capitalist culture everybody
Capitalist culture everybody
>$28k per month
wtf am i doing with my life
> all dogs go to heaven
> all furrys don’t
>$28,085 per month going to a NEET furry who makes... wait for me to finish looking this shit up... (Bisexual?) shitty furry porn games in flash
Communism when?
>the furfag is doing better then me
>Better rip this whole system because it didn't favor me
Do it better then fagget.
People in 2018 are still shocked that furries spend inordinate amounts of money on porn?
im not moraly bankrupt user. capitalism is an inhumane system that places 0 value on the essence of human life. Instead it tries to fill your life with endless worthless distractions
is anyone really surprised that a niche fetish pays more than a white collar job?
how fucking new are you?
Nothing wrong here. Supply and demand.
holy hell.. i think ill just kill myself now.. this guys "art" isnt even good.. fucking christ.. if it was atleast well drawn i could see this being a thing..
this is madness...
there's no inherent point to life. i guess starving to death really puts things into perspective though so i guess communism would be preferable in that sense. either way it's all distractions. i'd rather be distracted by which new carpet i want to buy instead of how the fuck am i going to get food tonight. that's just me
Its call not give him your money and exposure you dumb dyke nigger.
If it's so easy why aren't you doing it?
Even this shitty games takes months of coding, art design and testing.
I never mentioned comnunism
>providing a service that people want
>people pay for it
Whats the issue, its capitalism in work.
brainlets can never understand that there might be more than just communism and capitalism
>people giving their money to people for doing things triggers a commie
jew marx BTFO
In a correctly functioning society this wouldn't be a problem because all furries would be gassed. And capitalism would function properly due to there being no jews or furries.
not creating a rape simulator?
nobody else has the balls
I paid for the demo of that and it didn’t fucking work fuck
I can’t stand capitalist brainlets
Le market will fix it! Private enterprise private rules! Don’t worry about Google and Facebook censoring wrongthink the market will fix it and they have le right to censor their service despite no real competition!
Capitalists are leading us 1984 as quickly as commies because they just don’t see how the collusion between world governments and global economies means we don’t have a free market but a very much planned state economy on a global scale. Scrap your laissez faire ideology
I-it’s not real capitalism!
>Abandon free market capitalism!
It's not a free market if the government decides who wins and who loses based on bribes.
Bullshit, there's laws and mechanisms for breaking up monopolies, and limiting ownership of media outlets just for this reason.
Why an antitrust suit hasn't been brought against the google virtual monopoly is (anyone's) guess
It technically has competition, there are no laws to break up ogliarchies either. Capitalism has failed
>getting this worked by a shit post
So if it’s not a free market why treat it as one? Companies clearly need to be regulated if we are going by the current state managed “corporatism”. Or do you think leaving Google alone to brainwash the populace until your magic laissez faire capitalism manifests (it won’t) is a good idea?
>$30k/month patreon gibs
>oh shit nigga this must be good
>check out his games
>marginally above-average furry flash crap
>literally added "Give me your money" as a right-click menu option in Flash
How the actual fuck does this bring in triple what Yiffalicious does?
third link was supposed to be
>capitalists will seriously claim that a good furfag artist is worth more to society than a good doctor
Patreon is cucked as fuck, however, the premise of it is solid.
Rather than depend on (((hollywood))) middle-men, people can create content through the backing of their supporters without having to go through jewish middlemen.
capitalism makes people want things they wouldn't otherwise want
furfaggotry is a byproduct of capitalism
>doctor makes a handful of people a lot happier
>furry makes thousands of people a little happier
Meh, tossup.
You're not a NEET if you're creating and selling a product people are buying.
$30k a month to make crude animations of gay dog human hybrids...
there's a lot of furries that identify as communists, most of them are leftists too
If le overall happiness in the world increased...
Masturbation like this is unhealthy and doesn’t cause happiness
>muh capitalism
A: Workers give money to another worker to produce content
B: He produces that content
Where is the capitalist exploitation we hear communists about?
Are you saying there won't be artists in the new communist order?
Are you saying in the new communist order workers won't be able to support the artists they like?
yeah, no it doesnt. degenerates will be degenerate regardless.
>yeah no it doesn’t
The replacement of utilitarian goods with brands proves you wrong
>who makes
you don't understand how this works do you?
this, just complaining about it is prime slave mentality
I wish I could, but as soon as things don't work out as intended or I can't find a solution I just give up.
Truly suffering to lack the needs to realize your ideas.
>Where is the capitalist exploitation we hear communists about?
Strawman argument, no one claimed it exploitative.
There is however, a disconnect between wealth and merit, and a disconnect between wealth and morals.
You might think it fair, the masses are retarded deviants and capitalism gives them what they want. But at the end of the day why does it matter what fair is, when your society's moral fabric, structure and soul rots in front of your abstraction focused autistic ass.
Ancaps are as retarded as commies
Demand is being met by a supplier, nothing wrong here
This isn't a result of capitalism, just from an absence of moral authoritarianism.