How can Mr trump go on tv and say he favours taking guns, then applying due process, without the right (you guys) flipping the fuck out?
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How can Mr trump go on tv and say he favours taking guns, then applying due process, without the right (you guys) flipping the fuck out?
Pic unrelated
because when you are desperate enough, when you absolutely need to believe, you will tell yourself hurr durr 4D chess.
this kind of mental gymnastics prevents severe depression and justifies doing fuck all and just staying in a holding pattern in your mom's basement.
Becuase he said wacky shit about DACA too and fucked over the dems hard with it. He’s earned the benefit of the doubt.
Firstly there was a specific context - if an obviously troubled kid who's concerned family calls the FBI, says he's going to shoot up a school on the internet and calls the FBI ON HIMSELF - you probably should take his guns while you get a mental assessment on him.
Secondly judge the man on his actions, not his token words to temporarily appease leftists in a time when they have momentum against you.
Everyone that paid attention knew Trump was capable of this. I just rolled my eyes and said "there's the Trump I couldn't vote for".
It must be sad to be a hardcore maga supporter though.
>not voting for Trump
Get a load of this faggot.
4d chess, m8.
What’s the fastest way to MAGA?
because he obviously isnt going to do anything
sounds like a good way to get assassinated
The feds trying to take guns gets me hard. I've been waiting years living a boring life just to fight in another civil war and wipe out any people I deem undesirable in this country.
I'm not sure that even you know what you mean anymore. "4d chess" is increasingly sounding like "I have no idea"
I'm not convinced president trump knows what he's doing either sometimes.
Yeah I bet you think he just tripped over and made all those billions of dollars by mistake and became a TV star out of luck and accidentally singlehandedly won the highest office on the planet......
We all flipped out and threatened civil war. Ask my congressmen.
They did flip the fuck out and we had around 5-6 threads per hour about it. It was pretty shitty, but the gun-nut 'tisms seem to have calmed the fuck down and welcomed themselves back to reality.
>Lock up and violate man's rights based on his words.
>Judge man based on his actions, not his words.
Pick one faggot.
That's cute and all but he called the FBI ON HIMSELF.
What’s the fastest way to MAGA, faggot?
Is that a crime? I call the FBI sometimes, because I'm lonely.
Hang the pedos and Kikes on live television.
Well don't act like you've had your rights violated when they read your post on the internet saying you're going to be a school shooter and take your guns away.
I used to be pro 2nd amendment and pro term limits but if Trump wants to take away all of our guns and be dictator for life then I support that. I really don't care about the Constitution anymore. If Trump wants to remove it and just do whatever he wants that's okay with me. I think Trump is more important than the Constitution because he's rich.
That is absolutely a violation of my rights and I will shoot any nigger in the face who tries it.
>made all those billions of dollars by mistake
Dude lost money running a casino. That's virtually mathematically impossible. I think his business acumen is debatable at best. As for being a tv star, do you think Paris Hilton is intelligent?
Clinton won the presidency, do you think he's something special?
I'm struggling to understand the thought processes of trump supporters at the moment, it seems like doublethink.
Art of the Deal.
There are a lot of Democrats and Republicans now officially on board with "take the guns first, due process later". Trump is known for handing his opponents the rope they need to hang themselves with.
Days before at the CPAC meeting, Trump was bemoaning the growing complacency of the right. Low energy, if you will. Days later, he simultaneously fired the sleeping right up as well as single-handedly helped to create the 2018 and 2020 political commercials.
Some of us have been paying attention to politics for decades, longer than many of the people at this website have been alive. You notice when there's a player who isn't part of the normal club.
Now watch what Trump does.
Anyone who has read his early books understands his tactics.
He made a deal with the devil didn't he?
I hear the devil always comes to collect though.
Trump didn't write that book and has never read it.
Gorilla Channel
He can't take the guns. We would shoot him.
I guess you missed all the threads were Sup Forums was flipping the fuck out.
People calmed down a lot after it started to become clear that Congress wasn't going to pass shit, though.
I read it! I read it!
It says that Jack Parsons screws over the empire because he's a Jungian.
4D chess
He wrote in his 2000 book that he was into the AWB. I heard him in a news bite from 02 he wanted longer waiting times before buying firearms. I never trusted him, I don't fucking care if he puts a conservative on the Supreme Court. Roberts is a conservative but he still upheld Obamacare and helped citizens united.
Been away from the interwebs for a while.
Are the mainstream right press also freaking out in the USA, or is it just silence?
I don't know why people were so surprised by this. I mean he doesn't want to get rid of them entirely, but he's not a hardliner on gun rights either. He's always been center to center-right on guns.