What Devil Fruit would you eat if you had the chance?
Hard mode : You're still as weak as a normal human
What Devil Fruit would you eat if you had the chance?
Hard mode : You're still as weak as a normal human
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Just about any Logia would be the easy choice, Enel's being the most practical. Barring that, I've always thought Wapol's fruit was really interesting or honestly Luffy's since stretching would be neat.
>stretching would be neat.
but any logia can do that and mochi does it better.
Enel's or Marco's
Daibutsu or Human fruit. Logia are generally just "Hey, there is more of you to hit" while Paramecia are so overpowered that its just not fun.
>Logia are generally just "Hey, there is more of you to hit"
if you have haki that is
Generally that's how this shit works though, right? The further you get, the more enemies that have Haki to fuck you.
Like in a video game where enemies have Null Physical so you eventually learn Pierce Phys to compensate.
hana hana fruit
not even a contest
Goro Goro no Mi, being probably the most practical logia.
Kizaru can create plasma and run experiments CERN can barely financially afford.
I rather have Kizaru's fruit because I could also travel in space much faster than anybody else.
Depends on what kind of occupation you want.
If you had Kuma's fruit, you could push out concepts like pain and damage from people without the need for drugs.
Bartolomeo seems to be the most newbie friendly. Even if you yourself are weak as fuck, the barriers would defeat seasoned fighters.
Gimmie Marco's Phoenix Fruit.
Tori tori no mi, model Phoenix. You get to recover from anything, probably live forever, and can fly. What else could you possibly want?
Invi fruit.
Fuck fighting strength. All I care is how to please myself even further.
Mane Mane no Mi (Bon Kurei's)
Sure, the initial contact would be difficult to pull off sneakily, but once that's done, it'd be useful as hell. The first thing that comes to mind is probably the sexual stuff, but I'd rather use it to occasionally disappear into a new life.
Big Mom's fruit 100%
you don't need to be stronger than a normal human if you can make literally any other object fight for you
I have nothing to discuss, One Piece edition starter pack:
Devil fruits
One Piece treasure
Void century
Will of D
The electric one so I could bring myself back from the dead like a faggot.
Probably Shadow Bushin no Jutsu
Why? Why do you want to get into fights?
You still feel pain you know. What the fuck would you put yourself into a situation where you have to regenerate yourself.
Logias can recover just like Marco.
Nope, Marco still ages. Stop being an idiot.
There are better devil fruits that offer flying,
Only if you have a fucking heart attack.
Brooke is the actual revival one.
Invisibility or hormone powers would be fun to fuck around. Especially with the hormone powers, I'd feel like a better version of Ranma with extras
Pudding's memo memo, you could basically have infinite freedom with this one. Also I suspect it would work on computers.
How so? It's easier getting an actual hypnotism fruit instead.
Cause I want to be a huge-ass flaming bird.
Granted if there were like, a Legendary Zoan Dragon-Type Fruit (preferably European-style rather than an Eastern like Momonosuke's SMILE) then I'd eat that instead.
The mirror fruit is outstanding.
Imagine being a thief with a magic hideout that no one could ever find.
Robin's fruit.
>go to look up this stuff on the wiki
>wiki uses the japanese fruit names even though it's way harder to see what each thing actually is and almost all of them have direct translations
but why?
Why not just get a swamp logia, instead, idiot.
Just get the Mochi Fruit.
With the mirror fruit I can enter in any house in the world, disguise my appearance and escape easily.
Must be hard to maintain a proper list in a simple wiki. Man I'm glad that the German wiki at least kinda keeps a well documented list of all the fruits
Bara Bara or Hana Hana. Those seem like the most useful fruits for practical use in real life.
Listed in order of popularity
Obvious Logia answer
Faux logia fruits/substance producing Paramecia: (poison-poison without diarrhea)
Ito ito
Panther or other carnivore zoan
That Door Door fruit. Teleporting, stealth, putting doors on other people, great utility.
what if they own guns?
What if they keep large dogs in the house?
>Nobody even mentions eating the Soul fruit.
