>born in a wealthy jew family
>100% jew blood
>most of them are liberals, including my parents
>decide to change the world
>get redpilled by my right-wing cousin
>become a right-wing jew
>start searching for anti-pc content in the internet
>arrive at Sup Forums
>get angry at all the jew hate
>start making fun of neo nazis and wn
>they start throwing arguments that i can't refute
>redpilled on the jewish conspiracy
What the fuck am I suppose to do now?
Born in a wealthy jew family
End of day all ideology is parasitic. Create your own beliefs
become the next kubrick
Call out other Jews as much as possible
Do you look white? If so we might accept you
You remind me of Bobby Fischer. Love that guy
shoot up your synagogue
Lead the SS of the 4th Reich
Live with it
I don't understand why it bothers you. Do you practice judaism?
we need jews of our own to outjew the top jews
if jews become outlawed, only the outlaws will have jews
the right to bare and arm jews shall not be infronged
Not particularly jew, I'd say i look unusual. But isn't really about appearance.
Name the jew, convert to christianity, and do not reproduce.
But most importantly NAME THE JEW. Because you are a jew you have a rare opportunity to name the jew and not have your life destroyed by the liberal slaves.
>the right to bear and arm Jews
So you want naked jews with guns running around. You sick fuck
Murder your entire family and then KYS kike faggot.
Just don't be a total kike and we can be frens
no, with the protective covering of their dicks removed they cannot run naked without all the bushes and folliage slapping against the cock head. only the male who has not had his genitals mutilated is equipped to run naked through a forest. true facts. the more you know
You must out-Jew your fellow Jews. Become the anti-Jew.
Checked. Kek wills it.
Kill your self Christcuk
Join us national socialists and fascists. Some in our movement will hate you, yes, but not all or most of us. Even Hitler didn't hate all Jews.
As long as you aren't being a kike, we have no problem with you being Jewish. If you're fighting for western civilization, then you are an ally, and not an enemy.
A jew working against other jews can do far more damage than jew could ever do. If you are truly redpilled do this
There is jews who have tried to articulately out the jew conspiracy. If you do though, just realize you will probably be murdered.
If he identifies as a Jew, he will be killed.
yeah im in the same boat
There is no Jewish conspiracy
killed by a larp?
we could use another fischer
>Implying that fascists and natsocs wouldn't allow a jude who has proven himself among our ranks
>do not reproduce.
You're retarded. Social attitudes are highly heritable, and him reproducing would improve the quality of the Jewish race. Redpilled Jews not reproducing in the long term will make the Jews even worse than they are now.
>convert to (((christianity)))
most of my family already hates me for my facebook posts
Don't wanna get jew blood in my shirts
I'm atheist, btw that sheriff in the pic deserves a headshot
I have an idea. Go and get a job with shareblue, then legally change your name to Benjamin Fischbane.
have you read the Culture of Critique trilogy?
Stand with white Christians. If you become Christian, you are no longer Jewish if you don't want to be.
>Jewish conspiracy
It's not a conspiracy if it happens right in plain sight.
You still think this is all a larp?
What does it mean if my dna test says that I'm 2% jewish? I've been depressed about it all weekend lads
Recognize that Jesus as the Jewish Messiah, and become a Messianic Jew
This, Maurice was a Jew and was one of the founders of the SS
They added that to make you be depressed.
i love dead jews
Make aliyah, and encourage your entire family to do it.
you should give all your dirty jew money to me
This ,op could our undercover jew.
Not much. Europeans and Jews have a similarity due to the fact Jews have been here for a long time. All the test means is you match 2% with Jewish populations.
Find Jesus. The kike who kiked then all.
Learn why your people killed Jesus and continue to slander him, then accept Jesus is God.
are we now giving free reign to the druids
>him having more children would be better.
This is the stupidest thing i have ever heard
When are you going to realize that the sons of cain natural tendency will eventually take hold. An while he is “”””claiming”””””” to be redpilled his jew blood will always hold him back. His ego needs to protect him form the truth.
>that’s a big foreskin
acknowledge your guilt (like Germans do) but don't be a cuck (like Germans are)
need to find some middle ground here where everyone can save face and prosper. The same goes for white America and our crimes against blacks. we need to own the guilt honestly, but also not cuck out, and in the end keep our pride and the ability to progress on our own path.
good luck dude, just remember the guilt of your ancestors and group, that they're still perpetrating the same crimes the Nazis talked about in identical fashion (just read mein kampf) and work from there
I wonder who's behind this post?
I like christian culture but I'm atheist. Yeah, it's not really a conspiracy but you know what I mean.
I'll be honest, that's most people here.
Help us lead the rest of your people to the chambers and maybe you'll be spared
Denounce your heritage after naming the Jew.
>I like christian culture
Good enough imho
>Yeah, it's not really a conspiracy but you know what I mean.
Yeah I do, I just had to say it.
Excellent idea
Become /ourjew/. Subvert the zionists. Call out other jews. Show everyone the jewish conspiracy, because they can't 'oy vey antisemite, remember muh 6' you, since you're jewish. Become Christian, partly to let Jesus remove the serpent, and also to trigger other jews.
Destroy the other jews. You also have the option of converting and disowning your jewishness.
You know on those tests the fudge the results all the time right?
"Hmm.... a white supremacist is getting a dna test. Pure aryan huh? Lets just at 25% nigger. A rando is getting a test, race must be important to them. Lets add 2% jew in there just to fuck with them."
infiltrate and expose, or cause massive dmg
>What the fuck am I suppose to do now?
Life is a show, enjoy the fucking show!
Sit back and relax, grab some popcorn.
Do what is right in your heart for the greatest good, even if it might be a perfect ending for you. You clearly want societal reform, but you fear you might not reap the rewards. Why do nothing while 100 people do the wrong thing. You need to stop prioritizing yourself and think about the good and the people you could help.
might not be a perfect ending*
> throwing arguments that i can't refute
Yeah, all of those pics and compilations really make it hard to believe evidence.
>I listen to Goyim
Join us, let's smash the jew together!
Be a good jew. Live morally and dont make the world a catbox for the globalist to shit in.
There's always numerous different types of jooz
be the type that makes fun of the oy vey marxism sect
>What the fuck am I suppose to do now?
Help humanity however you can...just like everyone else.
As a voice for rationality and reason yours could be particularly important. But your path may be very different. As others have said, you'll have to find it for yourself.
You have my sympathy for how your awakening might alienate your family from you. If you're truly pilled, however, you can see the Jews will destroy not just the goyim but themselves as well. What might seem to be race betrayal is actually you working to save the Jews from themselves.
I look forward to your help in our common effort to save humankind. Thank you and good luck.
>>they start throwing arguments that i can't refute
yeah that's totally believable
You are not alone same here. I have reached the point where I cant longer denied the Truth
convert to Catholicism.
>american jew
I think you meant "american white of jewish religion" there hombre.
Whats happening to whites is also happening to jews because you're all white to non-whites.
dejew your jewed conationals