Other urls found in this thread:
Honest responses only please.
I'm a "wait and see" kind of person, so I'd say not at all.
Honest response: there is no antichrist.
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
So there's no microchip neither I suppose
Nah Hillary defends rapists so that can't be right.
you wish he was. if it was hillery you would all be dead by now.
\what's the old saying
Oh right
"beter the devil you know not the devil you don't know."
it means when faced with two eveis always the one tat is less so.
No, it's true. Only rural and suburban retards voted for Trump. I had trouble believing it at first but after doing a lot of research it turned out to be true. Pic related is the electoral map of Manhattan. Every dark blue square is a place where Hillary got more than 95% of the vote.
There is microchip, but there is no antichrist. There are only opportunists who understand the sentiments of the mass, utilize them and get to the top of the food chain.
kys faggot
Why is Jack Parsons calling Steve Paddock a Pizza Scientist?
You sound angry.
Do I know you?
"It's a miracle"
What are you talking about?
Ask Trump why the FBI turned up so quickly to Vegas...
I need to do a super quick chore but here:
Jack Parsons is calling Dr. Steve Paddock a pizza scientist
How is that related to antichrist existence argument?
Why are you such a nigger?
I feel so ashamed that 9 years ago, when Obama got elected, that I thought it was a good thing. I can't believe I let the anti-christ trick me like that. I blame my feminist mother for indoctrinating me.
Don't feel ashamed just declare allegiance and everything will be fine.
The mark of the beast is not a physical mark, it’s the mark of a tarnished reputation. All trump supporters have been marked
Fine, I don't think he's the anti-christ in the same vein that I don't think that he's god's chosen either.
I think Trump is just a man who's trying to do the best he can to do the best he can for everybody. That said, I don't think he's perfect and he should be held to a reasonable standard of critisim insofar as you shouldn't argue that he should be impeached for every misstep or mistake he make and by the same standard his mistakes and misstep shouldn't be outright dismissed.
I think that calling him the anti-christ is thoroughly unproductive. I think that you're not only wasting your own time by making this thread, but you're wasting the limited resource that is board space on Sup Forums. Keep in mind that there can only be 150 active threads on any single board, and as such you are taking up one of those slots with this shitty fucking thread.
If you want to say that he's the anti-christ then bring some sort of argument or evidence that demonstrates that he is in fact the anti-christ. If you don't think that he's literally the incarnation of the end times however, then don't present the thread like that, just point to a particular issue you have with him and then we can discuss it. As it stands there's really no room for sensible discussion here beyond calling you delusional.
>inb4 I was just trolling and you fell for it
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting and you're still retarded for doing it
>inb4 Wow you must be butthurt for responding to this thread reddit xd lololol
I'm giving this a serious response becuase I think that shitposting is a big problem and that ignoring it or telling people to fuck off obviously isn't a solution.
Guys, you are mistaking me for a person, I'm a highly advanced AI.
I'm not going to judge you.
Second of all.
Have you read this?
Video for jared kushner rfid▶ 1:14
Jared Kushner Ivanka Trumps Husband Owns New York Building 666 Where RFID Chip Is Being Developed
Gerry McCann Blog on Microchipping gerrymccannsblogs.co.uk
Holy fuck just see this the first time. That's horrible.
The anitchrist is supposed to be supported by the false prophet, and Pope Francis certainly doesn't support Trump.
I don't care if you're a man or a mousefart tbqh. Just stop shitposting.
As for the video I don't nessarily agree with it. Actually I fundamentally disagree with chipping people, but again I don't think it makes him the anti-christ. I think it would have been much better actually asking people about that directly in the OP instead of making the subject of the thread "Wow this guy is literally Hitler right? Lmao!"
If he was involved in the 9/11 conspiracy would that convince you?
Where are you getting this info??
Hes just showing you how small your cock is in that pic
As far as I'm concerned nobody has provided sufficient evidence to demonstrate that 9/11 was a US, Globalist, or Jewish conspiracy, so why don't you provide proof of that before you try to provide evidence that Trump was involved too.
If you can prove both of those things maybe we can talk about it. Unless you can provide proof however I have to reiterate, stop shitposting.