Are you guys kidding me? I'll just use that. Literally become the biggest pimp on the planet. I'll buy some sex dolls and put my soul into them and pimp them out. It's ingenious, and there's no law saying that you can't pimp out sex dolls so I'll be a perfectly legal pimp.
baba baba no mi also known as the mythologic zoan of god
Devil Fruits offer nearly 0 disadvantages for most people as Seastone doesn't exist in our world and nearly no one cares about the sea. So I would take pretty much any fruit I could get. I guess modo modo or bonneys fruit would be neat so i could keep my pets alive for ever.
>You still feel pain you know. What the fuck would you put yourself into a situation where you have to regenerate yourself.
I'm not talking anime shit like being impaled, I'm talking realistic damage, like internal organ damage from unhelathy lifestyle and aging.
>Logias can recover just like Marco.
No, they can evade damage by switching into element, but once damaged they have to recover like normal humans, while Marco got wolverine-like regeneration.
>Nope, Marco still ages. Stop being an idiot.
There's no evidence to say either, but it makes sense that if he constantly regenerates with flames he can live eternally, phoenixes are immortal after all.
>There are better devil fruits that offer flying,
Such as?
Mane mane fruit because it seems like it would be a lot of fun. It's the fruit that Bon Clay ate.
Big Mom's fruit. The amount of bullshit and ass you can pull is insane.
>one day have need of your soul(s)
>recall them from your sex dolls
>die of dehydration and mindbreak as you orgsm endlessly from the experiences your rented out sex dolls had
no thanks
>slip-slip fruit
>become a handsome chad immune to most physical damage that only has to be careful to wear good shoes
Pika Pika no Mi or go full Dr. Dolittle and eat Hiso Hiso no Mi.
Hypnotism is powerful but the ability to view and write someones memory is more nuanced. Being actually able to see someones memory is the most powerful aspect of the fruit.
Machvise's Ton Ton no Mi.
You can only do that one person at a time though compared to group or mass hypnotism.
Also, who cares about seeing memory when you can hypnotize the person into spilling out the entire truth or make them perfectly reenact their prior actions.
Sorry but viewing memory isn't as powerful as you think it is.
You're gonna eat your words when Timeskip Marco is revealed and he has white or grey hair from massive stress and depression.
Aokiji's fruit, just so I can make groan-worthy ice puns
This is the only correct answer.
The lady from Film Gold had a cool fruit. Luck powers seem useful.
Marcos fruit is shit.
If you want immortality without getting bored, Bonney's Fruit is better.
Bonney's devil fruit is like the Immotral Jellyfish who regress back in age in order to fix DNA damage.
With Bonney's fruit, you can experience your youth all over again or you can make your friends and family young again.
This is something you can't do with Marco's fruit.
Perpetual youth is what you gain if you have Bonney's fruit.
i wonder what would happen if i ate Chopper's fruit.
Would i become twice as human?
Would i develop some kind of psychological problem?
I want to know... I NEED TO KNOW.
Oda said if a humans its that fruit he'll become "enlightened", whatever that's supposed to mean.
Tesoro's fruit.
Ivankov's Hormo-Hormo fruit, not even a question
>can turn self into a cute girl
>can turn others into cute girls
>basically immunity to poisons as you are a walking antidote
>can turn self into a cute girl
>can fix most health problems for yourself and others
>can turn self into a cute girl
>still usable in creative ways to become stronger
I imagine you'd become a hyper-intelligent captain America; god-tier stats in everything; Intelligence, Strength, Stamina, Reflexes, it'd be great. You'd probably become the first Worlds Greatest Martial Artist, even better than fishmen
Become Buddha if you want to consider the enlightened part.
But I think Oda means you can become Prime Garp if you are a human and eats the Human Human Fruit since Garp in his Prime was probably the perfect human without a devil fruit.
