This is how perfect Europe looks like, prove me wrong
>he put finland with sweden but not austria with hungary
explain yourself quickly
oh! I'm legit colourblind and your choices are just bad.
albania is extra lebensraum for serbia
Germany gets up to western polish corridor borders
Russia has slight border adjustment with romuania
corsica to italy
luxembourg to germany
>albania is extra lebensraum for serbia
Serbians are subhumans just like albanians eventualy all of Balkanniggers will be used for libenstroum
>Germany gets up to western polish corridor borders
Why Exacly?There are allmost no ethnic germans in western poland.
>Russia has slight border adjustment with romuania
>corsica to italy
>luxembourg to germany
Luxemburgans arent ethnici germans they are their own thing and they have their own langiage.
God no.
united kingdom of england,wales, scotland and ireland
>giving the Germans this much land when you know what they're going to do with it (again)
>no United States of Greater Austria
Sort yourself out.
>Gives Ukrainian land to Russia, but not to Romania, Poland and Hungary
>Gives Northern Transylvania to Hungary
>Splits Switzerland and Anschlusses Austria to Germany, but Eastern Prussia is still Polish
>Serbia has Bosnia, Macedonia and Montenegro but not Kosovo
>Bulgaria doesn't get Macedonia
>Greece is only halfway towards the Megali Idea
>Luxembourg isn't part of the French Empire
>Gives Slovenia to Croatia
>Gives Ireland to the UK instead of unifying the island
>Czechoslovakia even though neither the Czechs nor the Slovaks want it anymore
>Is Latvian but prefers to live in a fake country made up of three different ethnic groups that will probably be ruled by Lithuanians
Are you retarded, OP?
Also, no Belorussian buffer state, literally 0/10
reasonably close
>the caucasus
kick the churkas out of the federation
it's shit land anyway, just use it for military power projection by turning the little states into puppets
Why isn't the Western part of Poland given back to Germany?
Istria, Zagorje would be nice but the rest we don't want and is rightful Serbian clay.
>the Baltic fleet is blocked
>the Northern fleet is blocked
>border is 0 km away from St. Petersburg
A perfect Europe wont include Bosnia, Albania or Romania
>Britain hasn't been sunk in the ocean
plz kys this is all but perfect
>G*rmany still exists
shut up Slovene, you don't know anything about rightful clay, you 'fought' for 6 days for your pathetic strip of quasi-Austria
appendex 1
Hm, tell me more about great wars in the history of New Zealand, Kiwi.
I'm a Croat on holiday in NZ, your history is one of subservience to greater slavs.
Kill yourselves
>no Byzantine empire
Janka atpisies. Gandrīz katru nolādētu dienu kad es te ienāku tu te sēdi un pis smadzenes. Nekad nav bijusi un nebūs nekāda "perfekta Eiropa"
Un lemjot pēc tavas kartes tev laikam likās ka Padomju Savienība bija vistuvākais tam ko tu uzskati par perfektu. Vienkārši jauki.
Nekad mēs nebūsim viena valsts ar Estopederastiem, tu pseidoglobālistu ziemas ķirsi.
Vispār tev skolā/darbā nav jābūt?!
>Kaliningrad in Lithuania
>Kaliningrad Oblast ethnic composition: 9,769 Lithuanians (1.1%)
looks legit :D
>Germany gets up to western polish corridor borders
I think it's obvious - If the germans begin to expand, they will take up their historical territories.
>corsica to italy
Corsican is a dialect of Italian, that is, Corsica is rather Italy than France.
>luxembourg to germany
Same, luxemburgish it's dialect of german.
all xorosho, tovarish )))
he's 25% german obviously
>Albania exists
t. shiptar diaspora
>Turkey owns Constantinople
you had one job
Why do you, dumbs, so often draw Karelia and Murmansk region, as part of Finland? Are you really doing this, just because it looks beautiful on the map and it's close? There are literally no finns. It's not finnish and never was except for very small pieces in the east which were received after the winter war.
And what the fuck with Ukraine? Why some of this is independent and most part is russian? It has no sense. It may be only either independent entirely or part of Russia.
>he put finland with sweden
I question the trustworthiness of your advice given your shit geography.
What the actual fuck?
Alright, I'll bite.
Denial is the first stage of acceptance of the inevitable, Vanja
>No Yugoslavia
>Germany exists
No. Bad map.
>Ireland not part of UK
No. Bad map.
Considering your poor english you must be the one behind the memeballs
Un tev pašam nav jābūt darbā dauni?