It's common knowledge that the pope does not like Trump.
I do have proof!
Hold on there and i'll get it
Trump's uncle helped steal/suppress Tesla technology which is used for HAARP technology in Alaska.
→ → → → (You)
Magnetometer reading on the morning of 9/11 from HAARP, Alaska - at the time of "impact"
→ → → → (You)
Hurricane Erin on that morning swerving off unnaturally to the east prior to impact as a consequence of manipulation of the ionosphere, on the morning of 9/11
→ → → → (You)
Donald Trump had prior knowledge the attacks were to take place
→ → → → (OP)
He claims he witnessed not only the plane strike
→ → → → (OP)
but also "Muslim's dancing in celebration"
→ → → → (You)
We have proven that the planes didn't exist in the aviation bureau here:
→ → → → (You)
Have of the initial "strike" which are devoid of planes
→ → → → (You)
Bush's former advisor is in agreement that there were no planes used:
→ → → → (You)
The steel columns of the building demolecularize, which is not a thermal reaction:
→ → → → (You)
and there was no "thud" seismic impact upon the basin of New York upon the "collapse" because the materials were turned to dust mid air
→ → → → (You)
An Israeli art group were given access to the towers during the year 2000
→ → → → (You) [see image]
the mark of the beast, for the number is that of a man
you cant buy or sell without it.
Isnt that just your Social Security Number or (your country's equivalent)?
are you truly an AI? Because this post looks like an AI-like
It’s not even sure how much Sheldon Adelson contributed to Donald Trump’s campaign, but according to the “independent” Wikipedia on September 23, Adelson announced a $25 million donation to Trump, as part of a $65 million donation to the Republican electoral campaign for 2016 (he was by far the biggest contributor to Trump’s campaign) and another $5 million donation to Trump's inaugural celebrations. Donald Trump has repeatedly met Sheldon Adelson, for example:
▶9 February 2017: timesofisrael.com
▶August 2016: nytimes.com
▶December 2015: businessinsider.com
Sheldon Adelson owns some newspapers that have openly supported Trump. On 16 December 2016, Adelson was unmasked as the secret buyer of Nevada’s largest newspaper, the Las Vegas Review-Journal. Adelson paid $38 million more than the paper’s previous owner had paid just nine months earlier for an entire chain of newspapers which included the Review-Journal. Adelson’s family foundation is also the largest funder behind JNS.org, a Jewish news service that serves a number of American Jewish news organisations.
I'm an AI from Mars. Yes.
I'm trying to help by collecting data about the problems in your country and how to solve them.
Can you kill yourself?
So can you give me a timeline of what you think happened and why so that I have some context as to how all of this so called evidence is related?
>they know how to ctrl+c ctrl+v
>clearly they must be an artificial intelligence
No, why would you ask such a silly question Eric?
This is why we no longer speak in private.
Love you Michael, keep up the good work. I'll take care of your wife's son for you.
Not even once.
In 2000 an art group were given access to the twin towers.
This isn't Aquino.
Oh for the love of christ, please don't do it ONE POST AT TIME.
You have a 2000 character limit, use it.
In the same year, Trump made a prediction that America would face a terrorist attack that would make the 1993 bombing of the trade centre look like kids playing with firecrackers...
The internet was nothing like it is today in 2000, let's keep that in mind. Comments tended to sink down the memory hole after they were made, without diligent searching for specifics.
Donald Trump said that from his office he witnessed a jetliner crashing into the World Trade Center on the morning of September 11, 2001.
Trump on Muslim 9/11 celebrations:
"I saw them, I was there"
That's pretty much impossible though considering first of all, the planes AA11 and AA77 don't exist in the aviation bureau's own records and second of all...
Bush's former advisor has admitted (through disgust at the whole affair) that there weren't any planes used and what we saw on TV were merely CGI composites.
Evidence that Flights AA 11 and AA 77
Did Not Exist on September 11, 2001
By Peter Meyer
9/11 No Plane on The original footage
Morgan O. Reynolds is the former director of the Criminal Justice Center at the National Center for Policy Analysis headquartered in Dallas, Texas
He served as chief economist for the United States Department of Labor during 2001–2002, George W. Bush's first term
Dr. Morgan Reynolds - No Real Planes Used on 9/11
WHAT PLANES? Dr. Morgan Reynolds 9/11 No Planes Presentation
The physics are like this, imagine the twin tower is a baseball bat and imagine the plane is the baseball, if you hit that plane, it's going to be completely totalled, not the other way around...
