Give me the basic political gestalt on the CIA
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clandestine subversion organization
rockefeller/rothschild syndicate
democracy breeds this type of cancer
Mossad blames the CIA for everything they do.
elaborate? My basic understanding is that democracy creates internal faction within a body (nation) due to striving for equality, and bakes power struggle into every level of the political system and thus into the collective psyche of its inhabitants
goodfellas who fight terrorist and doesn't afraid of anything
glow in the dark niggers
you are like little baby
Bunch of glowing in the dark niggers
controlling the flow of information to the public in a democracy always becomes a war between cartels
theyre unaccountable
they stage events to murder civilians to affect the political process
it gets to the point where establishing control at every level of every endeavour is justified
"Polygraph panic: CIA director fretted his vote for communist -"
The ((((CIA)))) is basically a far-left fifth column trying to undermine the elected President.
They are Facebook, Google, Amazon, and Paypal. They are also USAID and all their fake NGOs (including save the children), said to have unlimited funds, some of USAID NGOs started the revolutions in Egypt and Afghanistan. They own Airplane and car-making companies. They own General Electric. They have infiltrated every single US University with people with fantastic (albeit fake) credentials, then those people bring their own teams and projects until takeover is complete. That is the reason why Universities have all simultaneously turned to shit and SJW cancer, and became propaganda machines spreading blatant lies like Global Warming and Wage gap.
Got heavily infiltrated by Communists in the 20th Century, and now have become the biggest criminal enterprise in the world.
I had a pig I was going to feed some cia agents to and a Mexican cartel guy but my wife said don’t do it because she didn’t want to have to move because she likes where we live now. If it wasn’t for her, oh boy, would I have done some inhumano things to that Mexican... I would have kept him alive but transformed him from a man to a pet.
need some drugs shipped in from hellhole,Earth? These are your guys. Not liking how a democracy is function? Well you're in luck, these people do it for FREE. That's right you heard me. FREE.
Really good at overthrowing governments. Really bad at knowing what to do next.
High on an inflated sense of purpose and importance. Overclassified and organizationally siloed to the point of comedy. Full of Russian moles since day 1.
Bad at collecting useful, accurate intelligence.
Read “Legacy of Ashes” for the full version
Owned & operated by MI6 connected Masons.
"White Hats" within in are fed narrative that ultra-deep cover is part of long-road strategy.
Truth is that the road leads to nowhere and the organization is ultimately 100% criminal cult.
Fuck off CIA niggers.
>ultra-deep cover
Ultra-deep cover in what? Maybe I'm retarded. You mean that self-described "white hats" are convinced to do obviously "black hat" activities while being fed a lie of a bigger picture?
Cocks In Asses.
Secret code for soy boy Democrat bum boys only club.
There breath smells sperm and shit for a reason.
The CIA is a highly respectable government agency full of men and women dedicated to securing and protecting our country
: ^ )
CIA was alive 200,000 years ago.
//agents see//
there are no white hats
When I see your ass glowing in the dark, CIA nigger, expect me to run you over with my car.
>Really good at overthrowing governments. Really bad at knowing what to do next.
they overthrow then set up shop with their specialties - weapons, drugs, human (sex, slave, organ) trafficking, influence peddling
anything they can monetize from the people to the land they use to fill up their black budgets
watch "the good shepherd"
They grow and sell heroine and cocaine.
Kill honest people.
Try all sorts of false flags like Port Arthur, 9/11, Sandy Hook, boston bombing, LV, and Parkland.
Its the shadow cabal government that robs Americans by the Trillions to fund their massa Israel.
The Military Industrial Complex that Kennedy and Eisenhower warned against are now the Military, Intelligence and Industrial Complex and they, through a black budget of billions (at least 25% of the military budget cannot be accounted for, for starters, and CIA ownership of the drug trade and Afghanistan poppy fields help) and they perform clandestine acts and are a shadow government unaccountable to the President, Congress or the People.
Yes, sowing anti-American sentiment wherever they go, creating all sorts of armed, angry chickens who inevitably come home to roost. Fuck the CIA.
Out of control, secret unaccountable deep state. CIA is an institutional mafia.
All you need to know is The Council on Foreign Relations
Their a pretty big player in asymmetrical Geo political warfare but lately their influence has been crashing.