Yami Yami no Mi
>Can cancel out other devil fruit users powers if they try to fight me
>Can fucking steal their powers and add it to my own, if I really want another power to go along with it
Go big, or go home
Kaze kaze no mi. The power to blow my enemies away, to focus wind in any part of my body, and to fly using it.
it's Oda. It means only you become a true human. Basically nothing changes. Or you learn to shit better, or some other gag on the like
That would be real useful in a world with no devil fruits
So am I to assume that I have the ONLY magical fruit there is. In a world where this magical cursed fruit can exist...but the others can't?
Doesn't make sense at all
Have they gone into the origins of the Devil Fruit yet? Isn't it just a teesny bit ominous with that title?
The Kaze Kaze no mi probably doesn't exist because that shit would be more powerful than Big Moms fruit. Imagine having to take on a guy that, upon Awakening his fruit, could turn any stretch of Ocean into the Calm Belt by redirecting the wind, summon hurricanes on a whim and blow anything away with the kind of tornadoes you only see on Jupiter. Monstrous.
It's probably Dragon's fruit.
I would'nt be surprised if the fruit turned out to be the only Devil Fruit that was categorized as an Ancient weapon.
Give me a fruit I can make money on, like enel's, create a monopoly on the power market
Paw Paw. It's the most useful for everyday life and strong as fuck
Oh shit, you're really onto something here with Bonney's fruit.
>Eat Bonney's fruit
>Become a walking fountain of youth.
>Advertise myself and have the richest and oldest motherfuckers come to me in order to be young again.
>charge them like a million dollars if they wanna be a teenager again
Now THAT'S getting rich quick. Holy fuck, I definitely would get Bonney's fruit then.
dicks and pussies everywere, like in my hentai manga
Bonney's fruit would be great, but if you think realistically, (and probably that's the same in the OPuniverse), if you displayed this kind of power, you'd be kidnapped by the government and forced to do their business, or experimented and shit
So the most logical solutions would be a devil fruit with an ability that you don't use in a too flashy manner, or being an unstoppable force of nature that can't be trapped
I honestly find myself imagining having a devil fruit sometimes to help and you know what?
The Yami Yami no Mi. For cleaning. Think about it, you can expand your dark veil and suck all the dirt from the floor, and make whole piles of garbage disappear. It would make life so much easier. Even for acting as a jerk.
Can't find parking ? Suck a motherfucker's car in the darkness.
Need to hide drugs? Stash 'em in the darkness
Thinking in great, you could dispose of every garbage dump on earth, but that would mean the kidnapping scenario as you're easily hurted
Until one of the kidnaps you and keeps you in a basement forever.
This one.
Why do people choose their abilities as if you are going to be constantly shonen fighting? Choose an ability you can exploit for money, fame, etc
>guys come to kidnap me
>turn them into babies and kick them in the balls
Kidnapping someone without a person touching them at all is hard as shit.
What if they wear full body hazmat suits when they come for you? Theres no skin to touch there
i do agree that Goro Goro no mi and marco's fruit are overpowered and almost invincible, but guys, you will be the only one with this world with this powers, and you are certainly not looking forward to take control over the world, so i might aswell pick something you'll have more fun with ( you can still have fun with the fruits mentioned above but come one, there are even more fun ones). the one i personally like is the kilo kilo fruit (miss valentine's) i always liked the idea to float like a cloud or punching people with 10,000 kilograms of force
The Buddha one is pretty cool.
Also Monet's
underrated AF
the mero mero fruit would be practical in a world with no other fruits
someone pisses you off just stone them
Pika Pika no Mi or whatever Enel's was.
You underestimate the power and force that would come after you if you were able to do that and had the nerves to advertise it.
They would send a literal army of people with tranq guns to take you out in full body armor and it would be nonstop.
Sleeping/tear gas, flash bangs, tasers.
You would be kidnapped. Kept in a lab and studied for the rest of your life.
Look at how easily Blackbeard captured Bonney and multiply that times 10000x
Only if you're attractive user.
>Hard mode : You're still as weak as a normal human
Logia obviously. It's no fun if you get shot by other pirates on your first adventure.
Burd fruit. Become immune to bombs.
You could exploit almost any fruit for money or fame. May as well take one that also let's you wipe out an army if some government wants to capture you.
Gum Gum