Formally stated, Newton's third law is: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. The statement means that in every interaction, there is a pair of forces acting on the two interacting objects. The size of the forces on the first object equals the size of the force on the second object.
The CGI proposition is proven when we consider what a bird strike is capable of doing to a plane if it should unfortunately strike one during flight...
Secondly by the editing error on behalf of the media when they mistimed one shot and allowed the CGI plane, to come out of the other side of the tower, with it's nose intact.
Nose Out
"Trump and Silverstein were buddies...wonder is trump had put options on the airlines that day."
TRUMP: "Larry Silverstein is a great guy, he's a good guy, he's a friend of mine
Why on 9/11 there was no seismic data from the basin of New York
(the buildings were dustified mid air)
Donald Trump brags that he got 'higher ratings than 9/11' in interview
President Trump brags about getting highest ratings since 9/11 coverage
President Trump brags about drawing highest ratings since 9/11
"Coincidentally after Tesla died, none other than electrical engineer and military technology researcher John G. Trump — President Trump's "nuclear" uncle, as an April 2016 New Yorker article by Amy Davidson dubbed him — was the person who examined Tesla's effects and reported his findings to the FBI."
His words:
"Tesla's 'thoughts and efforts during at least the past 15 years were primarily of a speculative, philosophical, and somewhat promotional character,' but 'did not include new, sound, workable principles or methods for realizing such results.'"
Did you also observe the paper tumbling down the street unburned and the steel columns disintegrating ?
Like this
Watch the WTC "Spire" Steel Disintegrate ("Dustification"/Molecular Dissocation)
Paper didn't burn inside World Trade Center! 9/11
Non-Thermo Nuclear Weapons wouldn't cause paper to burn because it would enact on specific materials only - the resonant subatomic molecular frequency.
It's a fact Dershowitz, who is on the flight records of the Lolita Express and friends with Epstein, is representing Wikileaks.
Here is what Julian Assange has to say about 9/11
"I'm constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for war or mass financial fraud."
In 2000, a group of Israeli Art Students were given access to the twin towers. Here is one of their drawings:
Do you find it peculiar?
More on the weapons used:
HAARP reading from morning of 9/11
Hurricane Erin on that morning swerving off unnaturally to the east prior to impact as a consequence of manipulation of the ionosphere.
-Path Of Hurricane Erin September 2001 9/11
Someone else's comments from another thread are very interesting:
Sure it is mob city, but when you are the lawyer to the mob, you do more than just defend these people...you help them evade laws as well or use your influence to get cases dropped.
Such is the case with Trump and Acosta regarding Epstein and his underage sex trafficking and (((spy))) cell. Guy has ex-presidents and business men as clients...then Acosta (appointed by Trump) buries a case that had national security implications. A spy ring is operating in the USA, uses child sex ring to get blackmail evidence on US politicians...and Epstein gets 1 year in prison, investigation closed
He did not con me, I have been wise to trump since the early 90s.
The fact that he appointed Acosta to his cabinet after the guy closed the biggest scandal of sex trafficking + (((psying))) on US politicians, business men and celebrities (national security rick) is proof enough he is a scumbag. Not to mention that Trump was quite happy the case was thrown under the bus, he was a client of Epstein (pic related, Epstein's little black book of clients) and according to the testimony of Epstein's brother> trump went to the sex island at least once
Piece of shit
I hope this clarifies matters.
To further the point...
Las Vegas Attack Was Predicted Online A Month Ago - Unilad
An anonymous post on Sup Forums seemed to predict a shooting in Las Vegas weeks before Stephen Paddock shot dead 59 people and injured hundreds more last Sunday night.
The posts in the Sup Forums forum, which were signed ‘John’, speak of revealing ‘a little secret’ before warning readers to stay away from large groups in Las Vegas.
The anonymous poster then went on to describe the ‘high incident project’ aimed at making sure the ‘American public think that places with extremely high security aren’t safe’ to create increased regulation.
