Sunday morning the light has come
yes, I want to believe
Sunday morning the light has come
yes, I want to believe
I wonder how long we will last
It's time to let it go lad.
The light won't come for quite some time.
Came here to post this.
And this.
I want to see this patootie in season 2.
best couple
That digits confirms the s2. You'll see that fine lass soon
She is so bad at drawing animu compared to the other seiyuu.
Almost as bad as I am.
It's ok, our christian friends will help us pray for a season 2
Hey user. The show is over. No beato-bullying anymore.
Stop being in denial and get into the swing of it.
Isn't that just 7 trying to seduce Ange by one upping Dorothy?
But PriPri is not very christian anime. Why would they made an article about it?
I still want to marry Beato and I already miss her.
Yuri is not heretical? God.
Meh I've seen more out of place things, I tought it was kinda funny
Lesbianism is not as bad as homosexuality, in practical terms.
But that's islam
Is the full poster they're standing in front of available?
Till Sunday.
My English gf
I really love how Kageyama draws those Dorotits.
my wife
How can anyone fall in love with such dick like Zelda
i want to lick Zeldas thighs
I'd fuck her legs
They will be allowed residence in Lesbion.
Just finished the show. I had a lot more fun than expected. S2 please get here.
Favorite PriPri?
>You're late.
What a cute young schoolgirl.
They all acted very in character somehow.
>yfw the ride is over.
Don't worry. There's a cute yurikuma that will take care of Doro for you.
Exactly how I feel.
I'll miss them all so much. Beneath the spy dess adventure there was a wholesome SOL in there and we got to know all of the girls so much they felt like part of my life for a whole season. Can't let go of them. Feels bad man.
Will Zelda find love in S2?
She will find Gazelle.
she will find a bullet in her head
Dorothy and Chise daki covers
I want to hug Dorothy in bed
Dorothy doesn't seem as big as I would have expected.
What's wrong with them usually the boost girls a few cups up instead of downplaying them for dakis.
Does Beato have replaceable vagina?
This is my daughter. I adopted her. say something nice to her.
No, but she does have a permanently affixed brass cock.
Thats a second best thing.
Her Dorothies look pretty close to what they were like when the shot didn't focus on them. Her spy outfit was meant to make them look bigger, especially when she pushed them up and together.
I still think they look smaller than they should.
Maybe like 15% smaller.
I liked them all. Ange is the cutest, Beato was an amusing and pleasant surprise, Dorothy is charming. Chie and Princess are okay.
Ange needs pants though. I love girls in dashing clothing with top hats, but there has to be pants too.
Finally started the show only a few days ago, user.
I know this isnt /wsr/ but I need some help finding the episode summaries from previous threads that Ive missed
Found a background smug
I NEED Dorothy
Fuck you, Jubei.
I hope Princess treats you well, Chise
Beato so lewd.
Anyone have a higher res of this pic?
>Chise nopan.
>no fundoshi and shirashi
Is she really Japanese?
She's learning the Western ways. Princess has been training her well.
>Ange needs pants though. I love girls in dashing clothing with top hats, but there has to be pants too.
>With pants
I've seen many sick things said in these threads but never something as horrible as this, I'm disgusted to my core user!
I like the show better when it's being cute spies doing cute episodic things
Silly Ange. Did you tell the commoners that there would be a season 2? That's very naughty of you, come over here this instant. It's time for a spanking.
Beato is NOT for lewding.
I think she looks lewder with that sock half-off
oh ffs, I need to clean up my pripri foldder from all those fucking Chiseheads I saved accidentally
eurgh aren't all these girls underage?
how is this legal?
They're over 120 years old.
You're not funny user, just annoying.
I want Chise to be on my bed.
Why is she crying??
I actually regret not saving every single chise post.
Dorothy should be OK, she is 30
Only Beato is legally unfuckable.
I don't think there are any laws about fucking robots.
maybe I'll reconsider and make a folder for them like the "tongue" folder for FliFla
One big folder.
I did another thing.
Which PriPri do you think is the ancestor to this Britbong?
You shouldn't have.
And Marilla.
I was going to ask why. But the answer is obvious.