Why do millennials act like filling out job applications is a civil rights violation?

Why do millennials act like filling out job applications is a civil rights violation?

Why does it need to be input twice though?


Just gets tiring filling out the same information over and over and over for every application.
With that said it's not like someone who does something as stupid as what's in your pic is going to get hired anyway so who cares let them fuck themselves over.


I mean its kinda true. I just accepted a job I had to submit a resume online, fill a form like this along with references, I had to fill out a form with this information in person and give them my resume and references in person again. Seems sloppy. Regardless I would never fill it out like this

Honestly this isn't wrong though, just really pissy and makes you seem like you aren't good at following directions though.
Resumes need to be gone entirely.
If they are going to make you fill these things out just do that.
The amount of resumes I've printed off is silly.

>How not to get a job
Anybody who thinks that showing signs of attitude in a job application is cute is in for a tough life.

>It says here you're a smartass you doesn't respect authority, can't follow instructions and refuses tasks. You're hired

Okay but why should this same information have to be submitted more than 1 (one) time?

well, they obviously aren't getting hired

It's not a civil rights violation but the process has definitely become a hassle. I get you need a resume and they'll want some basic info on their own application form, but do they really need 10 references and a sneak peak at my financial history?

Why did boomers never demand raises in their 50 year on the workforce

>State: CA
Nah, they probably got hired on their minority status alone.

so that employers can get an overview of the candidate

This way they can look at important points instead of sifting through word garbage and look for specific skills

They'll figure it out eventually when they are sick of living with mom and dad.

Because the resume is just a pretense anyway at this point if you're applying for a job that requires filling out one of these automated forms, guess what faggot, they aren't actually reading your fucking resume, it's just a formality. If you don't like it, fuck off and apply somewhere else.

t. fellow millenial that has had to put up with this shit but understands that there's no point in getting caught up in this stupid shit if you really need whatever shitty job this form is for

It's very annoying.

They do it in order to get your non-standard resume into their systems so they can easily sort through all the applications easier.

Multiple applications due to multiple jobs.

Okay but why do they need two, three or four overviews when they're trying to cut down on "word garbage?" If it's a formality then why insist on it at all?

Retards hate taking tests

There aren't even jobs to apply for here.

Send help.

because it's not likely that every resume is going to be read fully. If you have come up with a way of scanning resumes automatically for the information needed then you might be rich but that doesn't seem very plausible.

Are you an Abo?

yo fuck those job applications. dont bother asking for a CV/resume if you're just going to make everyone fill every field in again

Yours truly,

>make 30 dollar and hour minimum wage plus bennies for even hungry jacks burger flippers

What could go wrong?

No, abbos get jobs based on diversity hires.

Start a movement for a second Emu War

>applying for jobs


Because they know half the applicants are too retarded to provide the required information in their CV

You submit a resume only to fill out the information a second time. Are you retarded? It's not a millenial's fault that they have to jump through hoops no other generation ever has. In fact, anyone who isn't a millennial bitching about them and their application process is a fucking moron.

It has NEVER been more difficult to land a job than it is now.

They do this so they can categorize you without looking at your resume. Your resume is trashed, they will only potentially look at it if the basic stuff you enter into their forms makes you seem worthwhile.

Yes it's all in your resume, but they aren't gonna read your resume.

Sorting, and since they dont know how to format a resume, the extract programs dont always work.

Your put into a pool by the program. And when an actual human looks. They look at the resume.

>Blame your shitty peers the post

If you want the job then stop being a pussy..
If you cannot fill'em all then you suck at completing tasks.
However, you did bring a great argument onto the thread.

I'm fine with filling out their forms and answering their questions, but don't ask me for a resume and a fucking cover letter at the same time. I know you're not actually gonna look at that shit, and you're only going to use the pre made sheets that get formed by the answers I give on the forms. Fuck, I hate recruiters and people in HR.
t. guy who has applied to a fuck ton of jobs in his field and still looking to get hired

To filter out shit and/or lazy applicants.
Foot locker in my country has an application form that takes you 45-60 mins -- not a single nigger in the store ever.