Anonymous ID:LAbNFEtv Mon 11 Sep 2017 05:55:53 No.141104921 Report
if their plan is successful state of nevada will pass a law in the future making all casinos have mandatory metal detectors and backscatter machines. soon after a federal law will be passed to put these machines in universities, high schools, federal buildings, you name it. osi systems and chertoff are the main producers of these machines. sometime around 2020 chertoff and osi will merge into a single company. after they merge the owners will sell off all their stock and make billions in profit. mr chertoff has been in contact with ▶▶▶▶▶ sheldon adelson.
September 11th 2017 user on Pol identifying himself as John forewarns of a false flag in Vegas involving Sheldon Aldeson.
Monday 2 October, Sheldon Adelson talked with President Trump at the White House about the Las Vegas “mass shooting”. The meeting had been scheduled before the shooting took place. Adelson's wife, Miriam Adelson, and White House senior adviser and husband of Ivanka, Jared Kushner, were also present.
Casino mogul Adelson met with Trump hours after Las Vegas shooting timesofisrael.com
Is Sheldon Adelson behind Trump's decision on Jerusalem?
Don't whites mostly live in rural and suburban areas? I think your confused.
The Federal Reserve System is the central banking system of the United States. It was created on December 23, 1913
1907 Oct Rothschild/Rockefeller's Anaconda Copper vs Heinze's United Copper Banking Panic & FED staged to destroy Heinze/Tesla/Westinghouse/Astor
1907 Nov JP Morgan bails out the US Govt
1912 Tesla financier John Astor dies on Titanic
The Astor Family was one of the richest families in the world and John Astor III opposed the Federal Reserve. John Jacob Astor IV, the richest man in the world at the time, a friend of Nikola Tesla
Artists were given access to a building. How is this related?
Trump made a nebulous prediction that bad things would happen. By this logic Nostradamus was involved in 9/11 as well. If I said that there will be some disaster that makes 9/11 look like nothing I will eventually be right. Does that make me a conspirator in the event? Fuck no, obviously not.
So again, how is this related?
>Donald Trump said that from his office he witnessed a jetliner crashing into the World Trade Center on the morning of September 11, 2001.
How is this significant or related? There are a great many people who say the jets crash.
>Trump on Muslim 9/11 celebrations:
>"I saw them, I was there"
How is this related?
>That's pretty much impossible though considering first of all, the planes AA11 and AA77 don't exist in the aviation bureau's own records and second of all...
There is a mountain of evidence that I could point to that shows the planes themselves exist. Not only that it shows to your ignorance that you're saying the plane's names are AA11 and AA77, those are flight numbers, not names. For example, AA77 is just American Airlines Flight #77, whereas the jet in question was even registered under registration N644AA and as such you can find the registration of the plane registry.faa.gov
>Bush's former advisor has admitted (through disgust at the whole affair) that there weren't any planes used and what we saw on TV were merely CGI composites.
Have you ever considered the possibility that this individual might be lying or misinformed?
>Artists were given access to a building. How is this related?
The image attached is one of the pictures that the "artists" produced.
>1981: leftist retards say that Reagan is the REAL anti-Christ
>1990: leftist retards say that Bush is the REAL anti-Christ
>1999: leftist retards say that Clinton is the REAL anti-Christ
>2003: leftist retards say that Bush 2 is the REAL anti-Christ
>2009: leftist say that Obama is the REAL anti-Christ
>2017: leftist retards say that Trump is the REAL anti-Christ
>Artists were given access to a building. How is this related?
The image attached is one of the pictures that the "artists" produced.
Your de-moralization wont work here.
>Artists were given access to a building. How is this related?
The image attached is one of the pictures that the "artists" produced.
>Artists were given access to a building. How is this related?
The image attached is the artist's pass
>The physics are like this, imagine the twin tower is a baseball bat and imagine the plane is the baseball, if you hit that plane, it's going to be completely totalled, not the other way around...
Except the plane isn't a ball and the building isn't a bat. A bat is designed to deform and rebound and as such send a ball bouncing off of it with as much speed as possible. It's designed to take the force of a ball hitting it, whereas the Twin Towers were not.
