Should suburbs be outlawed...

Should suburbs be outlawed? As we've all seen during the international embarrassment that was the 2016 American election, the only thing it creates are entire colonies of antisocial, autistic retards who are utterly incapable of functioning even on the most basic level in a modern society. The more you let these abominations grow, the more of a problem it will become.

I personally think it should be stopped before it spreads to other regions of the world.

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we should have had Based Broadacre instead of Levittown

suburbs are like battery farms. I'm glad I live in an area with nature reserves between many of the streets.

I moved to a rural area out in the middle of a sea of corn. My town has less than 2000 people, 98% are white and there is absolutely no crime, everyone is polite and there is a real sense of community. I do miss the amenities of a bigger town, but not having trailer trash get narcan'ed, or darkies walking off with my shit is well worth it.

The same people who bitch about their insanely inflated housing prices will brag about how many fewer houses can be built in the same space in their country.

It's mostly a waste of space.

>Should suburbs be outlawed?
Yes we need to build in and up not out. We are running out of arable land and what is left of wilderness.

We need to zone in ways that ensure live, work, play can all coexist together. We need to eliminate the suburb and the reliance on the car.

I live in Idaho, in the treasure valley but not Boise. They have absolutely destroyed huge swaths of farmland, introduced intracity traffic delays and completely ruined the appeal of living here.

I would rather have kept the mexicans than have the californians come in and completely ruining the most beauiful area I have ever found. And I say that as someone who grew up in the temperate rainforests of the northwest. Idaho eclipses that amazing place in so many ways and it's all being eroded by fucking californians.

The amount of time I now have to drive to escape city shit is amazing. It used to be 20 minutes, now it's 40-60+. I only have the Owyhee desert as the last bastion of free roaming. Even the forests north of Boise are getting infested with traffic and strict property ownership and trespassing rules.

I hate the liberal white more than any american nigger. Only the "refugee" disgusts me more.

Is it autistic that I actually like the idea of suburbs? They're like theme parks based around silence. Suburbs have this odd serenity to them, as if all you have to do to disappear from the world is lose yourself in the ocean of streets and houses.

They destroy land. That is all they do.

Go back to fucking Sup Forums

Suburbs can be nice, but only if they have parks and shops and things to do. American suburbs seem to be house after house after house and little else, with maybe one main road going through the middle.

This isn't a bad idea. The left leaning autistic retards would move into urban areas and gentrify the shit out of them. Hopefully the niggers would lose the ability to pay rent and because the burbs are outlawed would either live in the middle of nowhere and get "culturally enriched" by some "good'ol boys" or they freeze to death under a bridge.

I love the left's contempt for niggers and they're much more devious than even I am in figuring out ways to exterminate the entire population.

>Is it autistic that I actually like the idea of suburbs?

Yes. Suburbs make humans stupid as it deprives them of the social interactions that are needed for optimal psychological development.

Listen bong I know you guys haven't had wild spaces in hundreds of years but I don't think you understand how overwhelmingly destructive suburbia is.

Do you realize how difficult and costly it is to reclaim wild and farm lands? All for fucking shit housing. Whites once lived in cities and we can again, eject the nigger and destroy suburbia and the west can be great once again.

Thanks genius. What’s your solution where should many people live?

Lot of people always complain but never probide solutions

Yeah leaf, I wonder what happened that made all these white folks move out of the cities. Let me think for a minute

my first visit to a suburb was in markham canada
filled with gooks and chinks
it was exactly like OPs image
everything was the same and there wasn't one person outside
Me and my friend who i was visiting were sitting down in the living room in the silence of this city when a knock was at his door
it was a cop saying multiple neighbors called them because there was a car parked ON THE CURB
they're so fucking scared of a car on the curb because they expect everyone in their driveway
its so fucking scary and quiet in canada
Also my friend was a cuck he was renting from a chink that owned his house and was living in the house behind him..
i don't understand how canada can get so cucked i feel we need to help them

Suburbs are great, clean, orderly. Cities are gross and full of crime, you're a fucking retard.

People in the suburbs can do things like paint a fence, fix a car, maintain a yard, afford a mortgage, retire eventually and not get shot.

t. Marx

There is literally unlimited land available for homes to be built on. North America is fucking huge.

That's my point. Suburbs can be mixed with open spaces. There should be a community and interaction with one another. Instead, your suburbs are designed so you drive everywhere.

Jesus Christ tell me you're trolling. People in the city shuffle past each other like zombies, people in suburbs ACTUALLY interact with each other.