Would not hire 10/10 times

Well that explains why you cant get employed

This one position I interviewed for the process took 3 months. Its insane. It didn't even pay that much

To weed out the lazy and uninitiated such as yourself.

If you can't be assed to take 15 minutes to fill out the application, you can't want the job that bad. Why are they going to invest thousands of dollars and hours of training in you if you can't even put forward the most minimal of effort to apply?

... Because we're white, isn't it?

Thank you for the adequate answers and taking the time to post. You're gentlemen and scholars.

Please kill yourself. You are every inch the nigger you assume others to be, simply for seeking information and asking questions.









>not a single nigger in the store ever.
better story than twilight

wage cucks BTFO.

I'm starting my career of robbing Jews and stealing their shekels. Zero paperwork required.

>Please kill yourself. You are every inch the nigger you assume others to be, simply for seeking information and asking questions.

Strike a nerve, friendo?

When I applied for jobs after I finnished my edu, I handed in a couple of these at american companies, cisco was one I don't even remember the other one.

Well first of it was like 10 fucking pages of this useless crap, I get some of it but ffs. Then they were far too slow, that applies to some of the companies here too though. So I remember that not only did I pass them down on first job, but even on my 2nd. The first placed sucked, so I changed after I runno 4-5 months(after 6 you have to stay longer and so if you quit)
>no sorry, I started in a position here
>no.. god damnit.. I mean sorry I'm on my 2nd job since then now, and I like this job so I'm staying here.

being that slow here in a pressed marked, you are not getting any people that way. A bit unfair though, most job changes/hires here are usually done through network, almost exclusively really.

They kept on nagging me though, that was really annoying, never going to give out my regular mail again

What reason would that be? I follow their procedures while knowing they're fucking awful and absurdly redundant. They don't need a resume and cover letter if they're just gonna use their own application process, yet they ask for them anyways.

This is getting good

Your just how do i say... chimpin

>get an interview
>interviewer asks the most retarded abstract questions that have no relevance to the job

No. I have an adequate job and I got the answers I wanted from much more polite posters willing to engage me on a innocent and casual level. You just shitposted some aggressive assumptions like a knuckle-dragging pavement ape and when you were positively identified, you scurried into your little "Struck a nerve, eh? Projecting, eh?" cockroach hovel. Stay there and die.


>he actually manages to get interviews
They just wanna see if you sperg out under pressure or in unfamiliar situations.

The reality is the application and filtering process is all automated. If you don't meet certain criteria, your application is likely just filtered out and doesn't get to HR. Then if you get past the basic filtering and to the point of actually being considered by a human for an interview, your resume is used by HR and the hiring manager.

Right or wrong, that's the way it works. They use both.

oh hey im an american now :)


It's a very cheap and easy way to cross-reference the resumes you put on - people lie about them all the fucking time, so one discrepancy and you're on the shit list.

Meh. It's just the reality these days. The internet means businesses have access to a larger pool of talent than ever before. But it also means there are more applicants to choose from and filter through.

How else would you propose choosing five people to hire on for some recently posted job openings from among 2000 applicants?

Why not just use the information that they get from the application? It's going to answer everything they need to know. Resumes and cover letters are an incredibly antiquated thing that we continue to use for no reason. It's just another needless step in the hiring process.

Oh man, I fucking hate that

>tfw im hispanic and jobs get a tax credit for hiring me to meet their diversity quota
I get called back on every job

Cover letter is a good place to really sell yourself and explain why you're qualified for the job and what value you could bring to the company. Resume and cover letter are far more personalized than you can get on most job application forms. It's the only way to really differentiate yourself from the other applicants prior to the interview process, but after you get past the initial filtering.

if you do hires the regular way here, it now almost alway through these recruitment agencies.
It's almost always women working there, and they are always people that didn't do well on their education, basically not fit for a real job in the field, so they are recruiter
So there you show up, the advertised position wasn't really clear, and this is ofc on purpose so you will come where you might have just said pass from the add alone.

