Redpill me on phrenology

redpill me on phrenology

Unfortunately I'm more well-versed in frenology, sorry pal

It's where you feel and interpret the size of Walt's asshole.

slope on a caucasoid= ashkenazi jew


gud stuf

you're an idiot

Intelligence is more strongly correlated with the internal structure of the brain than with cranial capacity.



It's called craniometry and it's still in modern use. Phrenology is a pseudoscience that kikes like Boas conflated with real physical anthropology.

On Mr Stone, he is half Hungarian and clearly has the deformed Hunnish invader cone skulltype, which is somewhat rare in Hungary today.

>inb4 skullbinding
Just another lie, it appears naturally too.

nise fren

Phrenology was never used by the nazis by the way. Craniometrists long before the nazi party was founded, concluded by using the cephalic index on archaeological finds that the indo-europeans were overwhelmingly dolichocephalic(long-headed when seen from the side/top and narrow-faced). This is still accepted, though not talked about, the vast majority of proto-indo-european corded ware and yamnaya skulls are the same type. The cephalic index is still used to determine the evolution of animal and human species.

nigga looks like a muppet

It comes to a point when ur born with such a goofy looking skull that all the rules of society fly out the window and you start operating as a rogue agent, mingling with the upper echelons of power for decades as you slowly craft chaos into the system all for some laughs and to get back at what the universe did to you


Certain things like soulless eyes or sanmaku eyes are medical signs of something fucked up in the brain.
More scientifically respectable than Psychology, Sociology, and Marxism.

>Boas conflated with real physical anthropology.
Boas was shown to have fudged his numbers when he was attempting to prove that the children of immigrants owe their brain volumes to their environment instead of their genes. So he was wrong anyway..

Says the round headed idiot

Redpill me on kike shills.

That is true but Boasian anthropology and the derived race denialism is still festering in modern anthropology.

He's missing like a third of his brain. Wtf lads..

Skull capacity has some affect on intelligence but it's not much, and minor changes in circumference do nothing.


bruhhhh look at the top of its head