I won't judge, no matter what you say. If you have a guilty conscience then telling me about it might make you feel a lil better.
Okay Sup Forums , lets confess anything you have on your chest
Other urls found in this thread:
Are you a fed?
Nah i'm just in the mood for some feels. I just wanna make people feel better and maybe fix them.
I hate every faggot here with every fiber of my being. You are all fucking retarded, and yet I pretend to be a MAGA fucktard because I think the only way this stupid shit will end faster is if I act even dumber as one of you fags and overplay your bullshit even more than you already are so that the slightly retarded ones among you will realize a little faster that MAGA Trumptardism is for braindead lemming retards.
Feels good to say that after all this time.
u might be lost
Do whatever you believe in, if you hate trumpers then don't be a pussy and hide it. Say it like a man and say why. I grantee you'll feel a hell of a lot better if you drop pol completely and "fight your enemy head on. thats my advice to you, I don't hate you. I respect you for being honest.
I fucking love kebab and I hate it.
i hate drumpf
data-mining buzzfeed nigger thread
Why are you on Sup Forums, friend? You should spend your time doing more fruitful things then arguing with us over Sup Forums. That's my advice for you.
This seems to be the hour at which Sup Forums IQ falls into single digits. What country did just get awaken?
I'm super gay.
Ah shit... there's HIV in my ID
Go to /r9k/ if you want that faggot.
Seems a strange way to spend your time. Are you self loathing?
I'm not exactly fond of that but I suppose it would be hypocritical of me to judge you. Honestly, being gay shouldn't be something to be proud of or ashamed of. Its fine mate, just don't talk about it everyday and people won't mind.
I might be a Communist. What should I read to figure that out?
I find Judaism and Jewish theology very fascinating.
And I hate kikes.
Not necessarily the best idea. However a quick google search of communist books and you can finds tons of books about commies. I personally recommend national socialism but that matters not to you huh?
i know that feel bro, i guess we can name it something else so we feel a bit better
That's not that bad, a lot of people here hate kikes. I find different cultures and religions fascinating but as I am a national socialist I prefer my own culture.
I am into extreme file trading.
I haven't decided on anything yet. Just need to define what I believe and where I fit. I'll start with wiki and go from there I guess.
I watch disgusting porn
i lost all of my friends because of my beliefs and im now forced to act as a character im not just so im not alone 24/7. playing 2 different people is taking a tole on my mental strength and i think im developing a serious personality disorder. i used to be a chad but now im a basement dweller all because i dont want migrants running around my country raping my sisters.
I'm not a racist
Marx, if only to realize why he's wrong.
Read into the criticisms of his economic theories such as labor theory of value. Also figure out what you specifically like about communism, and see if there are other systems with similar ideas.
Take it from me, watch some Murdoch murdoch and you'll wanna be a natinol socialist.
Sup Forums is not a confessional
>try better thought threads
I am an alcoholic. I hide alcohol places and I sneak drinks when people are around. I lie about my drinking to people around me.
I like the feminized stuff online but im not gay. explain that shit to me
I KNOW THAT FEEL!!! Trust me dude it gets a lot better. You found purpose, true purpose. That purpose was you people and the safty of your culture. Now your being punished... its sad it really is. You wanna be the hero but everyone hates you for it. If only they would wake up am I right?
Addiction is a problem. I know it sounds obvious, but you should get help. If you say "oh ill get over it" or "nah im not paying for that" then it will only continue to plauge you. Once you break free from addiction then you can start focusing on the parts of life that matter.
I've been cheating on my pregnant girlfriend with a really sweet girl who's falling in love with me, and I don't know what to do. I've sort of implied there's a chance for us in the future after the babies born, but I'm happy with my relationship and want my kid raised by a proper family.
I just wanted to fresh, new pussy and bending the truth felt like the most reasonable option. Having to deal with the fact I'm going to have to break a good person's heart because I wanted some superficial pleasure.
I'm going to murder some Sup Forums people
You're a leaf
Haven't we all? Porn is a curse by itself. I can't stop watching porn, I need porn, porn consumes me... I wish I could stop but I can't. Not even through religion can I find help. But don't worry, your not alone
I can't wait to see the look on some pollacks face when I'm about to stomp his throat
If you want your kid raised right, by a proper family, then kys and hope your old lady finds a real man.
I'm a not so legal wetback.
I know it's hard, but you know what the moral decision is. You have to raise the child, even if you raise the child and cheat that still solves nothing. That's will lead to a divorce and your child will hardly see you. I know this because that what happened to my dad. Don't end up like him, you'll be happier with the child.
it wouldn't say i want to be a hero i just want my city to be safe so that my sisters can grow up knowing they wont have to fear going outside. everything i do and believe is for the betterment and protection of them. and they hate me for it. when i first became redpilled i lost all my friends and tried to kill myself i survived the attempt and found hitler and he unironically saved my life. i feel persecuted everyday of my life because of the society i live in and the university i attend. i just want my sisters to be safe
I'm NEET and so mentally ill I doubt I'll ever be a functioning member of society.
