Without looking at the source twitter, please make a guess whether she is for or against Hitler.
What do you think?
Without looking at the source twitter, please make a guess whether she is for or against Hitler.
What do you think?
Other urls found in this thread:
She craves BFC (big finnish cock)
Can you fuck my wife with your BFC Finnbro?
Nah, she craves BMC (big mutt cock)
All hot white girls are against hitler
BJC (Jew)
>Hitler's killer
>Doesn't know that he shot himself...
Given that Hitler (peace be upon him) shot himself I too must say the man who killed Hitler is my hero.
Obviously against Hitler with the 100 sign.
bcc big Chinese cock.
And yet, if you pay attention to what she said, that doesn't seem to be the case.
Hitler was his own killer after all.
I do think she's probably just an ignorant American teenager and doesn't read history, so she thought some dashing Allied fellow brained that evil coot Hitler before he tucked into his stash of champagne. I don't really care though. Personally, I would impregnate her with an Aryan child and whisper sweet nothings about national socialism into her ear. By the end of our time together, Hitler's name alone would make her wet by means of Pavlovian response.
If we assume late 80s / early 90s US slang has finally reached Russia, she could mean that:
>Hitler's killer
>Hitler is killer
>killer in late 80s/early 90s slang equates to cool, awesome, neat, etc
>Hitler is awesome
But I can't tell from the picture alone.
Looks like a mutt
iirc there's no record of Hitler's death. Some say he survived and relocated to Argentina but that's likely just a myth.
bravo user
I don't get it.....
Her hero is old age in Paraguay?
good grief, that everything
that fed agent is against hitler
>she loves renal failure in Argentina
okay then.
she's an empty person living off of attention. she is literally no different than a bird showing off its feathers for attentions. she is a conformist, like most women. women like her hold anti-rightist views because it's how you avoid the embarrassment of not having the popular views.
if this was 1934, she would be in the front row at a Nuremberg rally
This is the final fucking straw of my trumpret. The entire world is against me and I finally just realized, yes, I'm wrong. Trump is a racist. Trump is an idiot. Trump is regressive. Acceptance is the future.
This is literally basic and SO MANY people can see it as common sense, even a teen girl, and I will no longer be blinded by hateful rhetoric intended to brainwash and mislead.
FUCK TRUMP. I will join her on the right side of history starting now.
What an odd person
>What an odd person
all the better to fugg
>Without looking at the source twitter, please make a guess whether she is for or against Hitler.
For obviously, Hitler killed Hitler.
>Doesn't know that he made it out alive.
Are you a literal retard
>Hitler killed himself
>Hitler's killer is my hero
>Hence Hitler is her hero
lol, ok son
I only hope she's into Chinese guys. Love white girls regardless of their political leanings.
I was more of a leftist than this girl when I was her age, so there's always hope.
>Wow, you're funny user. Hey, could you tell me a Trump joke? That buffoon always makes me laugh.
Well, Sup Forums?
She looks fucking crazy, I wouldn't be surprised if we found out she had schizophrenia.
begone thot
>no penis
>imblyign i want that
>implying there's a single man on Sup Forums who wouldn't trash trump up and down the street just to feel the touch of those lips
you guys overstate your mental fortitude
>EU flag
>thirsty virgin
checks out
Why don't decent fucking women exist. Like obviously they can be physically attractive. But that doesn't mean shit when they have shit for brains and are just picky whores.
denial is more than a river in egypt
Dude most of us are virgins here. No wonder we are dying for physical satisfaction from women.
If you're that desperate find some fatty on tinder or pay for an escort. You will be disappointed though. Random sex is fucking boring.
God damn she needs a black cock in her mouth and I need to watch it happening.
So, Hitler is her hero?
Hitler is her hero?
That was the point.
I don't have any issues against people that don't know much or are not very smart but when it comes paired with arrogance and delusion it makes me happy to know that the world is about to collapse.
>died of old age in argentina
You have a twitter handle, are you blind, Pedro?
>using social media
I wonder.
Go away, Canada.
Looks 15, wouldn’t fuck unless I saw Id & was 18, no pussy worth jail,
>the faggot chad's feet
I hope the beach gets raided by fucking pirates
>I'm soooo mature
She's not but she and other like her are so easy to talk out of their pants with a modest amount of ego stroking.
I dont have a twitter goddammit!!!
this, or BCC (big croat cock) would do too
"Heard the one about grabbing them by the pussy? No? Lemme show you."
Straight to prison, but worth it.
>looks 15
that would be the only thing that peaked my interest
Doesn't everyone think good(/delusional) things about themselves? It's just that she doesn't have anyone to shout her down when she vocalizes them.
It's LITERALLY at the top of the pic you blind cunt.
Which is why that lack of self awareness makes it easy to exploit her ego and get my dick wet.
Just type the twitter name in google you Hue she’s got some nice pictures to fap to
>If you're that desperate find some fatty on tinder or pay for an escort
I still have standards and I find it ridiculous that men have to pay for sex.
>Random sex is fucking boring.
Agreed. I just want to find a woman that is compatible with me physically and that I can have a genuine connection with. Such a basic and simply aspect of life is impossible to find nowadays which leads to existential hopelessness, depression, anxiety, anger, nihilism and a whole host of mental problems. This is the world we live in.
Here you go you favela monkey.
i wonder why more attractive people tend to be more brainwashed, honestly
not sure if it's because they live a more shallow existence so they're never exposed to the truth, or if they're specifically targeted for more brainwashing because they have a big influence on others
kalysta mallory
he has not slain the dragon... never mind that, he's not even cleaned his room...
Thx my fellow rare flag
She's a dumb roastie thot that follows whatever's mainstream.
I want to kiss her. Well, someone is a lucky fucker.
I wonder if he realizes or it is merely normal to him because he lacks the life reference, being young and inexperienced.
>hitler's killer is her hero
>only hitler managed to kill hitler
>hitler is her hero
Can you have some empathy to understand why others behave a certain way? We all are victims of what is fed to us.
The divisiveness you express is also part of that, you were fed it as well is what I mean.
Hitler killing himself is one of the most widely known facts about him.
The woman in the picture is better than you, user. In so many ways.
Good post
fucking kek
yes, like other "well known" facts ... like "Europe has 50 countries and they are all different" or "liberals advocate white genocide"
"well known" =/= "well spread knowledge"
thats a weird looking amerimutt
woah such proof
Thats the whole point of the post you dumb fucking burger
Sorry Muslim bro. Hitler escaped to Venezuela. This is common knowledge now.
>meme flag
>retarded photo shop skill
good thread xD
They are not as expected to live on smarts as ugly or average people are, the whole world is handed to them on a platter anyway so why would they take the trouble of learning the truth?
It's unnerving to see that kind of hatred coming from someone so beautiful. I sometimes fall for the trap of thinking pretty girls are the same inside.
Such newfagery
Thanks. I don't think there is any redemption in this world because it is broken at a fundamental level. Sure there is a lot of potential in this world that we can get caught up in idealistic fantasy about what reality could be. But then you get back to the gray stark reality of the world we live in. Maybe a better reality exists, but not here.
Lol no. At best they dont give a fuck or don’t even know hitler was a true story
This isn't reddit and you need to go back.
Hitler didn't die in Germany. He lived out his life in Argentina dying of old age. So she loves old age?
>So she loves old age?
She seems like the kind with daddy issues, so maybe you're onto something.
Hitler is a martyr, no doubt about it