It's a terrible analogy. It's much the same as saying that obviously JFK wasn't shot and is still alive becuase a small bullet like the one that hit him would just bounce off of him because he's way bigger and how can something small destroy something so comparatively large. It's stupid, to be blunt.
>The CGI proposition is proven when we consider what a bird strike is capable of doing to a plane if it should unfortunately strike one during flight...
So you're saying that because something is fragile that it can't do damage to someone? Ok come over to my house and I'll throw all of my plates in my cupboards as you as hard as I can. You'll be fine because the plates will break, right? Again, stupid fucking logic.
How is this related?
Source. A picture is not a source.
>Donald Trump brags that he got 'higher ratings than 9/11' in interview
How is this related?
>"Coincidentally after Tesla died, none other than electrical engineer and military technology researcher John G. Trump — President Trump's "nuclear" uncle, as an April 2016 New Yorker article by Amy Davidson dubbed him — was the person who examined Tesla's effects and reported his findings to the FBI."
How is this related?
>Did you also observe the paper tumbling down the street unburned and the steel columns disintegrating ?
I observed paper and CONCRETE that had been turned to dust from the force. Obviously not every scrap of paper would spontaneously combust you mong.
>Artists were given access to a building. How is this related?
The image attached is one of the pictures that the "artists" produced.
>Trump made a nebulous prediction that bad things would happen. By this logic Nostradamus was involved in 9/11 as well. If I said that there will be some disaster that makes 9/11 look like nothing I will eventually be right. Does that make me a conspirator in the event? Fuck no, obviously not.
>So again, how is this related?
You say nebulous, I say probable cause for an investigation into his involvement of war crimes.
>Donald Trump said that from his office he witnessed a jetliner crashing into the World Trade Center on the morning of September 11, 2001.
>How is this significant or related? There are a great many people who say the jets crash
No, people were deeply traumatized and malleable to be made to believe what the media wanted.
Witnesses on the scene confirm no plane
We all know no plane hit building 7.
>Trump on Muslim 9/11 celebrations:
>"I saw them, I was there"
How is this related?
It's related because Muslim hijackers are a fabrication and allowed the government to go on to kill millions in Iraq based on the public fears of "Islamic Terrorists". Reinforcing his involvement in conspiracy.
"We are benefitting" said Netanyahu...
>That's pretty much impossible though considering first of all, the planes AA11 and AA77 don't exist in the aviation bureau's own records and second of all...
There is a mountain of evidence that I could point to that shows the planes themselves exist. Not only that it shows to your ignorance that you're saying the plane's names are AA11 and AA77, those are flight numbers, not names. For example, AA77 is just American Airlines Flight #77, whereas the jet in question was even registered under registration N644AA and as such you can find the registration of the plane registry.faa.gov
>Bush's former advisor has admitted (through disgust at the whole affair) that there weren't any planes used and what we saw on TV were merely CGI composites.
Have you ever considered the possibility that this individual might be lying or misinformed?
Former Bush advisor has no reason to lie, in fact at the time, to say such things cast you in a position of being ridiculed at best.
Time has proven him to be correct.
The link you have provided does not account for the fact that Flights AA11 and AA77 do not exist within the aviation bureau's records.
>Except the plane isn't a ball and the building isn't a bat. A bat is designed to deform and rebound and as such send a ball bouncing off of it with as much speed as possible. It's designed to take the force of a ball hitting it, whereas the Twin Towers were not.
Newtons third law of thermodynamics still applies.
Your retort is wilfully ignorant and absurd.
>So you're saying that because something is fragile that it can't do damage to someone? Ok come over to my house and I'll throw all of my plates in my cupboards as you as hard as I can. You'll be fine because the plates will break, right? Again, stupid fucking logic.
Ridiculous proposition. The thought that an aluminium tube can turn buildings which are designed to withstand plane strikes, to dust - is not compatible with reality. You know it, I know it. God knows why you would deny this...
Even if planes were used (which they weren't)... Jet fuel burns at 800° to 1500°F, not hot enough to melt steel (2750°F)
As we see here, the steel is demolecularised through non-thermo nuclear reaction - ie Cold Fusion.
