Let's play a game.

-Scenario: World War Three starts tomorrow between the USA and China
-Objective: Figure out who sides with who

You can add/correct my map or create your own if you'd link (link below). Give me your arguments for why each country sides with whoever. Let's try to fill the map as much as possible.

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Most of Europe is so cucked they'd probably side with China

why the fuck would russia side with u.s?
at best they'll stay out of it

>Not letting Poland have its own faction

>why the fuck would russia side with u.s?
china is a threat to the ruskis too and theyre closer to them. i dont think the west and russia will be best pals but i could see more cooperation and russia tilting toward the west. its much better than a 3 way war or even worse if the ruskis side with the chinks

There's no way in hell Russki wouldn't side with China

Netherlands would most certainly ally with america. We're the biggest ameriboos in europe.

explain, texas variant. i will pull up the data to back up my argument in a bit after i go for a smoke. i am not just blowing hot air or larping when i say i have a good reason to think russia is a natural allie in this scenario

Make us Chink Allies because we are clearly heading there because P-Duts doesn't have balls

Rusk probably won't help China, or atleast will let them be destroyed for a while and intervene when they are half-dead.

Pakistan and Russia will almost certainly side with China

this is my reasoning for why i think ruskis could easily side with the west in a ww3 scenario in pic related. youd have to read some of the text before it and a bit after to get the gist of his reasoning but its pretty solid me thinks

p. 36/1367

that sounds plausible tbqh

Why isn't India "Literal human excrement"?

It's Australia's policy not to get involved unless the USA is attacked directly, Malcolm told ne this personally.


i tweaked the map again. canada is basically usa jr. and i included the pakis siding with the chinks. idk enough about southeast asia but im guessing all those gook countries like laos and vietnam would side with the chinks

bump to read comment shitstorm in morning


Russia and China have weapon trade deals etc. and no beef with each other. If they were to expand, Russia would go west and China southeast.

All NATO countries (except maybe Turkey) would go with USA. Mexico would too, unless they had an actual army capable of taking on America (lol).
Other than that the map seems correct.

let me play devil's advocate. the US has basically bent over and spread its ass economically since around the early 70s to help china industrialize AND theyve gotten a lot of modern tech (specifically in the clinton admin iirc). my argument being that arms/tech trade doesnt mean much, business is business.

but i agree with ur point that russia wants to expand toward eastern yurope and the chinks want the south china sea and asian hegemony

i still dont buy into the idea that russian/western ties are that bad or that what you posit is substantial enough to warrant ruskis siding with the chinks. its been my speculation that dems and libs were thrown under the bus with the russian collusion narrative to smash a lot of old cold war era anxieties and build up a friendlier image of russia for next stage propaganda... but thats just by 2 cents

Your lack of knowledge is evident here. And that "excrement" part only delegitimized your entire attempt.

you are delusional. russia would wait for china to do as much damage to the US as possible, then take out america

great contribution to the thread
how is having an opinion delusional? i literally laid out material that goes beyond 4fat shitposters (actual academic work) to back up my argument

Not gonna help you get paid by Alphabet agencies for making better predictions than their shitty AI.

we need your collective neetsdom. pls save us 4chang

>how is having an opinion delusional?

because your opinion is delusional. the winner of a US-China war is russia

Russia is desperate because of the sanctions and has to deal with China more and more. It's not the reason why they would be on the same side but it brings them together more.

>i still dont buy into the idea that russian/western ties are that bad or that what you posit is substantial enough to warrant ruskis siding with the chinks.
Western / Russian ties ARE bad, there are elections and even civil wars centered over the allieagance to these two sides all over the world. If anything West/Russian ties are worse than West/Chinese.

>its been my speculation that dems and libs were thrown under the bus with the russian collusion narrative to smash a lot of old cold war era anxieties and build up a friendlier image of russia for next stage propaganda...
Dems and Republicans are ultimately irrelevant in the global scale. The American goals in the world remain more or less constant.


jesus help me. look up what 'delusion' and 'opinion' mean. a delusion is an assertion about falsehoods, an opinion is skeptical in nature, it's not an assertion. the only one that is delusional is you for thinking they can predict the future. i dont lose anything if my opinion doesnt become realized because im not invested in speculation, thats how theory crafting works
i didnt say us/russian relations are good, i said they arent that bad (eg how a lot of the media portrays it). im aware of what is happening in syria but at the end of the day the ME is fair game for both sides. it's a dying empire, a wasteland. the russians didnt even hype up when the us bombed their proxy warriors because they dont want the negative publicity, why?

saying the political parties of the strongest country/empire in the world are irrelevant is REALLY watering it down. just because foreign policy has remained more or less the same for the last two decades~ doesnt mean the two party system isnt being used for other means that have real impacts on the world
>If anything West/Russian ties are worse than West/Chinese.
how though? the US has cooperated a lot with the russians and visa versa even during the cold war. there was practically no relations between us/china until the early 70s starting with kissinger and then later nixon. theres a lot of tension but i guess im just not cynical about it
US gets obliterated/10

The relations are not as bad as the media portray them bud they still are pretty bad.

>the russians didnt even hype up when the us bombed their proxy warriors because they dont want the negative publicity, why?
Because they don't want to increase the already bad tensions.

>how though? the US has cooperated a lot with the russians and visa versa even during the cold war. there was practically no relations between us/china until the early 70s starting with kissinger and then later nixon
You nearly had a nuclear war with Soviets. Meanwhila China was kinda just isolated from the world.
Point is, the West would never ally with Russia.

>Americuck Ally

as the blind man told the deaf man, "we shall see."

Ignoring the African front is inaccurate
Africa will be a major source of conflict for their natural resources

WW3 will not be a nuclear war, but simply a repeat of the Cold War except with multiple sides all vying for supremacy.

>US gets obliterated/10
Clearly not, as great power on the US side we have the US, the UK, India, France, turkey, Japan and even Germany if they decide to uncuck themselves, while on the other side there is only China, Russia and Brazil.

Too many neocons still see the world through a dichotomous lens.
Russia and China work together to defeat American global hegemony.
Yet, what happens once America finally pulls back to it's own hemisphere?
Do you think China and Russia will remain best friends?

Tbqh russia will become a chinese satellite before WWIII start. China is currently colonizing Siberia and replacing the russian population, russia is literally africa tier outside of big cities while china is slowly becoming more and more western and will eventually become the world's hyperpower.

>Russia and China work together to defeat American global hegemony.
That's what's really happening now, idiot. America does it by themselves, you deserve it.

>America does it by themselves
le sigh. meme flags dont understand 29832D chess