this piece if shit honkey cracker is such a fucking rasist!!! you people always think us blacks are the problem??? you white supremasists is the fucking problem!!! us blacks are better stupid white people we build the pyramids and the tower of babel what did you build anything??? no thats what i thought
What the fuck white people!!
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Obvious b8
Get off of this board nigger, we don't need stupid porch monkeys that can't spell. Jesus you niggers are so stupid.
you're fucking stupid for responding to such obvious bait
OP isn't even black you idiot grow a brain
I swear, every nigger I've met talks just like this. Wouldn't be suprised if we had a genuine nog that wondered onto our board.
>Whites didn't build anything
What about every building in Europe idiot? Even most of the buildings in Africa were built by Europeans. Fucking niggers man.
the so called white man destroyed mother africa youre evil people are the reason why africa is so poor you took everything from us when you enslaved us!!!
me me burrito boy come to wash cars
No retard, the only reason why Africa has any cars, machinery, or food today is because of the West. You idiots never invented anything; not a form of writing, or a calendar, or agriculture, nothing.
>you took everything from
Oh sheeeit, they took away your sticks and stones.
Before we see this faggot getting hit and now responding because he is a profond fag.
I'd like to point out that I am 0:08 into this video no sound and I can already tell from the body language that I am looking a weak men and I ally with no weak men, or niggers, even if they think like me.
So please begone thot
you people are so fullish i hate white people
not just him all you crackers are
>got enslaved
I fended myself in a 5 v 1 and got 3 niggers down before the bouncers got them off me something like a month after pronouncing the word nigger around you guessed right fucking niggers.
I could make you roll in your own piss and shit with the shakes.
Kid is nervous, you're fine OP. Pretty sure this is a LARP for views on OP's part, but the thread is still pretty funny. I'll give you a full view and maybe a sub if I like it. Cheers pal, next video try meditation before you film it works really well for me.
>falling for bait this terrible
Shit niggers do.
Counter meme strike inbound
Good video subbed
you people kill us way more then we kill each other fucking liers! all you do is lie! everything you say is a lie!
Nice bait OP
el goblino judais
im hispanic and i agree with him, if it wasnt for the european colonization we would be EVEN worse, YES EVEN WORSE, do you want "a real" proof? just look at haiti and domenican republic, the domenican mulatos are a A LOT BETTER than the blacks in haiti.
and the domenicans mulatos hate the blacks from haiti because they are shit!!! they only know how to bring countries down and the few blacks that are worthy are just too few to compensate.
damn you crackers are inferior must be that High iq huh
the only reason why we in the dirt is cuz the white man put us theyre and you know it fool