I advocate for authoritarian ideologies (except communism) because they'll either find a use for me or blow my brains out.
i shot a man in reno just to watch him die
Buy a gun for self defense (because collage student be crazy yo) and stop dropping so many redpills on your sisters. Try to improve your relationship with them and slowly but surly drop redpills.
I once read Siege. I don't see the appeal.
My wife had an affair with a degenerate, bisexual 19 year old who is going bald and looks like an amerimutt with a smaller dick. I forgave her because she's so ingrained into my family and I really want her genes for my future children. But now I'm planning on sleeping with a very attractive 21 year old slav girl on Tuesday. I feel like this will help absolve her guilt and get rid of the awful feelings I have but I also think it will be the end of our marriage.
Please get some socialization
guns are illegal in australia mate
1. lose weight
2.limit your indoor time
3. get a job (no matter how shitty)
4. work your way up to happiness
5. complete your political goals of establishing an authoritarianism goverment
Don't do it. Channel the energy into saving your race!
Whores exist for this exact purpose.
A pre-agreed upon sum of money in exchange for a specific service or running the risk of some doe eyed piece of ass falling for you and ruining your life resulting in extreme financial consequences.
Never cheat on the wife and mother of your children.
If you have to fuck something else, then just fuck a whore. If you want another intimate, long term relationship, bite the bullet and take the financial consequences of choosing your mate incorrectly.
I know I have to let go of the other girl.
The truth is I'm nearing 30, and up until a year ago (after hitting the gym and finally getting somewhere in my career) I've never had too much interest from women casually and have always been in relationships. I've been with 6 women altogether.
Now women react to me as though they want to fuck me. It's hard to resist advances. It's also difficult being around mates who always talk of their sexual conquests and I'm here like "yeah man and me and the Mrs had a Papa John's and watched Forrest Gump!"
I will make the right decision. I just need to do it in time. My current GF wouldn't leave me if she found out, but she'd be distraught and I wouldn't want to put my first child at risk.
>First b then pol over the course of well over a decade have given me a severe sleep disorder
>Despite the lack of sleep and constant maximum fatigue levels I have managed to get married at 18, get a house, put my wife through school, have a kid, and get a job at 45k a year with no pertinent schooling of my own.
And yet it feels like I'm in a position so fucking precarious it's unbelievably stressful and exhausting. I feel like I have a very soft grip on my job, my wife however would follow me to the ends of the Earth. At first I thought of that as a blessing and now I wonder if it truely is as the shame I feel at the thought of not being able to provide for a wife and son that would never give up on me makes me feel utterly valueless and shameful. I wish she'd hate me sometimes and leave and take the son I dont deserve with her. I don't deserve any of this... I wish I could be free from my sense of duty sometimes so bad I wish she'd just hate me. And yet I know loneliness would hurt just as bad. Even now, she's storing in bed next to me about to tell me how we both have work tomorrow and it's 3 am and we have to be up in 3 hours, 2 for her. I don't know what my problem is. I wish technology didn't exist so I couldn't be tempted into irresponsibility. I wish I could muster the strength to say no to this place so I could sleep. I have low testosterone due to this disorder. At 26 I was diagnosed. 26. I debated hormone replacement but it's apparently a huge health risk. I wish I could change who I am. And yet at the same time I am so thankful for what I have. I don't know why I worry so much but it feels like the reason I come here. To find other shit to worry about ... Escapism to reality. I substitute my menial bullshit with fantastical woes so I feel small in comparison yet it only helps while I'm doing it. Once I'm off this and back on task I have everything else to worry about. Complaining does me no good. Not sure why I am.
I feel sympathy for people who are trans but think they're going about it the wrong way. Demanding people treat you something you're not will never work, there is only one solution. This is through genetic editing/engineering of their own genome.
Ezra pound
I've spent the past 13 months tracking down and executing pedophiles and those involved in chil trafficking
If she cheated on you that means she
A. Doesn't love you
B. Used to not love you
Regardless, she is not the one and unless your slav then don't get a slav girl. Similar genes dude. Divorce her mate. That is not true, pure love.
>i really want her genes for my future children
>planning on sleeping with a very attractive 21 year old slav girl
you know slavs are literally the niggers of the whites, right? why would you let yourself get cucked because of genealogy imperatives then go sleep with a slav?
If you only know...
im like 30, im tired of doing this shit over and over again. ive had enough pure love in my life that the thought of trying again makes me just want to end it all tonight.