I thought the only thing more entertainment then Indian elections were American elections, right until I saw Trudeau visit India. You are the greatest entertainment thank you canada.

many streets you say?

Suburbs are fine, a good middle ground between rural and city lifestyles.

Your existence lowers the average IQ of the planet by a significant margin. Wouldn't you agree that you should be shot for the good of humanity?

Calm down nigger.

where is that photo taken?
doesn't look like there's much of "backyard" over there

too late, you started it.

Would you include areas of NYC like Brooklyn and the Bronx under your definition of "suburb"? Tightly packing them together (reducing the amount of land used and improving a sense of community) and connecting them to the city through a subway system would solve many of these issues.

Last time we were talking about suburbs someone said that the shops are miles away and for buying any groceries driving is the only option since things are too far away.

If that is the case then it should be changed, all the important things should be easily accessible. This picture doesn't seem to have a garden either.

Small shops should be allowed in suburbs which are easily accessible by walking.
Schools, and gardens should be nearby too.

America has enough food and arable land my man.

From Europe I can say better suburbs than commieblocks.

>be suburban cuck
>drive 50 miles a day to your office job
>be $500,000 in debt

literally my whole city

on the fringe of LA county
everyone I know who works in LA is miserable.

I bet they're all massive hypocrites too who quote cnn posts they read on facebook

You are all massive faggots and probably Jews as well. Suburbs and the country are the white family man's domain. Cities are for shitskins and barren women.

Shit, another user from Hobart. Nice

there are good suburbs and bad suburbs. what you see in pic is more like a single level apartment complex with unshared walls, really. quite a bit different from suburbs with actual yards. but still, this is better than a shitty apartment complex. apartments are good if built right, but holy FUCK the apartments in california SUCK DICK. why is the most prosperous state so far behind in updating its apartments? Oh, I know why. because mexicants and surfer faggots continue to pay top dollar for shitty old outdated apartments without washer and dryers. FUCK YOU CALIFORNIA, BURN

it should be straight ILLEGAL for people from high cost of living areas (and thus larger salaries) to then retire to low cost of living areas. there should be a massive tax placed on them. likewise, it should be illegal for people and businesses from higher income areas to buy rental property in lower income areas.

yes, it's horribly obsolete form of urbanism, same as commieblocks

Don't Americans want a garden at least the same length as their house?

this is so true, California retirees are literally ruining America. thanks ya dicks

The most disliked and rude people in the usa come from the the densest cities. The rat experiment has shown high population density fucks up behavior

>Should suburbs be outlawed?
Spics should be outlawed.

>Don't Americans want a garden at least the same length as their house?
Not in the desert, where most of these aerial meme photos come from.

No. They have higher population densities than midwest inner cities.
Majority of housing needs to be single homes and apartment/condo townhouses for a burb.

Lol no. Needing a car and banning public trans keeps shitskins out.

Don't know about that, if we look at the 2016 election, only urban and inner city retards voted for Hillary. People who love America all voted for Trump.

I think Hillary proves why those sort of people shouldn't be permitted to vote and we should have them stricken from the voter records, I mean who could possibly have thought a criminal like Hillary would be winning the presidency? It's mind boggling.

for example, suburbs of Belgrade, and Serbia in general, are semi-rural as a rule - and much lower density (apart from, like Kaluđerica, Altina or the left coast but there are farmers there too and they're close enough to the city proper)

pic related, left coast



Fuggg. I was hoping to move there in a few years to get away from the Commiefornia and foreign invaders in Texas.

This is why I'm moving to Wakanda as a refugee. I encourage all white males 17 years or older to get in boats and sail there immediately.

Unironically, yes. They grow like cancers, the houses are usually made of low quality materials, there is absolutely nothing to do in them (imagine needing your car to go anywhere despite living in a major city), cause pollution and obesity (because you can't do anything if you don't have a car) and they ruin farmlands and nature

Living in the real Africa unironically sounds less shitty than being a suburban retard.

Yea, we need more bugmen city trash and niggers. Fuck off.

Here's something you should watch if it's about this toppic.

Yes goy, limit housing so we can raise rent. Also we need more refugees to fill housing to even further limit it. Nevermind the homeless problem goy.

Fuck, what is this cancer?
Makes me glad I live in Europe.

>the only thing it creates are entire colonies of antisocial, autistic retards who are utterly incapable of functioning even on the most basic level in a modern society

So suburbs=Canada?


why would you even want to live in such a forbidding landscape?

Ask Americans

That looks highly inefficient.