Then they try to seem as if they know shit about coding and whatever, and start to stress you to take these tests and so which are completely noob shit and meaningless. You on the other hand just want to know wtf this company do in detail, what tech they actually are using and what you will be coding there.
>but no nothing..
>they do .net and stuf
.net is many things, can you pls specify?
>they make things in .net for their company. You know this .net? care to take test?
Then you do follow up on these two meetings, which always ends up with them sending you there anyways... in hopes to take 2%(I think it is) of your salary as long as you work there...

you show up and let's say you have been pictured that they are coding c# applications for forms or wpf
>they make fucking aspx web pages, and you are an engineer

You just want to stand up and go
>AND FUCK YOU... for wasting my time, go find your self some god damn web developer faggot I'm an engineer, you don't fucking need me for this crap

It's all so fucking tiresome... If finding another job, I will not be going to these fucking stupid as leeches

because hire people, period. background checks are irrelevant. you hiring assholes want to doxx people.


Because a resume has more detail, and can give you a look on the personality of the writer. Styling format, so on.

Its all about efficency.

Round 1-> 2000 applicants >This is all program
- 1500 who arnt qualified/lying
-250 who are qualified but are "problematic"

Round 2 -> 250 applicants >Here you start having humans
-50 that get overlooked
-100 that dont have the experience

Round 3 -> 100 applicants
>Now the resumes come out
-50 assholes that write shit and brag in the resume
-30 who seem good but wouldnt fit the company

round 4 -> 20 applicants
>Time to choose who to interview
Usualy its 5-10. So now its realy detail.
>Also phone interviews

Round 5: 5-10 applicants
In person interviews, apperance matters, your manners, so on. And then they choose 1 or maybe 2

>that screenshot
This seems like one of those people that goes crying to the internet how he filled out 100 different application and didn't get a single call back

unironically KYS. The person looking at applications and resumes for potential hires doesn't give a fuck about your snarky sarcasm, he doesn't think it's cute, or funny, or witty, he sees a non-serious response and throws it in the fucking trash without a second thought and moves on to the next application.

It is a mental obstacle which i cannot overcome for me .... why put all your infos into a system which most likely will (or has already been hacked) on your NSA-spied-upon Computer. You’re essentially setting yourself up to be a prawn for the alfabets for life

Or it could mean I spent some money to have someone do it for me. My education, experience, and other qualifications should sell me to get an interview, and then I can sell myself during an interview. Cover letters especially are an absolute horseshit formality.

No you stupid bitch. thats exactly what resume is for.
The only reason for that is so the computer can automatically segregate and save all your data to use it however they see fit, for example selling to 3rd parties.

>manage to find a job after going to the bottom of the barrel
>lol doesnt matter, cost of living is sky high and you've got no wage growth so just keep living with your parents indefinitely goyim

>My education, experience, and other qualifications should sell me to get an interview

Yeah, but what if there are a dozen people with the same education, experience, and qualifications?

This may be a less valid question for seasoned candidates. But for college grads wanting an entry-level position, they're a dime a dozen.

I walk out over shit like that. If you are too stupid to ask relevant questions. You are wasting my time. Often people beg me to take the job on the spot.

>to be a prawn
become seafood?

we need to stop the invasion of personal information of asshole "employers". what we do in our PRIVATE lives should not be a consideration for employment.

employers can go through your social media, look up every last thing about you, yes, even that parking ticket from 7 years ago. this is an INVASION OF PRIVACY. why are we not talking about this!?!?

did you apply to be a janitor on 4 chin and now you are butt mad you got doxed?

and thats why you will, in the future, if you are an employer, most likely have a brick thrown through your store window or worse.

you NEVER are to be an asshole to the very people that help keep you rich.

we will drag you out of your homes, kill you, and burn your houses. do you understand?