Got in touch with an employment agency that gets spergs like me into employment.
I keep teetering on the fence between giving up and pushing forward. Gotta push forward hard to get the ball rolling, then my natural sperg intellectual capacity will take hold and I'll be fine.
First step out the door is always the hardest.
Don't lie to her either, come clean and she may forgive you.
i did a shit in my mailbox and left it there for 5 years, couple i sold the house to couldnta been too happy bout it, watered it every day too, made sure not to let any slip out or i'd crap in it again or shovel it back in with my hand in a dog shit glove, neighbors were pretty pissed too
do you have a burn email or some kind of anonymous method i can contact you over?
i would love to ask some questions and get some insight into child trafficking and how they establish networks and find victims.
where about do you live?
far north Queensland is the shit, man
though cairns is going through a bit of a youth crime problem at the moment, just locking your doors is enough.
and with the personality problem thing, i had the same thing and i encouraged it and now i've got quite a few different ones, you're never lonely! and its really good for analysing information cuz i can view it from lots of different perspectives
Don't be silly, try again. You'll find the one! You have too!
No. Concerned citizen
you could probs get a bolt action or something
shes very, very attractive. like a living doll
Nah, I can't tell my pregnant GF I've been cheating now lol. Maybe in the future, but I don't want to put her under any stress. The health of the baby is the most important thing.
>making shit money at a job I’m fed up with compared with peers in an extremely high COL environment
>said high COL environment is liberal/SJW epicenter of the country
>studying for professional certification that I frankly don’t have much motivation to finish
>been with girlfriend for 3+ years and expectation is that we get married soon, but we just fight all the time and haven’t really had any quality time together since I’ve been studying/taking exams for said professional certification
I’m just not happy, usually I’m not one to complain but idk what to do
i saw a qt trap, he wanted me to fuck her, but i rejected it
please don't tell the RCMP
You seen the body on some nigger women? Still niggers though.
ive had 10 long term relationships in my life and one broken off engagement. im tired of dealing with this shit, i just want to have a fucking child in a marriage. i dont care if its true love anymore, my lineage is more important.
No I'm sorry, I have to go, said too much already and OTR. God speed to everyone, prepare for the year, going to be a big one
For the son, you have to do it for the child. Even if it means you'll die working, you have to do it for the son. Growing up with no father is not the way to live a childhood. I wouldn't wish it on an enemy.
OP, be less obvious next time.
I raped myself.
I did some weird spells I found in book I got from the used book store, and my arms and hands started waving around independent of me, and then I raped myself.
I need ointment. Ointment for my rape.
Marry the slave but move to very rural area.
Try looking for 5 more years, if you fail then settle an Ayran women. That's my best advice I can give upon you.
You gotta cut it off with the mistress. She doesn't wanna date a cheater. Your little baby needs you, and a stable family. Fucks sake man, it's just a little baby, and he/she doesn't deserve this, and never asked for this. You gotta stick with the mother.
im actually moving to the mountains in a few weeks with the whore wife, which is why i wanted to sleep with the slav before i left the city life forever.
I would say it but I'm afraid someone in this thread would twist my words around and report me to the FBI, leaving me on the fucking watchlist.
Could fucking agree any more! For the child!
nigga chill out no one cares, FBI doesn't care enough about Sup Forums to monitor us.
Besides almost everyone left the thread
You're not a kid anymore. Your a man. A man that has a child. Those days of conquest are for the young. Pizza and a movie instead of casual sex is a mature lifestyle for someone of your age.
>i used to be a chad but now im a basement dweller
Me too user. When I was in school I set the county record for the mile and now I could hardly even run the full mile
Were all on the watch list, besides it’s only illegal if it’s a legitimate, and proximate threat.
Hell, I fantasize about taking out liberals and setting a new high score all the time, and with the way things seem to be going I know I’m not the only one.
I wouldn't have it any other way. I will go back to pick and shovel if I have to. So happens I'm in the best paying job I've ever had with no manual labor right now and I think it's making me soft. I worked from 6 to 11 6-7 days a week for 9 years to get where I am doing concrete, rough carpentry, finish carpentry, flooring and kitchen work. I'm glad I don't have to do that stuff anymore but atleast when I worked 3 jobs at a time I knew if one fell through I had the others. Now between a possible economic downturn and my sheer lack of energy I could lose my lifeline at any minute.
I did your mom last night.
You'll only regret it. Marry the blanker slate.
It wouldn't matter if he was. FBI can't do dick because people are non-liable online. Unless they wanna jail a mod on our behalf which by all means... do it. Fuck mods.
Could be CIA just trying to piece together the thought process of posters and use their own shit against them. Counter intelligence is just trolling for the government really.
Everything hurts. Reality hurts. But reality doesn't exist.