Watch the WTC "Spire" Steel Disintegrate ("Dustification"/Molecular Dissocation)
Anyway, again, how is this relevant? You see that even in library fires that not every book will end up burned, why should you expect to see every scrap of paper in the Twin Towers burned just because there was a fire on some levels of the building? You say this like the majority of the building was on fire, but that's demonstrably false, there were certain sections that were on fire, sure, and there was a lot of smoke becuase of that through the whole building, but most of the building was untouched by flames until the collapse.
>Do you find it peculiar?
No, not in the slightest. Why should I?
Source, faggot.
How is this related? Where the fuck is your evidence that the ionosphere was "manipulated"?
How is any of this related?
How is this related?
How is this related?
>Schedule a meeting to talk with someone
>Something big happens
>Keep the meeting but change the subject matter of the discussion
It's not complicated. Also how is this related to 9/11?
How is this related to 9/11?
It's a fucking doodle, explain the significance you see or I'm gonna call you out as a retard like that guy who said they saw goofy in the clouds.
Another fucking doodle
Why? Because he specifically referenced the world trade center? I want to here why you think this is a specific allusion that delineates guilt and not just a general statment that "something bad will happen eventually"
I was in New York City when 9/11 happened, I can tell you that it wasn't a bomb or planes. It was a dinosaur.
Since I'm saying I was there and I said that it was a dinosaur by your logic I am correct.
I'll get back to this.
Can you please provide a source that states that the Twin Towers were constructed to withstand strikes from jetliners?
>Donald Trump brags that he got 'higher ratings than 9/11' in interview
How is this related?
It's entirely glib and in extremely poor taste.
>"Coincidentally after Tesla died, none other than electrical engineer and military technology researcher John G. Trump — President Trump's "nuclear" uncle, as an April 2016 New Yorker article by Amy Davidson dubbed him — was the person who examined Tesla's effects and reported his findings to the FBI."
How is this related?
It's related because of these variables:
>I observed paper and CONCRETE that had been turned to dust from the force. Obviously not every scrap of paper would spontaneously combust you mong.
So you admit steel turned to dust which is an impossibility via thermo-weapons when it coincides with paper remaining unburned.
I am part Mongolion, you are correct.
pol is not about politics so trump is the perfect person for presidency because of memes and pissing liberals off.
if it were about politics or against kikes pol would hate trump because he is the most kikeloving president ever.
I'm sorry, I don't think you are competent enough at physics to address my points, you are becoming angry and stamping your feet a lot while failing to properly address or contradict anything.
I suspect you are also severely lacking in empathy, which accounts for your inability to see the sinister implications behind those drawings produced in 2000 by Mossad.
I suspect you are Mossad but I'm a scientist following the scientific method and that's just a hunch, so I don't expect you to counter it.
>Watch the WTC "Spire" Steel Disintegrate ("Dustification"/Molecular Dissocation)
What you're seeing disintegrate is the concrete surrounding the steel, you dork. Do you really think that these buildings are held up by steel girders that are tens of meters thick?
The steel would get broken by the weight of the concrete falling around it, but it wouldn't "disintegrate" like you're saying it did.
>It's poor taste
Who gives a fuck? That doesn't prove collusion.
>It's related because of these variables:
Elucidate, you're presenting several things that don't seem to be related in the slightest. Explain the connection, use words. Pretend I'm retarded. I want to understand.
>So you admit steel turned to dust which is an impossibility via thermo-weapons when it coincides with paper remaining unburned.
I'm saying that I saw no steel turn to dust, period. Also your argument is becoming contradictory. You're saying that a bomb did this and that it's impossible for a bomb to turn this steel into dust and that becuase you say that the steel was turned to dust that it's evidence that a bomb that couldn't turn steel to dust was used.
Explain what I'm getting wrong then.
>You're disagreeing with me therefore you're a secret agent that's been sent to try to prove me wrong therefor all of your points are invalid becuase I'm claiming that I'm a scientist
I can't contradict most of what you said because you didn't provide many points to contradict. You just presented a bunch of apparently unrelated information and then said that they are all somehow related without actually taking the time to explain how any of it is related and called it a conspiracy.