>white hats
no such thing exists,trump won because military industrial complex wanted it .
They fight the bad guys and by bad i mean the public and by fight i mean sabotage everything good
> Grow up watching bond films
> Become spy because fucking awesome life
> Encounter hot American female spy
> Suck feminine penis
This actually happens
CIA = see eye
Doubles confirms cia in da thread
Once you suck dick and take it up the butt at the Skull and Bones you're set
>"The military is too stupid to figure it out"
Treasonous group of fuck heads that takes orders from the shadow gov.
deep-state cucks
this but the council on foreign relations and the trilateral commission helped create it, oh and literal nazis
has turned into an unconstitutional organisation that helps the military industrial complex and they did 9/11 with israel and saudis andmany other parts of the american government
noice one lad
MOSSAD wannabies.
i mean look at failed PARKLAND FF how fucking dump can you be as an alphabet corporation
Here is a quick rundown on Who they work for
Possibly behind the failed coup attempt in Turkey back in July of 2016. Their guy Gulen is still chilling in rural Pennsylvania.
Just another agency in the (((community)))
Looking at what the dulles brothers were upto, they are likely more loyal to banks, corporations, round table groups and aristocratic societies than the burgers that pay them.
That said gizza job pls
The kgb was having massive success in the states and canada from the 50s, they infiltrated the OSS from day , impressive.
yea fuking CFR commies incl. DULES bros & ZIGGY B
literally a excerpt from a paper i wrote 4 uni like 4 years ago
>Well, the times have changed now and such a threat to civil rights leaders nowdays, I believe, would be almost nonBexistent, yet still it was an enlightening experience for me to hear her opinion on such a difficult matter. Returning to the previously started topic, speaking against war numerous times publicly and in front of a large audience, could indeed be against the interests of both finacial and political elites in America. In 1960 Elmo Roper (CFR) delivered an address and a phamlet, both entitled “The Goal is Goverment of All the World“, in which he said: “For it becomes clear that the first step toward world government cannot be completed until we have advanced on the four fronts: the economic, the military, the political and the social“(I Dare Call It Treason, p. 125). I find it quite ironic though, that being a communist was the main charge against Martin Luther King up untill his death in 1968 and also knowing, that althought each US president is granted a certain space for own decisions, most and usually all of his closest personal advisers are
members of the thinkBtank Council on Foregin Relations, this is what Harvard Professor and an important figure in CFR Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote in 1970, speaking quite favorably about Marxism in Between Two Ages: America in the Technetronic Era: “Marxism represents a further vital and creative stage in the maturing of man’s universal vision. Marxism is simultaneously a victory of the external (...) and a victory of reason over belief“(p. 35 ; quote found in: I Dare Call It Treason; p. 139). It is safe to assume nevertheless, that people’s opitions do change over time, so maybe the quotation above should not be a surprise at all.
after submitting this paper the SS took one librarian at the faculty out (literally one day after my paper submission) ... no fucks given
Dont see anything controversial in thre desu.
Maybe it was for seal posting
dk, are you a Fed?
There is nothing basic about the cia.
Part 1:
that things was strange, an artificial failed CIA coup where the innocent turkish military didnt know what was going on trying to over throw the CIA puppet erdogan wtf
from wiki: Several leading members of the Young Turk movement, a group of modernist revolutionaries who brought down the Ottoman Empire, were Dönmeh.
Ive the feeling the turks got wind of a coup attempt and tricked them into acting early and half arsed. Turdogan was in Bodrum when it happened, well out of harms way. The rapid consolodation of power that followed was too fast not to be pre planned.
Fuck off glow in the dark nigger.
or more likely they CIA played both parts of the puppet show just to weaken the turkish military and help erdogan to try and get some more power
Yes, we've commited some questionable actions. We've also done many many good things that people have not heard about. Even though we have a quest to try and bring more of heaven to earth, more positivity, with America leading the way, the bad is here to stay as well. The law of rythm and pendulum swings aren't going anywhere. Pizzagate has awoken a few powerful minds and motivated them to get off their asses and do what they can to walk with God and do His work to help rid the world of evil. A catalyst it was to call GOOD men to action. We play both sides to speed up the swings. We're not all bad, and don't be surprised if/when we make contact with you if we think you're capable of keeping secrets and taking good care of yourself.
