Sup Forums opinion on saddam hussein
We like him.
Wuz a good boi. Dindu nuffins.
You can watch a video of the actual night he took power.
Kept the Iraqi people in check. He did nothing wrong
there is a book on his views of democracy.
Oy va voy! He dindu nuffin et awe
Luigi callled he wants his moutsache back faggot lmao
The devil you know (Saddam) is better than the devil you don't (random terrorist groups).
You mean we're interested in him
Checked. /thread
He was a brutal tyrant in a tough neighborhood, with tough people that needed a spanking sometimes.
He got greedy, dealing with people much more dangerous than him, and he got spanked for it.
he is dead.
He had a nice moustache. Also he was a good guy
Probably not the best idea to think he could take on H.W. Bush
he did technically remove kebabs (heads) so he can't be that bad
thread theme
Globally, a bad poker player. Had illusions of grandeur of being Nebuchadnezzar II leading the Baathists to believe he would create a Sunni dominated Middle East caliphate.
Points for defying the jewish US dollar.
>Negative points for losing
He might've sucked, but he was FREE...
Hard to beat free vs trillion dollars.
He was a piece of shit leader that made a lot of stupid decisions. If this weren't a fact, he would still be the head of Iraq today.
Sup Forums has a hard on for authoritarian daddies because they're a bunch of man children who want to be told what to do because they're too retarded to actually have their own ideas.
If Saddam were America's leader, he would not allow Sup Forums to exist - most of us would be shipped to North Korea to work in labor camps. So to say he's "our guy" is ignorant of who he really was.
say what you want about him but there was no terrorism in his country when he was in power
More like So Damn Insane!
he fucked up on Kuwait do you know he was in talks with them before he invaded he asked for 8billion dollars they offered 7billion and then he invaded. why didn't he just take the money. so retarded.
a murderer who killed shia and kurds in 1991 (he shot them from the helicopters. iraq must be free and not a saudi or iranian slave