark times like these its just better to keep your head down. The police would probably throw you in jail anyway if you did anything. . .
Are you gonna remake that congoid thread you posted a while back? I quite enjoyed it.
>First world countries
Trully something to aspire to
There is the act of showing domanince from the guy to show Hey child the fugg down
Are you sure this is sweden? if this was truly sweden then the migrant would rape the women while all the swedes apologised for him not having a seat. Maybe this did happen though because the video is pretty short
Disgusting sandnigger. Can't even speak english
There will come a time when I go apeshit on every sandnigger I see. Killing their kids in front of them.
>Whas it worth it sandnigger? For a few fucking shekels?! THERE GOES YOU ENTIRE FUCKING BLOODLINE NIGGER
It just clicked in my mind when watching a video of “way of the world“'s.
Then the solution to restore justice and the rule of law popped up:
For every native that get killed by an uninvited intruder, one responsiple politician must be killed.
Veeeeeeery soon, the despicable, sick and psychopathic political tyrannic class, will spur and start to obey and subject themselves to the will of the people, of whos money they parasitically live off.
Restore justice. Make them pay for their murders.
Discuss please.
Sweden kill these shit skins already
I don't know if it was me the last time.
I'm probably not the only French person to call nigs "Congoids."
even some americans use it
In France it's not that rare to use it.
I would have smashed that arab cunt in his face, smashed his teeth out on the bar. Thats because in a real white.
Regardless, you should still make a congoid thread.
there will be a time
Fill in the letters
_i_l_ t___ _l_
Why should he do anything ?
It one of the ppl women voted on, against the warning of their nen.
>Regardless, you should still make a congoid thread.
I wish i had the time to translate this for english speaking people. Then, they would understand how powerful this word is.
(our blacks know that it's "nigger" but they can't bitch about it and neither can our media. even though it underlines their primitive nature...but it's still a scientific word)
If you see a minority attacking a white women...DO NOT HELP HER. She voted for beautiful enrichment and fucks niggers. Let her get what she deserves.
you can clearly here that word in french here
at 0:40 he says "de race congoid" (congoid race)
>clearly here
clearly hear
Dude, you could start calling them anything and sooner or later they would say it's an insult. Black isn't a slurr, colored isn't one either, even nigger wasn't one originally. Nowadays they get called urban or whatever and they're picking up on it.
>The country is going to shit PRECISELY because of "men" who let it happen.
More precise : it's precisely because of men who say women should have voting rights and let them destroy society and justice.
The 2nd class of men who no longer care to sacrifice themselves to solve the problem that women created and the cucktier men who gave women rights are MERELY THE RESULT! Very plausible and reasonable.
Words of wisdom
I would do the same as him. I would not move a single finger to protect any woman in Europe today.
In the last 50 years women have said they can do everything men do and even better. Then let them see each other.
I would only move to help the day that these imbeciles renounce their political rights and not give a single opinion in this field.
I think this is literally a george of the jungle tier dominance chimp out with him claiming a piece of territory. This is some discovery channel type shit. I don't even think he knows what he's doing but it's just primal instincts.
That bitch should be caught and then forced into a migrant camp, and then filmed when she will be raped and then killed. And then this should be publicly be shown in theathres and schools as educational material.
>Dude, you could start calling them anything and sooner or later they would say it's an insult.
In America we call niggers either "Canadians" or "Mondays" when in public.
Because, who the fuck doesn't hate Canadians or Mondays?
This shit started before I was born, and the jigaboos haven't caught on yet.
Sup Forums How do we petition the Visgrad to BLOCK all feminist cancer from fleeing the shitstorm they created in their own countries? These women need to SUFFER the beautiful diversity they helped destroy their countries with. These women need to be outed and shamed for their treason. NO FUCKING WAY should they be allowed any escape. This infuriates me more than the traitor politicians and jews.
In france we have several ways to call them and never get censored or called out on...
We basically use our enemy's lingo.
French media often calls our invadors "des chances pour la france". Which means "chances for france" (that's right, our congoids are supposed to be "chances" for natives, we should be happy about their presence).
So, french nationalists call them CPF
(c= chance p = pour f = france).
Our media also uses other types of code lingo. When they don't want to talk about the race of a criminal they usually say "youths" or "des jeunes". Thing is, EVERYBODY fucking knows, (even leftists" what "des jeunes" now means. it has become a national meme.
as absurd and ridiculous as america's "n word". (which is fucking stupid because just saying it is like me telling you not to think of a pink elephant).
It depends on how you say it. Once I had an argument with a turk who barely spoke german over some made up word I used in a insulting manner. Maybe it meant something in his language but I doubt it. Either way, despite there being no meaning to it he felt deadly insulted and wanted me to take it back.
>you have to accept some risk
For what exactly, mr pussybeggar ubercuck ? For feeling well that i saved some toxic menhating, anti-white femscum ? U seem to not understand, so let me explain :
If i saw a migrant totaaly rape, rip appart and slaughter such a lefttist hag to death, i would watch and enjoy every micresecond of it and would think “finally some justice happening“
Poland, please. Remember her face and send her back.
She can fuck off. We're full (of Ukrainians).
Youths seems to be common these days. I knew cops who called southerners basically adventure oriented youths. But they know, or at least the suspect.
I don't blame him really! Woman wanted this, why should he fight to protect them?
>reap what you sow
You know what really fucks me off, as an immigrant in Sweden these shits give the rest of us a bad name. Seeing shit like this makes me angrier than the average Swede. I've literally started telling other immigrants to behave better in public and they get really upset and angry but fuck 'em, I feel a sense of responsibility to try and help the country and community that has so graciously allowed me to stay here.
Ooh wah ah ah ah
The time will come.
But almost more important :
Kill all the leftist, torture every leftist politician responsible for this publicly, best on tv.
The leftists MUST be eradicated from the face of this planet. Its not an option. Its mandatory. Its a MUST !
She's every bit as capable of defending herself as a man.
W euros are rich enough to buy citizrnships anyway.
V4 leaders are not gonna listen to a scrawny neet like you
> An honest Swede
You are an example to the whole mosque, Samar.
Where did you come from originally?
>fucks me off
Ehhh, that sounds really wonky, friend.
We say "jeunes urbaines" kek
But i love it when the euphemisms get turned into a dysphemysm. It happens all the time
I'm not joking about this, you don't know the european core programming, and I'm telling you that there's something boiling underneath the surface. You should be angry about those idiots because not only do they give you a bad name, this might get you killed further down the road. Just by association. It's not nice, I don't like, but either guys like you put a stop to it or there will be a violent backlash eventually. It the job of guys like you to reform your people. We can't do it and nobody listens to us anyway (without violence).
thats like a 1000 dollar jacket btw
Oh no no no no
I'm a white Britbong kek. Which I make a point of saying loudly in public to them when we argue, and ask why they can't behave better like me and that we're all immigrants and we have a duty to set an example etc.
Day of the rake soon, that's gonna fuck you right off. Really gonna boil your piss.