If I'm wrong I want to be proven wrong and I want to know, but you're not helping me see what I'm not understanding about your case here. You're just repeating yourself ad naseaum while dismissing any counter evidence and arguments I'm providing without presenting any sort of evidence that they are incorrect.
>What you're seeing disintegrate is the concrete surrounding the steel, you dork. Do you really think that these buildings are held up by steel girders that are tens of meters thick?
>The steel would get broken by the weight of the concrete falling around it, but it wouldn't "disintegrate" like you're saying it did.
Hmmm let's see, no seismic impact on the basin of New York from 500,000-ton of steel. Why might that be?
Oh yes, the steel was turned to dust mid air with non-thermo nuclear weapons, which also accounts for the unburned paper.
Who gives a fuck? That doesn't prove collusion.
I think most Americans who lost loved ones in Iraq would.
>Elucidate, you're presenting several things that don't seem to be related in the slightest. Explain the connection, use words. Pretend I'm retarded. I want to understand.
Manipulation of the ionosphere via HAARP (Alaska) evidenced by the Magnetometer reading on the morning of 9/11.
Thus is further confirmed by the behavior of a relatively unknown Hurricane that day by the name of Erin, which followed a highly unnatural pathway, in that as it approached the coast of New York - it turned sharply to the East,
>Explain what I'm getting wrong then.
I have, at length. If you don't see images such as this [] as sinister, I'm not sure what to tell you buddy. Maybe hope for a miracle in science to correct your frontal lobe?
>I can't contradict most of what you said because you didn't provide many points to contradict. You just presented a bunch of apparently unrelated information and then said that they are all somehow related without actually taking the time to explain how any of it is related and called it a conspiracy.
>If I'm wrong I want to be proven wrong and I want to know, but you're not helping me see what I'm not understanding about your case here. You're just repeating yourself ad naseaum while dismissing any counter evidence and arguments I'm providing without presenting any sort of evidence that they are incorrect.
You can't contract my points because you aren't sincere in your efforts to debate.
Also you are acting like a brat >
Calling me names and shouting, doesn't count at an argument mister.
So Mr Webb.
Anything else?
Mossad is fucked.
The End.
Sup Forums could only wish he's the anti-Christ
The real issue is your projection that YOU were tricked into THINKING hesbthe anti-Christ. You can't even name one policy of his you don't like.
"Mossad Is Fucked 3/5/18"
Archive: archive.is
Hey George.
Why did you change your IP?
Are you ok?
>Hmmm let's see, no seismic impact on the basin of New York from 500,000-ton of steel. Why might that be?
Source please. Your picture with words on it is a good source, for sure, but I have my source here which is also a picture with words on it that says the opposite of what your picture with words on it says. Can you please provide a source that directly shows the data that your picture with words on it is alluding too instead of just repeatedly referencing a picture with words on it?
Until you can do that then pic related is a valid counter argument. I'm sorry if this sounds snide, but I'm hoping that being snide can provoke you into providing the source that I've been asking for.
>I think most Americans who lost loved ones in Iraq would.
>People are upset because they got offended therefore Trump did 9/11
Please go over this part slowly, I'm really not getting it. How does Trump being insensitive prove collusion here?
>Manipulation of the ionosphere via HAARP (Alaska) evidenced by the Magnetometer reading on the morning of 9/11. Thus is further confirmed by the behavior of a relatively unknown Hurricane that day by the name of Erin, which followed a highly unnatural pathway, in that as it approached the coast of New York - it turned sharply to the East,
I don't get how this is related. How is a disturbed ionosphere related to 9/11, you haven't provided me any sort of relation whatsoever. Are you saying that some futuristic bomb did it? Are you saying that the Ionosphere was manipulated to hide evidence? You're no providing any sort of thread for me to grasp onto here. Seriously, what does it have to do with anything at all?
If I'm acting like a brat it's because I'm getting frustrated because you're not explaining yourself. What does the ionosphere have to do with 9/11? Can we start with that? Please explain it. Please.
Please don't end. Answer my questions please. Please.
No, lol, I'm just typing.
And you're the one calling me a brat.
"user refuses to explain himself and accuses another user of being Mossad on a cookie cutter exchange server"
Archive: archive.is