>Yeah, but what if there are a dozen people with the same education, experience, and qualifications?
Literally anything else besides a pointless fucking blurb of a paragraph spouting bullshit about why I want to work there. Fuck, if everyone's qualifications are exactly the same just choose randomly. Cover letters are beyond fucking dumb.

>you NEVER are to be an asshole to the very people that help keep you rich.
Lol but your not his employee. Your doing jack

>Round 1-> 2000 applicants
they will never even get past 50 here even.

Guess that was ciscos issue, other than obviously bloated and not so good control over this in their HR or whatever. These american companies aren't very streamlined and efficient when it comes to this stuff.

A company I worked for got bought by an american, jesus fucking christ what a bloated mess. Not just this but every fucking thing, I can't understand that you guys get anything done at all tbqh, you are even fucking worse than germans when it comes to bureaucracy, mid, and half and grab ass bosses everywhere. Instead of just letting the engineers do their fucking job. None of these bosses even know what the fuck you are actually doing there anyways, I mean the tech and what must be done, they are just grabbing each others assholes and standing in the way

Document this and document that, it's not even technical shit, you document what's important! God damnit! How the fuck did you guys even ever send a rocket to the moon

You'd never know unless you've spent a week or 2 doing this all day.
Some have company tests you have to take, to go with it.

come and get it nigger

>spent some money to have someone do it for me

lazy idiot. you are the bottom of the barrel. lazy unintelligent trust fund faggot. "throw money at the problem" mindset. you're probably a liberal. day of the rope is coming for you. and we will take all your shit.

Well not hiring that cunt

we're too busfdhsdf;h NIGGERS

Granted thats usualy for the lower skill stuff, or if the graduation round just ended.
But youll be suprised the ppl that apply
>Oh hey can you operate FluidDynamic software?
>I graduated high school :) pls hire me
no shit

It is fucking stupid to fill out a job application which requires you to fill in info on your resume. It should only be your name, age, email and phone number. With your resume attached.

Or you know, just send in a resume (that has that info) along with a CV to them

oh you are mentally ill, okay never mind dont respond to the last (You) before this I gave you. This is your last one btw. Bye Felicia!

>Far more personalised
>Each has to follow the exact same formula of spouting empty platitudes, five minute 'research' and ass-kissing to stand even a chance of consideration

You mean you don't actually make any money yet and you still live with your parents?

So HR can do even less while they whinge about unimportant bullshit.

>trying this hard the bloated mess that is the hiring process
You must work in HR or recruiting. I'm saying that its a very viable option, because resumes or cover letters can absolutely be thrown out if they're not formatted correctly.

The worst shit now is not only that but the fact they have this bullshit where I need to fill out my education and past employment twice in a row but this recruiting agency bullshit basically everywhere now. Oh gee golly do I sure love going to a job interview with some third party and then giving them my social security and giving them the right to perform a background check, phone numbers of my references, my email addresses, home address, and other assorted private information only to find out when I leave that they'll never call me back!

The same reason the fucking stupid applications ask what day you were born and have 31 days in November. Fuck them and give me a goddamn job NOW!

Your "resume" doesn't automatically fill out your info, the electronic form does. Fuck people under 30.

no. only people who go for that are power tripping fatasses. i'm awesome. and i bow to no one. who the fuck are you?

What do you mean by engineer? Web/software dev all the same thing

hahahah so instead of paying people properly, you'd rather threaten people's lives? with that?

guns run out of bullets, loser.

Actually they're called "Staffing agencies" or whatever. I can't seem to get an interview with the actual employer ever. I'm always given directions to one of these "Staffing agencies" that are like fucking an hour away from wherever the actual job site is. Its such bullshit

Lol take a look at this guy.