/end larp
Possibly, that explains how they're using the refugees in Turkey to black mail the EU. The CIA wants conflict on Europe. All so Israel can sell us gas with Turkey.
turks are redpilled AF u think where slavetrade originates from. + they bang t.qt.7yo GFs without giving a fuck
+ they r big on human sacrifices for the LULZ
Terry Davis is probably not crazy. He is also symptomatic of someone who was a project of MKULTRA
man u wouldnt believe me, still i met MENGELE like 2 weeks ago as his familiy and him live in my village
besides Dr. Green (mengele), did u hear of Dr. White and Dr. Red ?
CIA niggers ride the tiger and fuck up countries with their cocaine and anime degeneracy.
EICHMANN and MENGELE live in my village no joke
for real, also had a beer with one of them WTF>
reality is indeed stranger than fiction
Except america is a Republic...good story tho
CIA (or any 3 letter agency in america ever) = MOSSAD all you need to know
Most people don’t have a clue about what they do and attribute crimes to them.
Reality is they are the best intelligence service in the world hands down. Not perfect but in order to penentrate certain groups you have to go all in. They serve as an unchecked intelligence apparatus that serves at the pleasure of the US govt.
All your arguments are wrong and I guarantee not one CIA agent gives a fuck about what you think.
>Give me the basic political gestalt on the CIA
They exist to preserve their organization. They work for on one. They answer to no one. And half the time, one tentacle doesn't have a fucking clue what the other tentacles are doing.
This is literally retarded, nobody who actually consumes this information believes it, it is about as bad as flat earth, none of the people match, the ears aren't a 100% match, not even close. Some dumb jew even wasted their time creating these pictures in hopes that some goy would believe it.
They were running hard drugs into the US to destroy from within, then took profits and terrorized and killed the rest of the World.
Crimes Against Humanity!!!
They all deserve to die.
the cia runs covert operations for the interest of nato not america. a state of perpetual threat is required and when there isnt one one will be created by the cia
the pentagon admitted during the obama administration it was fighting the cia backed forces in iraq under bush
what they didnt want to mention was the cia was using mexicans that bush was giving a alternate path towards citizenship through military service. they wore the rags on their heads to hide their faces. people going on a real suicide mission dont need to do that. the goal was to try to encourage muslims to engage in militant behavior to create the endless war.
limited success in getting them to participate .in the end mercenaries from surrounding nations had to be used just like with the syrian "civil war".ultimately this fails in the sense that mexicans just tried to use it as leverage against the american government and kind of didnt realize how much they hate being blackmailed . they were still holding it over the governments head up until recently
if you want i can make a chart of american failures over time using cloak and dagger methods. every nigger that reads a tom clancy novel thinks they are a mastermind in america
lol no , when i showed one of them a nazi finger-gesture he was at least thrown of balance
MS PAINT master detected
Go back to looking at kiddie porn in your country you autist.
truth hurts i know, you'll eventually swallow the redpil ...
Hicks, niggers and losers from good families who couldn't even get into politics because they are so dumb all play James Bond. It's basically a nicer sounding DMV with the license to kill. They can't show their people because national security, and people will laugh. Brennan is a shiny example of this. Couldn't even go to good schools. Gets caught lying. So fucking stupid that he thinks he played everyone. I can't believe we pretend there is any use from these clowns.
you don't either, mister sensitive larper
they are the secret police for the fed reserve and the southern poverty law center is the propaganda and snitch for the fed reserve
and im ok with that
they worked hard to take your freedom = the green back$$$
So they deserve the fruits of there labor
They lie cheat and steal.
oh yea and the endless war is just layer 1
layer 2 is that its all just a distraction from other shit the government attempts globally. its failing miserably so all this effort, time, manpower, money and lives have been wasted. but nato got to pay for a bunch of hookers and fancy dinners so it all worked out in the end right?
A bunch of nigger hipsters who can't even do their job.
t. londonistan pakistani
There are many types of niggers:
>coconut niggers
>spaghetti niggers
>potato niggers
And not least among these are:
>CIA niggers
Whether they're White, Asian, black or glow in the dark - they're all niggers.
k. tks they piss me off at times, if i think of them as niggers will help me to accpt them + let them do their CIA-jobz