Beautiful :3
>Switzerland wiped off the map
>Ireland wiped off the map
>all Baltic states are united for some reason
>Serbia has all of Bosnia, Montenegro and Macedonia for some reason (we literally don't need Macedonia) but not Kosovo
>Croatia has no land in Bosnia
>Italy doesn't have Istria
>Bulgaria doesn't have Macedonia
>Bulgaria doesn't have DVA MORETA
>All Nordic countries are united
Your map is shit
Also Greece should have Epirus
>Switzerland wiped off the map
yes since its an artificial country they dont have ethnic swiss peoples, only krauts frogs and italians.
>Ireland wiped off the map
Most irish dont even speak irish lalnguage only english, and they and brits are basicaly the same people geneticaly.
>all Baltic states are united for some reason
Our countries share a lot of history and culture and geneticaly we are basicaly the same thing, we have simmilar average heights, blonde and blue ayed people, models per capita etc.
>Serbia has all of Bosnia, Montenegro and Macedonia for some reason (we literally don't need Macedonia) but not Kosovo
Balkans are fucking strange dont even start m8
>All Nordic countries are united
Just like baltics they are basicaly the same thing
Just add Finnmark and Norrbotten to Finland and it's pretty good.
>yes since its an artificial country they dont have ethnic swiss peoples, only krauts frogs and italians.
Switzerland has existed since 1291, I think it should exist
>Most irish dont even speak irish lalnguage only english, and they and brits are basicaly the same people geneticaly.
But they still have a distinct culture, also I don't think they would take kindly to Brits ruling over them again
>Our countries share a lot of history and culture and geneticaly we are basicaly the same thing, we have simmilar average heights, blonde and blue ayed people, models per capita et
Ok fair enough
>Balkans are fucking strange dont even start m8
WHY would I want a bunch of Bulgarians in denial living in the same country as me? I'll gladly take Skopje but I don't want the rest
>Just like baltics they are basicaly the same thing
I'm pretty sure they tried to all be a same country once and it broke up
>WHY would I want a bunch of Bulgarians in denial living in the same country as me? I'll gladly take Skopje but I don't want the rest
Gib back the western outlands then. They are not even in denial.
>Gib back the western outlands then
Gladly, It's a small as fuck territory so it's not much of a loss
>Switzerland has existed since 1291, I think it should exist
Bavaria independent NOW
I just hate waiting 1hour at that stupid border when I go to eat cheap pleaskavici in Caribrod.
what do the colors mean?
Ok, but the capital of that Großedeutschland should be Wien/Vienna.
>Most irish dont even speak irish lalnguage only english, and they and brits are basicaly the same people geneticaly
>Most irish dont even speak irish lalnguage only english, and they and brits are basicaly the same people geneticaly.
There you have it. Irish are basically Italian. LOL
>greater Finland meme
>Åhlan isn't even part of the scandinavian union
m8 whenever genetic tests are made british and irish are put as one thing.
But grossdeutchland dosent make much sence m8, it did in last century but not anymore, what you whant millions of poles and russians in your cuntry?
we already had millions of poles in 1900
Hey little besugo, gib Trieste, Istria and Dalmazia
Beautiful Maghreb t b h
I want a access to the adria (Küstenland)
You already have access to the sea in the north
I know, I want a german adria coast
(it's a personal dream)
oh, god NOOOOO
No Trieste and Istria then, keep a port in Dalamazi
>corsica to italy
Yeah let's give Italy a french speaking region
That feel when poor neighbour Belarus is denied a place in Perfect Europe.
Those nuragici are better with us
This is the work of a cretin.
Ahh a united Ireland i could get behind
Used to be a cool idea, but you started letting the sandniggers in by the millions and ruined it.
We no longer want it.
I want this as a federal state
Not gonna happen
why would we annex Slovenia? We're linguistically completely different, makes more sense to take 50% of bosnia
>albania still exists
beause the terretory belongs to 3 diffrent nations
Fixed it
found the siptar
I'd get nuked into the Atlantic before submitting to Anglo cunts.
Back to the steppes tatar nigger
No, one nation, ours
I see People like to devide Belgium between France and the Netherlands. This is fucking retarded as Flanders should be it's own seperate state. You can have the Walloons
Would be ok if it wasnt for your retarded political leaders who let in millions of violant low IQ uneducated unskilled barbarians and floded the continent with them.
>Strasserite German Union
>third positionism all over Europe
>actual nation-states
Fucking amazing
> Germanistan still exists...
I meant today...
Do you speak Irish?
Baltics arent even slavs dumbass, we'r compleatly diferant group.